A/N: Hello my dumplings :D

…Yeah there's really no point with this author's note.

Me: Hey guys, welcome to the DF Show! Because everything was all chaotic in my life and I completely forgot what happened the past couple chapters, we're going to have the entire cast here today! Despite whatever happened in the storyline. Isn't that great?
Takuya: Pfft, talk about a lazy bum. -_-
J.P: *walks in* Did someone call me?
Takuya: xD
J.P: …What?

Me: *rolls eyes* Anyway, today I decided that instead of me running the show I'm going to pick one of the cast members to!
Crowd: *applause*
Tommy: We all now she's gonna pick me guys ^.^
Takuya: Nuh-uh. I'm cuter 8D
Zoe: In what world?
Takuya: Love you too, Zoe.

Me: And the cast member that's running the show today is…J.P! Woot!
J.P: *cries* I feel so honored!
Me: Don't be. I just picked the first person I saw, and it's pretty hard NOT to see you.
Kouichi: ZING!

J.P: Well I'm going to be the best…Uh…What would you call this?
Me: Director I guess. Well, good luck with the show. *leaves*

J.P: You heard her people, I'm the director! Yippee!
Kouji: Yeah, this'll totally go smoothly…
J.P: :D
Kouji: Wipe that stupid smile off your face.
J.P: :)
Kouji: Still stupid.
J.P: :S
Kouji: Almost there.
J.P: :(
Kouji: Perfect.

Takuya: So what are we going to do?
Tommy: Probably a cooking a show
J.P: Hmmm…Good idea *sketch-face*

J.P: Today we're going to learn how to make a delicious, SURPRISE treat!
Crowd: ohhh, awww
J.P: Zoe please fetch me some worms, blood, and dandruff.
Zoe: *gives items to J.P* How does this-?
J.P: Uh-uhh-uhhh! It's a surprise!

J.P: Now Takuya, I need you to pre-chew these worms for me.
Takuya: You're kidding me, right?
J.P: Does it look like I'm kidding?
Takuya: …Yes?
J.P: *shoves worms in Takuya's mouth* Just chew. Don't swallow though, because those are special worms that can kill you. Highly poisonous.
Takuya: 0_0

J.P: Kouji, I want you to take this blood and massage it on your feet.
Kouji: Why would I-?
J.P: MASSAGE IT ON YOUR FEET! *angry face*
Kouji: O.O *massages blood on feet*

J.P: *smiles* Fantastic. Now Kouichi, put this dandruff in your hair.
Kouichi: B-But that's so un-hygienic…
J.P: Who's the director?
Kouichi: *sigh* You.
J.P: So that means…?
Kouichi: *puts dandruff in hair*
J.P: Beautiful!

Tommy: What do I get to do J.P?
J.P: Tommy my boy, you get to take a picture of Takuya, Kouji, and Kouichi *hands Tommy a camera*
Tommy: *click* Got it, J.P!
J.P: Hehehehe. This is going all over the internet! *runs off*
Takuya: Hold it, was this some kind of joke!
Kouji: I massage my feet in blood for THIS?
Kouichi: I feel so unclean T.T

J.P: *backstage* Well that's all the time we have today, folks! Tune in next time for more DF Show!

*commercial break*

Zoe: Are you tired of dealing with losers trying to hit on you?

Takuya: Hey Zoe, you're looking foxy today *wiggles eyebrows*
Zoe: Eww.

Zoe: Well today's your lucky day! Presenting the new, weirdo-be-gone! Just spray, and get away!

J.P: Are you from Tennessee? 'Cuase you're the only ten I see ;)
Zoe: *sprays weirdo-be-gone*
J.P: *cough-hack-cough* Ack! *runs away*
Zoe: Thanks weirdo-be-gone!

Zoe: It even works for annoying brothers ^^

Kouji: *chilling*
Kouichi: Hey Kouji, wanna hang out and bond? I brought some fun and educational games!
Kouji: *sprays weirdo-be-gone*
Kouichi: :D
Kouji: Why aren't you running away!
Kouichi: I find the smell of weirdo-be-gone quite refreshing.
Kouji: o_O

Zoe: Well it works if you're not a Kouichi…