Authors Note: This story is a combination of an idea I had a few months ago and had never really had the time to sit down and form and a request from someone on here. I have never really written anything by request for someone else so we will see how it goes. This is set somewhere within a few months after Season 9: Inconvincible, after Olivia tells Elliot she had considered adoption and been turned down. Also, in this story Elliot and Kathy are divorced. Lawral, this one's for you! Please give me feed back and let me know what you think!

I'd Do Anything

(Chapter One: Reality)

Olivia sat on the park bench tying her shoe as she listened to the laughter of the children playing nearby. It was a beautiful day and the air was crisp, Fall would be here soon. She exhaled deeply as she watched a mother with two young children playing on the swings. The girl was half her age and very obviously into the second trimester of her third pregnancy. She watched as the girl placed her hand on her belly feeling the baby move inside. Moments later she caught herself with her hand in the same place on her own flat abdomen and wondering if she would ever feel her own child inside her. Part of her envied this girl. But she didn't quite understand why.

Olivia stood and began running once more down the same path she took every day. Ironic, she thought to herself as she felt the asphalt of the jogging path under her feet, that it could be her sick obsession with perfection that could prevent her from having her own child. She wanted to wait, until she had her career established. But that wasn't enough. She wanted the husband and the house, the idealistic family every woman wants. But it never seemed to happen. Each time she allowed herself to get serious with a man, something just wasn't right. She could never picture herself raising a child with him, he wouldn't make a good father or he didn't want children at all.

Now she found herself at a point in her life where the one thing she wanted more than anything, was the one thing she may never have. What if it was too late? What if her time had run out? Until now she had always thought those women who spoke of biological clocks and missing out on their chance to be a mother were foolish. Until now, she thought she had more time. It wasn't until recently, within the last year that she had even fully convinced herself that she wanted children. Infact it was a decision greatly influenced by her partner and his family. Seeing Elliot with his children, watching them grow and knowing how much he loved them and cared for them made her long to share that kind of love with someone as well.

There was a point in her life where Olivia was scared to death to have children. Not knowing what traits she may pass to her unborn child. Unsure if she was capable of loving someone and committing herself solely to the well being and care of another person. She wanted it, she longed for it, but was haunted by her own past.

The fact that she herself had been given such an unstable childhood. Raised by an alcoholic mother who turned to threats and abuse instead of affection when she was afraid. A mother who rarely held her or comforted her and never told her daughter that she loved her or wanted her. Merely reminded her, sometimes daily that she chose to allow her to exist.

Olivia loved her mother. But even now, years after the woman had passed away she struggled with trust and love and relationships because of the way the woman raised her. Olivia often wondered if it wouldn't have been better if she had been given up for adoption and given a chance to grow up in a healthy loving environment. Maybe she wouldn't have been so badly damaged and found it so hard to allow her self to love and express her own emotions.

But Serena Benson was gone now. And it was up to Olivia to decide what kind of woman she would choose to be. She was the only one who could make things happen for her, a lesson she learned maybe at a tender age. And she wanted to be a mother. She knew if given the chance, she could be a better mother than her own could have ever been.

Olivia stopped in front of her apartment and stretched on the steps before taking out her keys and going inside. It was nearly seven o'clock now and she had just enough time to grab a hot shower and another cup of coffee before she had to be at work.

She climbed out of the shower and dressed quickly then it was out the door and off to another day. Olivia approached Elliot's desk and sat down the file she had taken home to study. She glanced up at the pictures of his kids in frames all over his desk. Yet another reminder that she still hadn't reproduced.

Olivia stood still for a minute as she stared at his latest picture of baby Eli. She reached across the desk and picked up the frame as she brushed her finger tips gently across the baby's dimples and her mind flashed back to that terrifying day when she witnessed his birth in the back of an ambulance. She looked into his blue eyes and smiled. He had his father's eyes, the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Olivia stood there for a moment and tried to imagine what her own child would look like.

"There you are," Elliot said from behind her.

Olivia jumped a little as he startled her and she sat the frame back on the desk.

"He's getting so big," she said with a smile.

"Yeah, he's got colic and still does not sleep through the night. I don't remember having this much trouble with the others."

"You weren't this old with the others," she said with a smile as she draped her jacket across the back of her chair.

"You're right. Things have changed so much since the twins were this age."

"You're a lucky man, El."

"Yeah, lucky they all look like Kathy," he joked picking up a picture of the five children.

Olivia smiled and sighed quietly as she sat back in her chair.

"Have you thought any more about it?"

"Thought anymore about what?" She knew exactly what he was talking about, but somehow hoped that by playing dumb to his more than obvious question he would get the hint and drop it.

"About starting your own family."

Apparently Elliot wasn't so great at taking hints. "I don't know. I mean, I am still not sure motherhood is even for me. That is all I need is to damage some poor innocent child the way my mother damaged me. Some people just shouldn't have children, Elliot."

"Liv, I don't think you are one of those people. You would be an amazing mother."

How could she possibly tell him that this was the only thing that she ever thought about anymore? That she was horrified by their case with the Hudson Cryobank a few months earlier, because she herself had contacted them considering using their services to become pregnant herself. That idea was of course put on the back burner during the case and hadn't quite fully worked it's way back into position.

"Thanks Elliot. But, it isn't exactly something I would do on my own."

"What do you mean? You have me and everyone here would support you."

"Well, I know. I just…." Olivia felt unsettled as a look of sadness crossed her face. "Nothing. It's nothing. Definitely not anything I want to discuss here."

"Okay, I can take a hint."

"You can, huh? I have only been trying to drop the conversation for the last fifteen minutes."

"Oh, sorry."

Olivia smiled and they both laughed.

That night after work she sat around her apartment, but couldn't clear her head. She slipped on her shoes, grabbed her keys and hailed the first cab to her favorite local bar. She needed a drink to get this mess off her mind.

Olivia sat alone at the bar and ordered a drink. Not a beer, she needed a real drink. A few minutes later she flagged the bartender for a refill.

"Vodka Martini…"

"Straight up, two olives."

She smiled and turned around on her barstool to see Elliot standing behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I spend a lot of time here now that I am a single man. Just hoping I will catch the chance to pick up a conversation with a beautiful woman such as yourself. This must be my lucky night." Olivia smiled as Elliot tossed some cash on the bar and paid for both their drinks. "You want to get a table?"

"Lead the way!"

A few minutes later they sat across from each other at a table in the back. The bar was empty except for the bartender, two guys playing pool in the front and the two of them. Elliot sat and stared at Olivia as she twirled the toothpick in her drink. Obviously something was on her mind and he was pretty sure he knew what it was.

"You just what?" He asked her.

She shifted her eyes up to look into his. A look of confusion crossed her face.


"I said I would support you. You said you know, you just…."

She smiled hesitant to start the exact conversation she had come in here to forget.


"It is something. If it was nothing, Olivia, it wouldn't still be bothering you."

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she stared down at the table and curled the cocktail napkin with her fingertips. "I know what it is like to grow up with out a father. I don't want my kid to go through that too, that's all. I believe that a baby should have a mother and a father. Or I would at least like to know who he was. Not just some number and profile out of a binder from a man who may have fathered hundreds of other children. God only knows if the things they say in those little mini biographies are even true."

Elliot stared her down. "You sound like you have read a few."

Olivia looked almost embarrassed and refused to look up at him. "I'm just saying…"

Elliot reached across the table and placed his hand on hers. "Have you ever really considered it?"

She looked at him and he could see the tears behind her eyes.

"Liv, there is nothing wrong with that. You deserve the chance to be a mother."

"I decided not to do it."


"Because, every man in the catalogue sounded exactly the same. They only tell you what you want to hear. Like photo copies of the same page, but they change the number at the top and the name of the Ivy League school he graduated from. I'm sure Elliot, that Ivy League graduates stand in line at places like that to make their donations in little plastic cups."

Elliot laughed.

"It isn't funny!"

"Of course it isn't. Liv, I just didn't realize you were this serious about this. Why didn't you tell me you checked it out?"

"It isn't exactly the kind of thing you advertise. I'm taking the kids camping this weekend….. Oh really, I'm shopping for the father of my unborn child. I have no idea what he looks like but his profile sounds hot! Come on Elliot!"

"Well, what about some of the guys you have dated? Some of them weren't that bad."

Olivia wrinkled her nose at the thought. "Elliot, you have to have sex with someone to get pregnant."

Elliot sat quiet for a minute not sure what to say.

"I have not dated anyone in quite a while. I have had a few nightmarish dates, but the last guy I dated turned out to be someone else's husband!"

"Do you still have his number?"

She glared at him from across the table.

"It was a joke. You know, all it takes is once. We could find you a guy."

"I don't want to get knocked up by some guy I picked up in a bar for the sole purpose of getting pregnant. Besides, that is just dirty. I mean how would you feel if today you found out that a one night stand you had years ago resulted in a child you never knew you had."

"Good point."

"Besides with my luck I would end up with a number of things and a baby wouldn't be one of them!"

"Okay….what about a donor? Someone you know?"

"Well, I could ask Cragen or Munch or Fin." She shot him a sarcastic glare.


She looked up at him and took a deep breath.


Elliot reached for her hand again and held it a second as he looked at her. He then stood up from his chair and walked around to her side of the table and sat down on the bench as he slid in next to her. She turned and looked at him. Elliot touched his fingers gently to hers.

"What if I…"

She looked at him unsure if he was joking.

"This isn't funny, Elliot."

"I am being serious."

"You would…"

He thought about it for a second. "Well, yeah."


"Because Liv, I know what this means to you. Olivia, you are my best friend. We are like family and there is nothing I want more in the world than for you to be happy. What is the one thing you want more than anything in the world?"

"A baby," she whispered softly staring down at the table as a tear fell beside her hand.

"Look, have always told you I would do anything for you. I would give you a kidney if you needed one with out a second thought, how is this any different?"

"It just is."

"Not to me. This is the one dream you cannot make come true on your own. And I can help you make it come true. Nobody has to know, if you don't want them to. This would be your baby. Same as if you used a donor from a catalogue. Only you know me, my medical history, my genetics. And you have seen my children."

"You make beautiful children and I am flattered that you would even offer. I just can't help but think that is a line we shouldn't cross."

"What is the big deal, Liv. It would be no different than if you went into that clinic and chose a donor. How do you know that I have not donated there? The baby could turn out to be mine anyway. Only this way you know for sure who fathered your child. And you know if you ever needed anything, I would be there for you."

"Elliot, it has been a long day and I think we should both go home and get some sleep."

"Olivia, just think about it. Honestly consider it for a few days and if you still think it is a bad idea, I will understand. But at least think it through before you turn down the offer."

"You honestly want another child? It doesn't bother you that you already have five? And what about Kathy and the kids? What are they going to think? Are you even going to tell them? And what would happen to us Elliot? What would this make us? I mean how exactly how involved would you want to be with a child if no one knows it is yours?"

"I would know and you would know. Liv, it doesn't matter who your kids father is I still would like to be a part of his or her life. I don't have to be the baby's father, I could be like an uncle or something. And it is none of Kathy's business, we are divorced. I no longer have to care what she thinks."

"I don't know."

"Think about it. Take your time. You know, you don't have to do anything now. But at least know it is an option."

"You are really serious about this?"

"Liv, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes and smiled. "Elliot, you don't know what it means to me that you would even offer," she whispered as a tear rolled off her cheek.

Elliot reached up and brushed a tear from her cheek. "Like I said, I'd do anything for you."