Harry and Ginny were lying in Ginny's bed at the Burrow, as they had every night that summer. Though they hadn't taken their relationship to the next level, they found that they both slept better when they shared a bed.

Harry had been staying at the Burrow since Ginny's graduation. None of the others knew that as soon as everyone was asleep, Harry crept down the stairs to Ginny's bedroom, crawled into her bed and pulled her into his arms, whereupon they both fell into a very peaceful sleep.


Ginny slowly opened her eyes. She didn't want to answer her mother. It felt way too early to leave her warm bed… or Harry for that matter. She rolled over on her side to find him looking at her with a goofy grin on his face.

"Morning, love. What are you smiling about?" Ginny asked him.

"Nothing much. I love you." he said, reaching up and running his fingers through her hair.

Ginny smiled and leaned over to kiss him. He responded very happily, pulling her on top of him, and parting her lips with his tongue. He slipped his hands under the hem of her shirt, and began rubbing circles on the lower part of her back.


Ginny rolled off of Harry, groaning. "I don't want to leave." She pouted.

"You are cute when you pout." Harry said grinning, "But if you don't go now, it is likely she will walk up the stairs to find you, and when that happens… well she will probably lock my door at night from now on."

Ginny grinned and threw the covers off the bed. "Well, we don't want that to happen, do we?"

"Hey! It's cold out there! Give me the covers back!"

She stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm going downstairs." She slipped out the door.

Fifteen minutes later, Harry walked into the kitchen to find Ginny and her mother sitting at the kitchen table going over what appeared to be guest lists. He sat down at the table across from Ginny.

"Good morning Harry, dear." Mrs. Weasley said, standing up. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Very well, thanks." He saw Ginny hide a smirk with her hand.

"Good, good." She said, setting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. "We are just going over the guest list. Is there anyone specific you want to send an invitation to?"

"Not really, as long as you guys and Hagrid are there, I don't really have anyone else."

"Don't worry. The Weasleys will be there. ALL of them." Ginny said with a frown.

"It isn't that many people, dear." Molly said, looking at the list again.

"250 people isn't a lot of people? Mum, Harry and I have told you, we both want a really small wedding. Neither of us has met most of these people!"

"Yeah, Mrs. Weasley. The wedding is only in a couple months, and honestly, as long as Ginny is there, I don't care who else is." Mrs. Weasley looked hurt. "I mean, I want you all there too, but I really don't want a crowd. It will be hard enough to keep the press out; without having to worry about entertaining people I don't even know."

"Well, if you really feel that way… I guess we can edit the list."

"We really do. Thanks Mum."

"Sure, sure," she said distractedly. She was now pouring over the list.

Harry caught Ginny's eye and gestured towards the window. Smiling, she stood and headed out the back door. Harry followed, and once they reached the garden, he stopped her. "I have a surprise," he told her.

"Really?" Ginny said, leaning closer.

"Really. Follow me." He took her hand and Apparated them onto the property they had picked for their house.

"What's the surprise?" she asked him, looking puzzled.

"Turn around."

Ginny gasped. "Oh, Harry! It looks great! I didn't know they were this close to being finished!"

"They will be done by the end of the month, and then we can go shopping for furniture."

"I can't wait to move in, Harry! Can we go see it?"

"Of course! It's ours, isn't it?"

Ginny took off running, and stopped when she reached the door, waiting for Harry to catch up.



Nearly a month and a half later, Harry plopped down on the sofa exhausted from an entire day of shopping. Ginny sat down next to him and curled into his side.

"Who knew shopping would be so exhausting? At least we are finally done!"

"Yes, I can't wait to move in." Ginny said, smiling.

"I was thinking, we can slowly move our stuff to the house, and then when we get back from our honeymoon, we won't have to do anything. Plus, since Hermione is insisting we follow Muggle tradition, and can't see each other the day of the wedding, I can sleep there the night before."

"That makes sense, but I don't want it to. I will miss sleeping next to you."

"I will too, but it will only be for one night, and then we won't have to sleep apart ever again."

"That is a very, very good thing." Ginny said, leaning in to kiss him.

After a whirlwind couple of weeks, Ginny couldn't believe it was finally here. Today, she would wake up a Weasley and fall asleep a Potter.

"Gin, you look… amazing," Harry said breathlessly.

"You look very dashing." Ginny said, turning toward the officiate and squeezing his hand.

Ginny was a vision in white. She and Harry stood under the flowered arch in the Burrow's garden. Ginny could hear her mum blowing her nose in the front row. Hermione was standing next to her holding her bouquet. Ron stood behind Harry, and kept checking his pocket to make sure the rings were safe. Harry was ecstatic, and you could visibly see it from the grin that appeared to be plastered to his face.

The garden of the Burrow was full of love. Ginny could feel it in the air, and Harry couldn't stop looking at her.

"Friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the bonding of Ginevra Molly Weasley and Harry James Potter."
