I do not own Fruits Basket or Tokyo Mew Mew

As time went on, Hatori decided it would probably be best to work on getting Ichigo to leave his house. If Akito did know about Ichigo, Hatori was sure it was dangerous business for Ichigo to be around the Sohmas. He knew he needed to figure out a way to get her to go back to her own home.

Oddly enough, one cold Saturday morning, when Hatori awoke Ichigo had disappeared.

Hatori was thorougly puzzled.

Had she decided to go back home finally? Perhaps she had gone to see her friends at the cafe. He sat and pondered this over a cup of coffee. Dark thoughts began to creep into his head.

Had Kureno come and taken her? Had she been kidnapped? But there were no signs of a break-in or a struggle so that was impossible. Wouldn't he have heard a ruckus? She probably just went home.

Hatori wondered how she could have snuck out so quietly. She was nimble and quiet, like a cat. She said "nya" a lot too, just like a kitten. Hatori smiled thinking about the young girl's cheerful smile and curious, cat-like eyes. He felt a little lonely. He just couldn't shake the thought that something could've seriously gone wrong and he didn't know it. Just where was she?

Unable to bear it anymore, Hatori rose to his feet, got his coat and set off to find the girl.

Meanwhile, Tohru Honda, the girl who was staying with Shigure and his two cousins, was running a few errands in town.

"Let's see," she was saying to herself, as she walked. "I need some eggs, some rice, some fruit and maybe a little-ah!"

She was caught off guard by the feeling of something ramming into her.

She fell to the ground with a thud.

"Ouchie, nya!" she heard someone say.

Tohru looked to see a cute girl with auburn pigtails on the ground in front of her.

She must've been the one who bumped into her.

"Are you okay?" Tohru asked.

The girl held her hand where a scratch was. She looked at Tohru sadly and then got up and hurried away.

"Ah, wait!" Tohru began to follow the girl.

The girl kept running from Tohru, as fast as she possible could, until she tripped and fell facedown on the ground.

Tohru rushed to the girl and knelt down beside her. "Oh no, are you hurt?"

The girl started crying in frustration and sadness. "I-I'm trying to get away."

Tohru looked around in confusion and then back at the girl. "From who?"

"From my friends, nya."

"Why do you want to do that? Are they being mean to you?"

"No, I have to get away, so I can protect them! Because I don't want them to end up like mama and papa and Masaya!"

Tohru tried her best to comprehend this. As she thought about it, she remembered seeing something on the news about a murder of a girl's parents and her boyfriend. Could this be that girl?

"I was being really selfish," the girl said through her sobs. "I left because I didn't want anything to happen to my friends, and then I met Hatori-san. I thought I could stay with him so nothing would go wrong, but then I realized that I might be putting Hatori-san in danger too. He's so nice, I don't want to do that, but now I don't know where to go..."

"But everyone will miss you if you leave, right?" Tohru asked.

"Miss me, nya?"

"Yes, because, it's just as terrible as if you're dead! If no one knows where you are and they can't talk to you or see you then it's just like you don't exist. I think everyone would be very sad."

"But what if someone else comes to hurt my friends? They don't even know why the other person did what they did! Anyone could attack at any moment!"

"When people work together-when friends and family work together, anything can be accomplished, right? At least, I'd like to believe that."

The girl looked at Tohru for a moment, then wiped her eyes and smiled.

She touched Tohru's hand. "I'd like to believe that too."

Tohru smiled back at the mysterious girl.

"I'm Ichigo," the girl said.

Ichigo? Tohru thought for a moment. Shigure had been talking about an Ichigo. She was supposed to be staying with Hatori. Was the Hatori-san this girl mentioned Hatori Sohma?!

At that moment, as if to answer Tohru's question, Hatori came around the corner.

Hatori saw Ichigo and seemed to be instantaneously filled with relief. He called her name.

Ichigo started for a moment, and then rose to her feet and embraced him.

"E-eh?!" Tohru was hit with a wave of confusion.

So Hatori knew the girl from the news and she was staying in his house? Also, when she embraced him, he didn't change? Why? What was going on?

"H-Hatori-san?" Tohru managed.

"It's you," Hatori said. "Tohru-san, did you find Ichigo?"

Tohru laughed a bit. "Well she sought of found me."

Hatori smiled a little and thanked her.

He was mostly absorbed with Ichigo though, and didn't say much else.

Ichigo waved goodbye to Tohru before taking Hatori's hand and walking off with him, leaving a confused but happy Tohru waving back.

A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks for reading. Everyone R&R! And thanks a lot to any of you older readers who are still reading this. Woot! :D