summary: Malik, Bakura and Yugi save Ron, Harry and Hermione from death eaters and are sent to Hogwarts as protectors undercover by Dumbledore to ensure Harry's safety. Lord Voldemort becomes interested in the millennium items and so the battle between wands and shadows begins...

Disclaimer: I don't own yu-gi-oh or harry potter. *Insert comment to make reader praise me for my wit*

Two teenage boys dragged a girl down an alley way, panting and still pushing themselves along. They paused, listening with weary ears, just picking up the sounds of pursuit. The tallest of them, a gangly red-head frowned and sighed exasperatedly.

"We can't even go to.....diagon al..ley without getting attac..ked. It's really... late, it's...dark!Mom will have a he..rnia. Lucky we were only sent to t..he far east end of Lond...on , eh?"

A black haired boy lent against the grimy alley wall gasping while shaking his head in answer. The girl bent double but quickly retained her breath. She straightened then spoke in an English accent.

"I'll go see if there's anyone willing to help us. You two stay here."

But before anyone could do anything quiet voices snagged their ears and they rushed to the shadows. They heard no impeding footsteps, but a loud complaining told them there were people there. Harry looked out from the gloom filled corner and saw three peculiar teenagers. One was very short with wide, innocent eyes and a sweet smile. The only thing that made him stand out was his hair. While looking completely natural it was black, in a weird star shape with a red outline. Blond, lightning shaped bangs framed his amethyst eyes and he had on a slim, sleeveless t-shirt, Black skinny jeans with thick crossing belts and a buckled choker and leather wrist cuffs. The really weird piece of jewellery was a golden pyramid with a eye of Horus gleaming in the fading twilight. He listened intently to his companions wailing. It was in some foreign language, Japanese or Chinese, and drawled out with a British/foreign accent that was confusing. Said complainer held his head, thin, white fingers that reminded Harry of Voldemort, clutching silvery white hair in annoyance. He also wore similar clothes to his companion, a black muscle t-shirt, revealing a wiry frame with hinted muscles and dark jeans with a thick belt.

The last trailed slightly behind, hands in his pockets, looking pensive. Tight fitting leather pants with thick, crossing belts that seemed to hide things like the others did. A black wife beater adorned his slim frame. He wore jewellery that usually you got ,mugged for, gold wrist clasps and a shoulder band, etched with some writing. Also three thick neck rings wrapped around his neck. He had the most unusual eye colour, they had to be contacts Harry thought. No human being actually had lavender eyes, nor would they be slitted pupils like cats were. He had platinum blond hair, reminding Harry of a certain slytherin he'd like to forget. Ron had had similar thought but stupidly decided to whisper them to Harry.

"Think he's Malfoy's cousin or something?"

All three froze and Harry knew normal teenage boys didn't hear like that or respond like they did. The shorter suddenly became leaner and his eyes flashed red, dark and commanding. The whitenette growled and his previously brown, self-pity filled eyes tinted red and hardened with malice. The one at the back reached for behind his belt when the tri-coloured one whispered. "No items, we don't know who they are yet."

The blonde nodded and reached for the inside of his shoe, revealing a golden dagger probably worth a fortune yet this teenager twirled in his fingers expertly with determination and evilness. They padded silently forward and that was when the approaching death eaters made themselves known with yells of "This way", "Potter, i saw him a second ago". All three seemed to melt into the shadows unheard and then four death eaters came charging around the corner, as out of breath as they had been three minutes ago.

"Where are they? They should be here."

A chilling voice wafted into Harry's ears of which he was sure belonged to one of the trio in the shadows. "They do not concern you now. We do."

All three moved closer into the moonlight in sync, washing out the tanned blonde until he was as white as the albino. The whitenette himself smirked, fangs glinting off the poor lighting.

The death eaters re-asserted their dominance by holding out their wands making the golden trio hold their breath in worry for the poor muggles, not knowing what torture was in for them. All three eyes locked onto the wands and the silver one burst out in hideous cackling, the shorter boy chuckling softly, shaking his head as if pitying them. The blond stepped forward and smirked almost closing half the distance between him and the wizards. Harry almost jumped to the boys safety but Ron held him back, "If they get you, we lose mate. If things get worse we'll try to help but you're the main priority.o.k.?"

Harry wasn't o.k. but nodded shortly and watched as the blond boy watched the murderers with a predatory expression. He smirked, cruel and lifeless.

"Pathetic. Relying on such feeble talents."

The death eater in the middle stepped forward, hiding behind his mask,

"You don't know what we're capable of, we've killed and we're so much more powerful than you. We're wizards."

The teenagers thought the others would laugh or sneer. The blond just smirked again, so vicious and demented that the death eaters took a step back and Harry would've as well if there wasn't a building pressed against his back.

"Magic? You think that because you twitch that little stick and a few puffs of smoke come out that it's called magic? You don't know what true magic is. You use the dregs of magic and you think yourselves great sorcerers. HAH!"

This loud noise snapped whatever silken web of drowsiness he had created. Harry was confused, were they high or something? He decided it didn't matter, he needed to protect the muggles before they got hurt. He sent a look to Ron, a "Help them or feel guilt" look that Ron rolled his eyes to but nodded, whipping out their wands and crouching. The Whitenette glared at them and they froze. They hadn't even moved yet! How did he know they were there. Deciding it was luck he shifted a few inches up but the albinos voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you."

The death eaters swirled around and pointed their wands at Harry shouts of glee.

"We got Potter!Oh, Master will be so pleased."

They started to advance then froze suddenly immobile. Eyes turned and saw the three muggles looking murderous.


"Here we are threatening you and you all go try and kill some kid? Where are your manners?"

The blonde and the albino suddenly got very evil grins on their faces.

"Shadow realm. That's the only cure for such rudness."

The sort one pushed through grumbling, "Such show-offs....." He glanced at the three teenagers in the corner of the alley. "Well, if it's for the innocents."

He clicked his fingers and two of the four disappeared in a mass of evil purple shadows. They cloaked ones gasped and turned around and all three of the Japanese students rolled their eyes at them. One turned around and pointed his wand at the blonde and shouted with a maniacal laugh."AVADA KADAVERA."

It hit the boy straight on and he crumpled to the floor. The white haired one cried."Malik!"

Harry stared through blurred tears but stood up taking hold of both Ron and Hermione and ran out to the next street, searching for the lampost they had deserted earlier. Ron saw it at the corner and tugged Harry to get his attention and they sprinted for the weak source of illumination and grabbed the broken vodka bottle and were pulled back to where death eaters had trapped them earlier, only to find it deserted. They sprinted to the nearest closing store, begging for them to use floo powder to get home.


"STUPID mortals, leaving US to clean up what was obviously their mess. Next time i'll just let them be murdered!" Bakura hollered at the entrance out of which the two boys and a girl had ran off from. Ryou in his spirit form stood beside him, trying to calm to thief down. At this he snorted.

"Bakura you love killing people. If they hadn't fled you would probably be trying to kill them too."

His yami grinned."Well i wouldn't want them to feel left out, it would be rude.!"

Ryou shook his head turning corpreal and hugging his yami. "You're a phycopathic idiot." He said affectionally. Bakura returned the hug."And you're an emotionally stunted priss" He said gruffly. Ryou giggled. "Thank you." They stood there for a minute then joined the other four cuddling away like happy families. Malik, unconscious for being hit unexpectedly and using too much shadow magic to defend himself had collapsed from over-exertion. There was a moan and all head turned to look at the hikari coming round in Marik's arms. Bakura stood up again and rushed over to the Ishtars.

"What happened?" He asked, slightly confused on the details. malik opened his lilac eyes blearily then shook his head. "S'my fault, used too much shadow magic from being caught off guard."

Bakura shook his head muttering curses under his there was a crack and a sallow, creepy hook nosed man staring directly at them with veiled distaste.

"Apparently there has been a death, where is the body?" he asked in strained Japanese.

They looked at him. "What are you babbling about fool!Straighten your tongue." Bakura barked, irked at this stranger. The pale man rubbed his temples.

"Where is the body? You imbeciles who got hit by the avada kedavra spell." Malik thought about what the green flash of light and remembered the words the stupid man had cried. He stood up uncertainly, marik, in his usual overprotectiveness stood up with him, arms still encircling his light.

"I am. Forgot to block and he took me by suprise." He turned expectantly to Bakura, a sadistic smirk crept onto his pale face. "Can you bring him back? I want to torture him."

Bakura shook his head. "My man eater bug was hungry. Sorry."

Malik pouted but accepted it. He turned to the pale man that was now looking at him as if he'd grown a second head.

"Y-you blocked the killing curse?!"

Malik rolled his eyes. " Yes, i don't really want to end up dead thank you very much."

The greasy haired man narrowed his eyes. "Well i would like you to come with me, all six of you..." his black, pityless eyes widened. Suddenly, there were three, very suspicious teenagers looking at him instead of six. The white haired one stepped forward and said in the most menacing voice.

"You will not tell anyone what you just saw until we see fit. If you do you will be considered a threat to them and will be...uncreated."

Snape supposed 'them' were the twin like people from just a moment ago and he didn't consider the terrifying possibilities of being uncreated entailed. For once in his life Snape was scared of someone more than the dark lord. He cleared his throat and held out his arm.

"The headmaster of a prestigious magic school wishes to speak to you."

All three sets of eyes went blank then they nodded in time their eyes making silent threats about what they'd do if it was a trick. They each took a grasp of his robes and felt like they were being pulled forward into nothingness. Suddenly, the feeling of being squeezed like a tube of tooth paste passed and the air around the settled, no longer distorted gave a clear view of an old style of kitchens they would have in the Victorian era, with a short, plump red haired woman who looked quite sad. She turned to Snape who decided to leave his charges with this woman and was about to exit the door.

"Severus, did you..did you bury the body?" She asked in a quivering voice, before turning to the three new additions.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

Bakura raised a silver eyebrow, "What loss?"

She glanced at Severus. "Did you explain about magic to them?"

She seemed to keep having her voice very soft, as if someone had died. Severus shook his head and opened his mouth but a sudden change came over the woman.

"You didn't tell them! They just saw a death eater kill one of their friends with magic, you apparated here with magic but you didn't tell them?!"

Her voice hadn't gone up much for some reason but she was practically spitting. She turned to the three kids.

"Now dears i'm sure you've had a shock and you're probably very upset but you're holding it in well.." "molly.." "Why don't i make us some hot chocolate and i'll try to explain everything.." "Molly."

"YES Severus."

"There was no body, no one died."

"You mean that the death eater didn't perform the killing curse? Well thank merlin for that! I'm sure that's a relief."

"Molly." "Yes, i need to.." "They did perform the curse." "You mean it missed?" "No, this boy got the spell full on in the chest and survived. I need to go but Albus will here to talk to them. Goodbye."

The woman looked pale and stared at Malik as if he was made of gold. Pretty soon Malik got annoyed at this. "Ahem, who are you?"

The woman blinked then shook herself. "So sorry about that. I'm Mrs. Weasley. Would any of you like anything to eat?"

They all shook their heads and their features became softer and the shortest one smiled naively.

"No thank you Mrs. Weasley."

"Well sit down, sit down. Proffessor Dumbledore will be here any minute and he will explain everything. Is there anything you need?"

Malik sat down, wincing slightly.

" Do you have any alcohol? Whiskey will be fine." he asked in fluent English.

Mrs. Weasley frowned but went to get it. Malik looked behind him nervously before whipping his shirt off in one smooth movement. Ryou and Yugi gasped. There was a burn in a very distinctive shape. It was the shape of the eye of horus with a circle around it.

"How did you get that?" Ryou asked, almost wincing at the sight of it. Malik shrugged.

"I blocked the attack with the millenium rod but it hit my chest because of all the no-usable magic and burnt it into my flesh magically, which is good because my favourite top isn't ruined."

Yugi frowned. "What do you need the alcohol for?"

Malik smirked, revealing sharp incisors. "I need something to drink, and it should clean the wound. But mostly for the drinking."

Mrs. Weasley came back with a bottle of English Whiskey Yugi had never heard of, 'Firewhiskey', and a white cloth.

"Do you have a scrape or..Oh my!" She caught sight of the burn and rushed over to him.

"Are you alright? Oh my, why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Malik grabbed the disowned whiskey bottle and tore the cork off. He dabbed the alcohol onto the burn, hissing slightly as he did so. Mrs. Weasley wasn't pleased to see other scars, long and thin, tight across his chest.

"Where did you get those dear?"

Malik tensed at the question. "Rough childhood." he said shortly, taking a swig out of the bottle. Mrs. Weasley thought he would spit out the fiery liquid, as he had drank so much in one go it almost made her eyes water. But he looked at the label. "I like it."

"Mom, who's there, is it one of the order members?"

And the three children from the alley traipsed in along with two older redheaded twins.

"We didn't wake Ginny." the twin on the left announced while the three from before gaped at the two teenagers they could see before growing solemn.

"We're so sorry. We.. should have done something to save your friend."

"What are you talking about? Why does everyone assume i'm dead just because i was hit with a simple killing curse. It would've been easy enough to deflect if you three bakas would've kept still."

All three mouths were on the floor as Mrs. Weasley moved and they saw the golden haired boy that got hit with the curse.

"WHAT?" Harry said while Hermione screamed "IMPOSSIBLE!" and Ron yelled. "Inferi attack!"


Bakura shouted even louder, annoyed with the shouting.


Bakura ground his teeth and stalked out into the hall. He saw a painting was shouting the obscenitites.

"SHUT UP YOU HAG!" Bakura screeched. In the kitchen Harry made to go into the hall but Yugi stopped him shaking his head.

"He's pretty mad, if you get his way you'll probably get hurt."

Harry frowned. "But i've got to shut her up."

Atem grinned fiendishly, his red eyes flashing. "Don't worry Bakura will make her shut up."

"But he's a muggle. Muggles can't do magic." Ron said.

Atem slouched. "Do you have to hear Bakura's speech again? You are a branch of magic that is fairly weak and harmless. We do much older and complicated shadow magic."

"You do dark magic?" Harry shouted.

Atem slapped his hand to his forhead. "I don't know what that is but probably no."

Harry blushed from overreacting.

"Dude, how'd you get that? That's freaky!" George shouted. Everyone turned to see the twins point at the burn. Malik glared at Ron and Harry.

"I was distracted and there was an overbreach of magic."

He returned to dousing the cloth in alcohol. Ron winced. "That's fire whiskey mate, it'll kill."

Malik looked at the bottle."Huh, didn't stop me a minute ago."

He pressed the cloth to the burn and drained the rest of the bottle. he frowned at it.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley, i didn't know i drank that much."

Mrs. Weasley looked apprehensive but shrugged. "It's quite alright dear." She tapped the bottle with her own wand and it refilled with the clear looking fluid. Harry looked at Malik for signs of drunkeness but saw none. The twins noticed this as well.

"Cor you can hold a drink mate.."

"Somehow they're going to turn this into some sort of prank i know it."

Hermione whispered to Harry. Yugi heard this and paled. "Don't mention the word prank in front of Malik."

But Malik had heard and he appraised the twins.

"hmm, tell me some of your best pranks then i'll tell you mine."

The twins nodded eagerly and the three of them sat in the corner swapping stories.

"Hmm,"Malik mused" Ideas are origional, well thought out, but a bit tame."

Everyone hear this and paled. The twins frowned. "Oh yeah and what are your best pranks?"

Malik smirked devilishly then leaned forward again and whispered to the twins.


Harry squirmed, if the twins think he was a genius then there would be trouble. Yugi was talking to them about how his hair was natural when Ron spoke up,

"Isn't it a bit quiet?"

Harry paused and listened. Ron was right, what had happened to the whitenette and the screaming portrait. As if on cue the albino stalked in rather quietly.

"What did you do?" Ron asked the pale boy. He smiled sweetly.

"I told her to stop speaking."

After a moments silence the twins went back to plotting with Malik while Hermione sent glares their way to the twins and curiously enough, slight blushes as she saw the half-naked Malik. After ten minutes Malik tested his burn then slipped his wife beater over his silken hair. Harry was talking Yugi through what Quidditch was and Ron enthusiastically joined in.

Suddenly the green flames of floo powder rang up from the grate nearby and out stepped a very old man with a long white beard, a deep swishing purple robe, and half moon spectacles obscuring twinkling eyes rested in the crook of a slightly crooked nose. He turned and bowed slightly to Mrs. Weasley.

"I'm sorry Molly to have kept you."

Mrs. Weasely blushed and started ushering out everyone.

"Aren't we allowed to know what's going on?" Harry protested but at the shake of Dumbledore's head his slouched out the room.

"Now then, your names please? It would be better for conversation."

Malik who looked at Dumledore with a quiet guarded expression and tense stature said nothing but Yugi moved forward and shook the headmasters hand gently.

"Yugi Atemu Moutou sir."

Dumbledore turned to Ryou. "and you young man?"

"Ryou Akefia Bakura."

Upstairs the three wizards had borrowed some ears from the twins and were listening intently. Ron frowned. "They're.. different from before. Quieter, nicer."

Harry agreed. He put his ear back in to listen to the rest of the conversation.

"And you ? What is your name?" Harry heard through the ear.

"I'm not telling you until you have proven yourself trustworthy."All three of them gasped at the nerve and arrogance Malik had to direspect Dumbledore. But he just chuckled.

"You do not trust easy i see. Wise of you."

"I've been in too many hardships to trust people at the drop of a hat. Who are you and why are you talking to us? I presume you want something, people don't talk to strangers for nothing."

"Right again, you have very good instincts, trust them completely."

"I do. Now what is your business?"

"Well, you three possess magic far older and greater than our own but i think it would be benificial for you to attend our school to see if you can learn another branch of magic."

"Not all of the story i think. There is more to it than that. You want us to do a specific thing."

"Yes, Molly do you think you could excuse us?"

The three of them tensed to be caught out but apparently ron's mum had left by a different door and they were safe. Letting out a held breath they listened back to the conversation at hand.

"Hmm. There is a war going on in this world that could decide the fate of your world as well. There is a dark sorcerer called Lord Voldemort."

A short laugh was heard.

"There's someone who wants to take over the world again who's called Flight of death? "

"Again young man? Who has tried before?"

There was and awkward pause.

"Me. But that's in my past and it would like to stay there thank you. What is so intimidating about this guy?"

"Hmmm. He's very powerful in our branch of magic and because i would like to enlist your services to help stop him i would deem it prudent to know about what type of magic you'll be facing. My school is here in England and you will attend instead of your regular school and for the rest of the Summer Holidays you will stay here at Grimmauld. If you attend of course."

There was a silence for five minutes.

"We accept. I need to contact my sister and Yugi his Grandpa and Ryou his father. What method of communication do you use?"


"I can use that."

"Me and Yugi might need to use a telephone."

"Very well, but be noticed that technology doesn't work in Hogwarts."

"Not even motorbikes?"

"I'm sorry but motorbikes aren't allowed. I advise a broom stick it's not as fast but it's portable."


"If that is all of your questions then i must be going. I'll see you on September the first. Molly is informed of the arrangements and will take you to get your equipment. Here are the letters and goodbye."

Harry heard rustling of robes.

"Dumbledore? My name is Malik. Malik...Marik Ishtar."

"An old Egyptian name i think, it means King. Thank you, Malik."

And they heard the rush of flames before Yugi sighed.

"Well it looks like we're going to a new school."

"Brilliant deduction sherlock."

All three seemed to converse silently again. Tucking their ears into their pockets they walked nonchalontly into the kitchen.

"So what did Dumbledorewant to talk to you guys about?"

Yugi smiled. "Apparently we're joining your school."

"Really? Cool."

"So Malik. That's egyptian right?"

Malik's eyes narrowed. "You were listening in."

Ron blushed at being caught out while Harry and Hermione slapped their forheads.

"Yeah, kinda.." Ron mumbled his ear turning red. malik rolled his eyes, "O.k, so you know, that's better than me telling you."

Hermione laughed nervously. "You didn't actually try to take over the world, did you?"

"It wasn't my first priority but i almost suceeded yes."

Malik sat down on the chair at the end of the table. His t-shirt caught on a splinter and rided to the left letting Ron see something on his back.

"What's that on your back mate?" he asked curiously. Malik twisted round effectively hiding his back. he narrowed his eyes at Ron who took a step back.

"Non of your business."

"Sorry malik, i thought it looked like the edge of a tattoo but it looked different from a tattoo and anyway tattoos are banned at Hogwarts.." Ron prattled on until Malik slammed his fist onto the table, splitting his knuckles but catching Ron's attention.

"If you ask again you will suddenly find youself mute, got it?"

Ron nodded quickly holding his throat tightly.

Harry thought this was strange behaviour and glanced at Yugi and Ryou who were both tense. As Ron sat down opposit Malik not saying a word they let out a collective breath.

There was a tense atmoshpere. Malik had his arms crossed, his hand bleeding onto the floor but he ignored it, Ron staring at him in an apologetic ay while Hermione stared at the both of them. Suddenly she strode around the table and held out her hand.

"Can i see your hand please?" she asked slightly nervous of getting threatened but he smiled a gorgeous smile and held it out.

"Thank you." he said softly. She took his hand and waved her wand at it, blushing as she did so. Ron didn't look happy about that. The blood vanished and the skin knitted back together leaving smooth mocha skin. Malik smiled and turned their hands over kissing it gently.

"Thank you again."

Hermione walked away obviously on cloud nine. Hermione's got a crush? harry thought. Ron looked steamed but didn't do anything. Just glared at Malik.

Mrs. Weasely came bustling into the kitchen with plates of sausages, bacon and eggs just then.

"I'm sorry m'dears about the mix up, albus explained everything to me. Have some dinner tuck in."

"Thank you mrs. Weasely, this is most kind." Ryou said in his soft British accent. Ron called out to him from across the table, a mouth full of sausages.

"I thought you were Japanese mate?"

Ryou shook his head.

"No, i'm from is England. Yugi is the only Japanese person here, Malik is from egypt. He's a tomb keeper."

"Cool. My brother Bill would die to meet you. He's a curse breaker for the tombs."

Malik glared at Ron but Ron had already turned back to his dinner, stuffing his face.

"w-ht?" ron tried to say choking on burnt sausage. Mrs. Weasely bustled in again before Ryou had a chance to make an excuse and looked worriedly at Malik.

"Are you sure you don't want some sausage dear? You look a little thin." She fussed. Malik shook his head smiling gently.

"No thank you mrs. Weasely, i'm a vegetarian."

Ron choked in disbelief. Harry thumped his back while rolling his eyes. Mrs. Weasely eyed her youngest son before turning back to Malik brightly.

"Some toast then?"

Malik smiled again, "That would be lovely thank you."

and she hurried into the kitchen. Dinner went alright, they all talked and got along well. Hermione, sitting across from Malik, was asking him eagerly about the modern and ancient egypt, blushing and smiling coyly at his eyes on her. Ron was talking to Yugi about wizard chess, managing to concentrate on that and glare at Malik the whole time. Ryou talked to Harry about England, where they had each grown up and all the people they had met.

"What's your family like Malik?" Hermione asked eagerly. Malik tensed but spoke. " I have an older sister Ishizu and an adopted brother Rishid. They're the best anyone could have."

Hermione frowned. "What about your parents?"

Malikshrugged. "I'm an orphan. We're all orphans."

He gestured to his friends. Hermione's eyes watered. "I'm so sorry. What happened to them?" She asked hesitently. His lavender eyes widened and he began to shake his head.


She looked panicked and grabbed his hand under the table rubbing soothing circles with her thumb. He looked at her with innocent eyes.

"So." she said in a false cheery voice. " Why are you in England?"

He blinked at her suprised at the subject being let go them smiled stunningly at her, causing her to blush deeply.

"Well, Ryou comes from England and his dad came home and Ryou invited us to stay with him. With our magic we flit between Japan and England so we don't even have to pack." He explained. "But i think we won't be allowed to do that at Hogwarts, so we'll have to make other arrangements. Ryou usually stays with my family so we'll only have to go to two places tomorrow." he saw the confusion in her eyes and letting go of her hand he put his under his chin, piercing her with his purple catlike eyes.

"Ryou's dad is an archeologist in Egypt so he stayed at home alone but when my family moved there after battle city Ishizu insisted he stay with us so 'she could keep an eye on him' so to speak."

Hermione nodded and they went onto what Hogwarts was like. Dinner went on and when they got up Mrs. Weasely said they should all go to bed.

"You've got to get your stuff tomorrow dearies. I'll show you your rooms while Ron could you clear the table?"

Mrs. Weasely led the spirits out and the golden trio cleared the table together then Hermione went to her's and Ginny's room while the boys went to theirs they bumped into Fred and George on the way.

"What do you think of the new guys?" Harry asked.

Geoge shrugged. "Yugi seems cool, Ryou's a bit quiet but what can you do."

"What about malik?" Ron interjected. The twins grinned.

"That is without a doubt the coolest wizard of all time. He has so many ideas.."

"We were so blind to not to notice the posibilities.."

"He is teaching us so much."

Ron grunted, obviously that wasn't the answer he was looking for. The twins went to their own room and they slipped into theirs.

HERMIONE AND GINNY'S ROOM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What's all the fuss? Are you blushing?" Ginny whispered as Hermione closed their door. She turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Well, we were in diagon alley. We were jut coming back here from the book store," She began as she sat on her bed, Ginny listening attentively. "But death eaters, four of them cornered us and sent us to south London by Port key. We ran away into an alley. We were hiding when three muggles came into the alley running into the death eaters. They were speaking Japanese but turned to English when they adressed the death eaters."

"Are- are they dead?" Ginny said in a quavering voice. Hermione shook her head. "Listen."

"Two of them suddenly disappeared, one of the foreign teenagers did it. But one of the death eaters hit the blond one with the killing curse. We saw him fall. The others made the other death eaters disappear like the first ones. We ran for the port key then floo powdered our way back here. But we heard voices after a minute and we came down and saw the two guys who saved us and.... the guy who got hit. Alive."

"Alive?How is that even possible? Another one like Harry..."

"Yeah. But we had dinner and i talked to him after Fred and George went upstairs again. He's sooo cute. He's called Malik which means King in Egyptian. Blond golden hair with lavender eyes and their soo intense and they look like cats eyes. He's muscular and tanned and so interesting. He's from Cairo in Egypt and he moved to Japan when he was fifteen."

Ginny giggled. "Looks like someone has a crush on the 'king'."

Hermione giggled. "Secret right?"

"Duh? Anyway who are the other guys?"

"Well, there's Yugi. He has the wirdest hairstyle. O.k, black with red tips in a star shape and blonde bangs and.. it's natural. Also Ryou, he's an albino except he doesn't have pink eyes, they're a chocolatey brown. Yugi is really short while Ryou isn't much taller Malik is almost as tall as the twins."


Harry looked at Ron.

"What was that?" ron asked. Harry shrugged. The name sounded Japanese so he suspected it was one of the three guests.

"It came from the guest bedrooms."

They snuck out into the hallway under the cloak and to the room that the other teenagers were sharing. They stopped outside their door and again used the extendable ears to wriggle under the door.

"Hikari i've missed you so much!"

"Marik we share the same soul, we're never literally apart."

"Still i missed admiring you."

Ron looked incredulously at Harry. Was Malik talking to himself?

"Marik, my hikari is an innocent soul and your PDA is tainting that."

"Yeah, i'm tainting Ryou on my own. I don't need your help."

"Are they all crazy?" Ron mouthed. Harry shrugged.

"Aibou did you hear that?"

"No Atem"

"I didn't hear anything my king." came Maliks bored voice.

"Hikarii's neck tastes delicious!"



"that's better."

"Guys calm down! We need to figure out what to do. Do we go as three people or tell Dumbledore and our new friends and go as six. what do you think?"

"No. I'm not trusting anyone with my yami or the millenium rod."

Millenium what?

"Same with little Ryou. He's too innocent to be in with these "dark wizards". As i said I'm tainting him enough thank you very much. You know i managed to get him to steal a keyring. Before he broke down and cried."

an audible snort. "No wonder he's so precious.."

Ron smothered laughter.

"Wait, Atem, i think you're right. I heard something moving. No more talking in English. I don't trust these people yet."

"After what my pretty hikari has been through he doesn't trust anyone except us."

"Could you stop talking about me like i'm not here?" said a furious Malik.

"Let's just get some sleep. Malik put your daggers down and get some sleep."


"there is something really wierd going on with those three. Listen to what the ears picked up."

Harry urged Hermione as both he and Ron stuck the ears in her own to listen to the freaky conversation they had picked up. After it faded out into static she took them out with a slightly wistful expression.

"Looks like Maliks taken." Ron stood there. "WHAT!"

"Ginny will be so disappointed." Harry stood there, "WHAT!"

"But to more important things, Ron...?"

"Yes" he said sticking out his chest with pride.

"Could you hand me that book?"

"Huh, Oh.. um, sure."He said in a fluster almost dropping the book while Harry snickered. Hermione tore through the pages,

"Here, i was wanting to know more about what Malik was talking about as some of it i didn't understand so i was reading this book on ancient egyptian pharoahs."

She looked up to see both Ron and Harry staring at her in disbelief.

"Some pretty boy knows more than you do?" Ron gasped. Hermione frowned. "He isn't just a gorgeous face, he's extremely intelligent."

"WOW, Hermione's got it bad for the boy."

"I find him interesting. Anyway, while i was listening Malik said something about a millenium rod."

"Probably fluffing his ego." Ron muttered. Hermione looked faintly disgusted but carried on.

"Listen to this, In the valley of the Kings lies the myth of the millenium items. Made from gold says the ancient scriptures that hold powerful shadow magic. Seven items all beholding to the great Pharoah in protection. They were supposedly used to stop the shadow king from destroying Egypt. The nameless Pharoah stopped the dark force but in doing so sealed himself from his memories in the millenium puzzle to await his re incarnation to revive him so he could help egypt once more...."

Harry snorted. "That's just a myth."

Hermione turned red. "I know i just thought it was a... never mind, i'm going to bed. See you tomorrow."

She stalked out the room as Harry switched off the lights.....



Someone screamed in his ear. "mnmfph!" he groaned back to see Harry in his pyjamas as Hermione frantically brushed her hair. She threw her shoes on, tying then up as she went with a chaste flick of her wand. "C'mon, ron hurry up!" she screamed as she fled to the door, back to her own room with Ginny. After thirty minutes of blearily fumbling around, crashing into things and knocking stuff over both boys were presentable to the standards of Mrs. Weasely and ruched downstairs to see everyone crowded round the table watching Yugi and Ryou play with some sort of complex card game. Malik was explaining something about to Hermione who hung on his every word as the boys grabbed some toast and eggs and sat at the end of the table just as Yugi won.

"I will get you next time." Growled Bakura, reshuffling his deck.

" No way, i'm not called the king of games for nothing you know."

"Well just remember who almost took that title from you."

"Yeah, Malik."

At the other end of the table Malik grinned.

Mrs. Weasely looked at the clock and gasped. "My dears it's almost Ten o'clock! You have to go."

They all assembled a small group at the front of the hearth and Malik yugi and ryou chanted and they were encapsulated by shadows and sank into the ground. Mrs. Weasely started cooking for their return keeping in mind Malik being a vegetarian.