Heeey again guys! =D

Sorry for the delay ^^ but I was out of ideas! =(

But… here is the next chapter of this story! =D

Thank u so much for the very cute reviews that u write to me! =D

And… "don'twannabetorn" =) Thank you so much for be interested in my fic! I really like your reviews!

And of course that I´ll keep writing YYY Fan Fics! I JUST LOOOOVE THIS SERIE! IS THE BEST! =D

And don`t worry if I delay, it`s just because I`m searching for ideas! =P really, THANK YOU! =D

And everybody, THANK YOU! =D

You rockzz! =D

Ok, so…let`s keep going =)

BTW… I have to say thanks to my BF Danny who helped me to find an idea to fix this fic J THANK U SO MUCH BF! :D

Chapter 5: Bringing You Back

Yang felt so worried, he didn`t know what to do, he just was lying on the floor, without any chance to think in something to save his sister…

-DON'T EVEN TOUCH HER!! – Yang yelled so angry, he wanted to make him stay away from Yin, but that was in vain…

-DO YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN STOP ME? Oh! You`re really more stupid than I thought! – Night Master said with mocking tone…

-[…I gotta do something! Whatever! If he hurts Yin… he will die!!...]- Yang thought, think in a moment like that was the worst thing that he could do… but he had to, no matter what…


Yin was so surprised, she really wanted to know who really "Yackie" was, the curiosity was getting her body slowly… she just couldn`t wait one more minute, something really big was going on and there`s no much time left…

-TELL ME NOW! YACKIE OR WHATEVER! WHO ARE YOU!? – Yin yelled, a bit angry, a bit impatient…

-I am… I`m Yuck Yin, sorry- "Yackie" said… looking at the ground with a sad gaze…

Yin heared "Yuck"… she heared so well? It was true!? Her enemie was there, in front of her, looking at her with sadiness on his gaze, with no feelings to hurt her…

-You..you…you are…Yuck? Are you kidding me!? – Yin yelled, she really didn`t know how she felt…

-Yes, but I don`t want to hurt you, really, I really wanted to be your friend, but I just can´t betray you… - Yuck said again, he just looked at the ground… he never raised his eyes…

- But.. why were you protecting me? I mean… I`m one of your enemies! – Yin said, without understand anything of the situation…

- I don´t know why Yin, really, I just felt that I had to protect you and I did.. now you should go, you´re in danger- Yuck said, his tone became more… firm…

- but… You will stay here!? Alone!?- Yin yelled, very surprised…

- I think so… - Yuck said…

- No way! I´m not gonna let you here Yuck, after all, you helped me and I´m so grateful with you- Yin said, blushing just a little…

Yuck gave her a smile… a real smile… he was just so happy to hear that!

-are you.. serious? – Yuck said, without believing what Yin said…

- very serious, thank you so much…- Yin said, blushing more every second…

- don´t even mention it Yin, I just did what I have to do..- Yuck said, this time he was blushing…

- No, you saved my life, thank you so much- Yin now was totally blushing, her voice was sweet…

- don't even mention it… - Yuck`s voice was sweet too… was he feeling something? Something like.. love? It seemed like…

- now you have to go.. HURRY UP! – Yuck yelled, alarmed…

- but… again… what will you do!? – Yin said, a little worried…

- I`ll be ok, Ok?? You just do what I`m saying.. GO!! – Yuck yelled alarmed, trying to make Yin go…

- but… but… - Yin said, hesitating…

- GO!! – Yuck won`t repeat again…

- Ok, but first… - Yin said, but she was going to do something… something that she couldn`t believe… she gots closer.. and closer…

Their lips have been never so close! And close… but… someone interrupted that sweet moment… both felt so angry, they were so close each other but that damn persons had to ruin the moment..

Someone appeared, with intentions to attack them…

-DAMN IT! What we gonna do now? And… who the hell is him? – Yin whispered in Yuck´s ear…

-I don't know Yin, I don't, but you have to go away! Yuck said

-I won´t let you here, I already told you, you saved my life and I´m not gonna let you alone, we´ll work together, ok?

- thank you Yin- Yuck said, blushing again…

- don't mention it… woow! This is so weard- and she blushed again too…

- I know, sorry- Yuck said… and again, their eyes just looked at each other, with a sweet gaze… Yuck was in love?! How can be that possible!!? And… WITH HIS ENEMY!? But… yeah, he was… and he didn't care about it…

But this person interrupted that sweet moment…

-Oh! This is so sweet! Mmmm… it´s sad that it has to end!

-show yourself…! Who the heck are you!? – Yuck yelled angry..

- it's meh, jerks, Coop- and Coop appeared, but he looked like a bad guy again, with muscles, black glasses, and a weard gaze, but this time, he didn't seemed to show the love that he feels for Yin, this time he was angry…

- Co…Co…Coop!? YOU!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!? – Yin yelled, very surprised, very angry

- don't you see? I'm a minion of Night Master, I'm here to destroy you- Coop said, with a veeery evil gaze…

- but Coop, you are not evil…! What the hell is wrong with you!? You cant destroy us!- Yin said, angry

- I cant? Why do you think that I cant? Because you think that I love you so much to destroy you? Is that it? – Coop said, very angry

- Well… Emm…- Yin had no words to say this time…

- Well… maybe I love you, but you don't love me and you will never love me, you'd rather be with this jerk, with your enemy than be with me, your friend… -Coop said, very sad

- you've never been my friend…! – Yin yelled angry…

- Ok, this is getting worst, so, this sweet couple will die here and now, are you ready to fight? – Coop said making an evil gaze… again…

- We are ready- Yin and Yuck said at the same time, taking each other hands and getting ready to the battle…

- this will be so funny – Coop said, evil tone in his voice…

- let's see who falls first damn chicken – Yuck said..


-STAY AWAY FROM HER!! IS THE LAST TIME THAT I SAY THIS!! – Yang yelled veery angry..

-you won´t avoid this… I will kill her!! – Night Master said, veery determined..

But suddenly, something awesome happened! Yang had an idea…

-I GOT IT! I must find a way to get Yin out of that bubble, if I do that, she will wake up and all of this will be over! Gosh, I´m a great genious…

-stop to praise yourself and save your sister! – Master Yo yelled angry…

- that`s what I`m doing! – Yang answered, angry…

Yang started to think, he had to break the bubble, if he does it, Yin will be finally free, but how? That was the question….


Yin and Yuck were fighting against Coop, he was so angry and it was like he was very strong, Yin and Yuck powers weren't so enough to defeat him, but they kept trying..

-why couldn't you see Yin, that I'm the one who loves you as you are and who wants to be with you forever? – Coop said, meanwhile throwing lightnings

-please Coop, I don't want to vomit now, why can't you see that I'LL ALWAYS HATE YOU!? Yincinerate! – Yin threw one of her attacks, she was very annoying, she hated Coop since long time ago but now this crossed the line… this was enough…

Coop protected hiself with his aura… then he turned the Yincinerate in a big fire ball and threw this to Yin… Yuck noticed that and he ran away as far he could… he jumped on Yin and sent her away from that, protecting her, both fell near a tree but at least, Yuck could save her :)

-thanks Yuck- Yin said, blushing…

-don't mention it- Yuck said, blushing too, for a while, their gazes just looked at each other again but this was interrupted again by Coop -.-"

-STAY AWAY FROM HER…! SHE'S MINE…!! – Coop yelled very angry, but why the hell he said that?

- Now I see, you are attacking us for jealous! This gots you mad because I'm with Yin, isn't it? – Yuck said, angry too… when Yin heared that, she blushed, a lot ! XD


- I think I do – Yuck said, totally sure of his words…

- and I think that you have no idea with who you are fighting- saying this, Coop transformed his aura in another so much big! And black, and it looked like more evil, Yin and Yuck were very surprised with this new power, who knows what this can do? They were about to figure it out…

- Now Yuck you will understand that Yin just belongs to me and you shouldn't show up in our relationship! – Coop just was saying crazy things, but he was very angry to say it joking or something…

- RELATIONSHIP!? COOP! WE ARE NOT EVEN FRIENDS! – Yin yelled, she was getting really tired…

- SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! – Coop yelled as he threw her a lightning, Yin couldn't see it before, this hurted her as she fell to the ground unconcious..

- NO!! WHAT YOU DID TO HER!? YIIIIN…!! – Yuck yelled very angry but worried too, Coop was really out of his mind and he felt that he needed to stop him before it's too late…

- say "bye bye" Yuck, Muahaha – Coop laughed, with this evil laugh, Yuck just took few steps backwards, he was a bit scared, but then, seeing what he did to Yin, Yuck didn't hesitate anymore and got ready to fight…

- I won't say that, you will! – Yuck was thinking in which power he could use… then he attacked…

- YUCKICANE! [I don't know how to write it XD] – and he made this hurricane as he attacked Coop throwing him against the wall, this became him weaker, but not enough to stop him, so he stood up again…

- THAT'S ALL WHAT YOU GOT? Come on! I thought that you were more stronger, I see that you are just a little butterfly learning how to fight yet- saying this, Yuck felt so angry, now he wanted to kill this chicken, but how? Coop was very strong now, maybe stronger than him…

- your jokes doesn't hurt me, you know? So keep going, I wont listen to you, I just will kill you… FISTS OF FIIIRE! – Yuck used this power against Coop trying to hit him, but Coop runs very fast, and Yuck weren't strong enough to catch him, this fight was more harder to him now…

- not so fast- Coop said, as he threw one of his powerful lightnings with this powerful aura, and this hit him, Yuck fell to the ground, almost unconcious, he almost could open his eyes, when he did it, he saw Coop, in front of his face…

- let's say goodbye buddy – Coop said, with an evil tone on his voice…

Yuck felt like he couldn't do anything else, so he closed his eyes but suddenly, he heared a voice, a familiar voice…

-DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!!!! STAY AWAY OR I'LL KILL YOU! – this voice was Yin's voice, Yuck could regonize it…


- that's what you think, do you want to know what I think? I think this.. YINVISIBLE! – and Yin said this as she completely disappeared, now Coop was confused, he couldn't know where Yin was, but he tried so hard to find her…


- Hahaha! You cant find me, that's funny, keep trying, let's see if you can find me meanwhile I attack you bad boy, hahah! – Yin said with a mocking tone…

- GRRRR!! – Coop growned…

- YINCINERATE! – Yin threw another of her attacks, and this hit Coop, making him fell to the ground, he was like blind, he couldn't defense himself..

- you are a coward! If you want to fight with me you should show up! But you are a coward! Because you know that I can destroy you! – Coop yelled again…

- Yeah sure, well, I don't want to fight with you, so let's keep going by this way – Yin said, almost laughin'

- you are a such… - Coop couldn't finish his sentence… because Yin attacked him again…

- TRANS-FOO-MATE! – Yin said, making a big hole in the middle of the ground, so Coop fell…

- Don't bother me again damn chicken – Yin said, very angry but then she saw Yuck, laying on the ground, she looked so worried then, she ran towards him and got closer..

- YUCK! YUCK! ARE YOU OK!? – Yin yelled, very worried..

- Yin… I- I… I gotta tell you something, before I'll be dead – Yuck said, so weak..

- No!! you wont be dead..!! don't you say that! I'm gonna save you, no matter what! – Yin yelled, angry, don't believing in Yuck's words… but then, something veery weard was going on with Yin…

- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MEH!? – Yin yelled, seeing what was happening to her… Yuck was seeing that too, and he couldn't believe it neither…

Meanwhile (-.-)

Yang was throwing his Yangarang against the bubble… that was the idea that he had, is it working? It seemed like yeah, it was working because Yin was disappearing of that adorable world… although it was not adorable anymore…

-that´s the best idea that you had? Throw your damn Yangarang to the bubble!? Come on!! I say it again!, You are more stupid than I thought! – Night Master yelled…

-I think that this idea is working… and I CANT BELIEVE THAT I HAD AN IDEA!! – Yang yelled, veery surprised, an idea? He? Wooow! Hahahaha! ^^ but everyone has their moments…

- WORKING!? – Night Master asked, surprised…

And they started to see that Yin was waking up …

In the adorable World…

Yuck's eyes couldn't believe what they was seeing… Yin was disappearing slowly… Yin couldn't believe it neither… but it was happening…

-Noooo!! Yuck! I cant leave you now! I don't want to….!! – Yin yelled..

- maybe your brother or your Master is bringing you back now, so you will disappear of here- Yuck said..

- but I cant leave you!! Not after all you did for me! – Yin yelled, almost crying, she really didn't want to go, Yuck needed her help and she had to be there…

- there's nothing that me or you can do, you have to go, but I will be ok, I promise you- Yuck said, trying to make Yin feel better..

- you promise me that? – Yin said, crying this time…

- Yeah, I promise- Yuck said… and then, they got closer, and clooser, so closer, their lips almost touch but then Yin disappeared…

In Night Master Lair…

Yang saw that his sister was waking up…

-IS WORKING!! IS WORKING!! – Yang yelled, very cheerfull!

- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! – Night Master yelled veery sad and angry at the same time…

- Now I must break the damn bubble to get Yin out of there! – Yang said as he threw his Yangarang one more time and then he broke it.. Yin fell but Yang ran towards her and grabbed Yin before she fell to the ground… but she was fainted…

- I got you- Yang said, smiling, now he was calm down, his sister was safe…

- Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ruined my plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL… - but Night Master couldn´t finish his sentence… because a weard light involved him…

- WHAT THE…? FLAVIOUR!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? – Night Master yelled very angry again..

- I don't know Master! – Flaviour said, very surprised…

- you have to fix this! Whatever you have to do, you will do it..!! get me out of this trouble! – Night Master yelled, giving an order…

- but… but.. – Flaviour was hesitating… but then, Night Master was disappearing slowly and nobody could do something [or anybody wanted to do something XD] to stop this…

- HEEY YOU IDIOTS!! HELP ME OUT!!! – Night Master yelled, waiting for a little help, but nothing happened, he just disappeared… how? Why? To where? Who knows? That just happened and nobody had an answer for those questions…

Yang & Master Yo were very shocked, meanwhile Flaviour just stood there.. suddenly, they heared a voice, a very weak voice…

-Y..Y..Yuck? – this voice said..

They all turned around, and they saw it, Yin was awake... 2 seconds after, Yang ran towards her and hugged her so strong…

-YIN!! ARE YOU OK!? YOU ARE FINALLY AWAKE!! I WAS SO SCARED SIS! – Yang said, very cheerfull…

- Yang! I'm ok bro, thanks for save me, but… what happened? I was with Yuck and then… - Yin couldn't finish her sentence, Yang interrupted her…

- With Yuck? But… Yin. You… - Yang said, very confused..

- remember that she was on this adorable world, waiting for Yuck to destroy her, isnt it Yin? – Master Yo said…

- Yeah, but he didn't destroy me and.. Now he's hurt!! Where's he? – Yin said, sadly…

- We don't know Yin, you just come back, we don't know anything about him, but… wait a minute… why are you interested in Yuck?? – Yang said confused…

- you wont understand me Yang, you wont and nobody else will understand me – Yin said, looking at the ground, sadly…


Night Master appeared again on this adorable world, where Yuck was..

-wh..what the… what the hell am I doing here!? – Night Master yelled, very angry, and a voice answered…

- we got some things to talk about dude- this voice said… this voice was weak, is it Yuck voice? O.o


I don't really know how this could keep going, so… let's think later XDD

And this is the "fixed end" of this fic! :D

And again, thank u Danny for this idea! :D and thanks to all the persons who readed this! :D

And to don'twannabetorn, sorry if I made you wait so much!

And thanks to everybody for the reviews that you write!! :D

So… let's see if I write more fics later, I hope u liked this! :D