Well here's the last chapter. =[ OMG my second story I finished. Anyways thanks to everyone who reviewed. And I hope you will read my new story 'When Two Worlds Collide' It will be out soon =]. Anyways enjoy and please reviews one last time.

Chapter 14

One year later everything had changed for Miley, Stella and Macy. They still had their boyfriends. Life couldn't get any better for them. The girls continued their dancing and won their dancing finals. They were still close friends with the Angel Light girls. Now each girl were doing different things.

Miley was still doing song writing. The boys took her onstage with them to sing the new songs she wrote. Both Nick and Miley worked together to help children with Diabetes.

Stella was still doing designing. She was designing clothes for the Jonas boys and the Angel Light girls. She was helping children who's parents split up.

Macy continued dancing. She helped set up sports days for charity. Since sports was her favourite thing. She was working as a choreographer. She make up dance routines for the Angel Light girls and the Jonas boys. She's also been working with children who lost their parents.

Right now they were on their way to a privete party. The Angel Light girls were having a party for their 4th album release. The black car stopped on front of the venue. Kevin got out of the car and Macy got out after him. Then Joe got out with Stella. Then Nick got out with Miley. They all walked into the venue as the paparazzi took photo's of them. When they got inside they saw the Angel Light girls waiting for them.

"What took you so long?" Asked Lauren.

"We got stuck in traffic." Said Joe. "You look lovely by the way."

"Thank you." Smiled Lauren.

"Hey what about me and Monique?" Therese said as she crossed her arms.

"You two look lovely too." Said Joe.

"Thank you Joe." Smiled Monique.

"Come on let's go to the dance floor." Lauren said as they walked to the dance floor.

A while later Nick was sitting in the back room by himself. He was playing his guiter. He heard the door open. He looked up to see Miley walk in.

"Heya." She said as she sat down next to him.

"Hey." He said as he put his guitar down. "You having fun tonight?"

Miley nodded. "Yeah."

Nick smiled and put his arm around Miley. "Can you believe that we've been dating for a year?"
"I know." Said Miley. "It's like only yesterday we saw you at the cafe."

"I'll never forget that day." Nick said as he smiled at Miley.


"Yeah. I'll never forget how you said that Stella loved Joe." He said as Miley laughed.

"Stella wanted to kill me afterwards." Laughed Miley.

"So you wanna go back to the party?" Nick asked. Miley nodded. Nick gave Miley a kiss on the cheek. He got his guitar and held Miley's hand as they went back to the party.

Meanwhile Kevin was sitting on the balcony. He looked at the city lights in the distance. He looked up to see Macy standing behind him.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey," Macy said as she sat on Kevin's lap.

"The view is beautiful. Isn't it?" He asked as he put his arms around Macy.

Macy nodded. "Yeah it is. Can you believe how fast this year has gone?"

"I know. It's gone so fast." Kevin sighed.

"It's amazing how things have changed." Macy said with a small smile.

"Yeah." Kevin said as he looked at Macy. "If your dad was here he would be very proud of you."

Macy smiled. "You really think so?"

Kevin nodded. "Of course."

Macy looked up and kissed Kevin.

"We better go inside." Kevin said as he stood up and took Macy inside.

While inside Joe and Stella were sitting on the couch talking.

"Can you believe we've known eachother for over a year?" Asked Stella.

Joe nodded. "I know it went by so fast."

"I'll never forget the night you guys stayed over in my house." Smiled Stella. "Me, Miley and Macy were so excited."

Joe smiled back. "Yeah and you beat me at basketball."

Stella smiled and nodded. "I remember that."

Joe smiled and kissed Stella on the cheek.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Stella said as she got up and went into the bathroom.

When Stella got into the bathroom she looked at her herself in the mirror. She got her make-up out of her bag and started putting some on.

"You don't need make-up Stells." Macy said as she walked in and started fixing her hair.

Stella laughed. "So are you having fun?"

Macy nodded as she put in her hair clips. "Yeah. Are you?"

Stella nodded. She turned around to see Miley walk in.

"Hello girlys. How are you?" She said as she went up to them.

"Someones having fun." Said Macy.

Miley laughed. "Oh my god. The Angel Light girls know how to throw a party."

Stella and Macy laughed. As Stella put her make-up back in her bag she pulled out a photo of herself, Macy, Miley, the Jonas boys and the Angel Light girls. It was taken on the tour bus. Just before the tour ended.

"Do you guys remember this?" Asked Stella as Miley and Macy looked at the photo.

"Oh my god!" Gasped Miley.

"I remember that." Smiled Macy.

"It's like only yesterday when we were huge fans of Jonas." Said Stella. "We used to dream about them every night."

"Yeah and look at us now." Smiled Macy. "We're dating them."

"You know what this proves?" Asked Miley.

"No what?" Stella said back.

"It's proves that dreams really do come true." Smiled Miley.

Stella and Macy smiled as Miley put her arms around her 2 bestfriends and pulled them into a group hug.