Last time:

"Leah tell me who did this to you?" I said softly grabbing her hand. She looked at me for a while before she spoke.

"j...Jacob did but he didn't mean it" Leah said so quietly I wouldn't of heard her if it hadn't of been for my werewolf hearing. I growled slightly when I heard her.

"He had no right, Leah no right. He may have been angry Leah but he didn't need to take it out on you" I seethed shaking slightly. I felt calm wash over me.

"Jasper please. Just don't" I said getting up and walking out the door slamming it behind me. I immediately felt bad for what I said to jasper. But I didn't want to be controlled. I had to sort this out. Jacob may have been angry but he had no right to take it out on Leah I thought as I walked towards the forest where I tied my cloths round my ankle and phased before heading towards la push.

I ran as fast as I could towards la push. It wasn't long before I stopped at the edge of the forest. It took me a while to calm down enough to phase back, even when phased back I was shaking slightly. I walked towards my dad's house.

"Hey dad is Jacob here?" I asked through gritted teeth when my dad answered the door.

"No sorry Bella he's at Sam's. Why what wrong?" my father asked leading me into the living room.

"There is definitely something wrong! Leah's just turned up at the Cullen's with a shoulder to hip gash in her side which is going to leave her with a scar for the rest of her life and you wonna know who did t dad it was Jacob" I said taking a deep breath.

"I'm going to Sam's I need to talk to my dear brother for a while" I said before walking out the house not waiting for his answer. I followed Jacob's scent to Sam's house not bothering to phase. When i got to Sams house I knocked on the door slowly.

"Hey Bella" Sam said as he opened the door after a while.

"Is Jacob here?" I all but growled as I shook.

"yeah come in he's in the kitchen" Sam said leading me towards the kitchen where everyone sat round a large table chatting. They stopped talking as soon as me and Sam entered the room.

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT JACOB BLACK TO DO WHAT YOU DID TO LEAH. SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU. YOU HAD NO RIGHT AT ALL JACOB" I shouted before walking up to where he sat next to Paul and slapped him hard like I had to Sam. He sat there quietly not meeting my eyes as I stood over him.

"What did Jacob do?" Paul asked breaking the silence.

"Ask Jacob a brother I want nothing to do with at the moment" i said angrily before walking out the house slamming the door behind me. After running into the woods I phased ripping my cloths in the process i ran toward the Cullen's. I felt bad about what I said to Jacob as soon as I had said it but i couldn't help it i was hurt and angry. I was crying hard in my wolf form by the time i reached the Cullen's house.

"Bella here you might need these" Rosalie said holding out some cloths for me which I held between my teeth as I ran into the forest to phase back. When I walked into the house I found Leah asleep on the sofa whilst Emmet and Jasper played video games.

"Umm...Jasper could i talk to you for a minute?" I asked slowly. What if he doesn't accept me what if he denies the imprint I thought to myself as jasper nodded and followed me outside to the porch.

"What did you want to talk about Bella?" he asked after a while.

"Have you ever heard of imprinting jasper?" I asked taking a deep breath.

"It's a Where-wolf thing isn't it?" he replied looking at me curiously.

"Um yeah well it is but what I meant to say was I kind of imprinted on you when we were in the park" I said quickly turning away from him scared of what he might say.

"wait you what i didn't quite hear the last bit" jasper said confused.

"I...kind of imprinted on you jasper" I said slowly....

A/n: please tell me what you think because I'm not sure about this chapter. I'd also like to know if people want me to bring back the rest of the Cullen's before Bella might forgive Jacob or after.