"I have a surprise for you, Sasuke-kun!"

"What is it?"

"What part of 'surprise' don't you understand?"

"I don't like surprises."

"You're no fun, you know that?"


"Now close you're eyes!"

"This is stupid, Sakura."

"Oh shut up, Sasuke-kun! Now no peeking….okay! Open them now!"

"Sakura. This is childish…not to mention gay…"

"Bastard! The least you could do is say 'thanks!'"

"Why did you give me flowers for Kami's sake? I should be giving it to you, not the other way around. Isn't that the traditional way?"

"Well, I don't really give a damn about tradition."


"Well, fine mister! Just give it ba-"



"I'll….I'll keep it."

-eye twitch-

"That's better!"

"So… why did you give me flowers?"

"So you can get in touch with your feminine side."


"Hahaha! Oh, don't look at me like that! You know I had to get you back for that comment!"


"Sorry! Sorry! Okay I'll tell you!"


"I wanted to thank you for giving me that flower yesterday."

"So you thank me for giving you flowers by giving me the same kind of flowers?"


"Have you been smoking something lately?"


"Mou, Sasuke-kun you're so mean!"

"And you're weird."

"That's one of my many quirks! And that's why you love me!"

-eye twitch-


"You know…Forget-me-nots mean true love…"

"Talking to Yamanaka, have you?"

"Of course! She's the expert."


"I just wanted to say that I love you…."

"I figured that."

"Let me finish, you ass. And that my love for you will last as long as at least one flower lives."

"Do you know how utterly idiotic that sounds?"

-eye twitch-

"Yes, I'm aware."

-raised eyebrows-

"Are you sure you aren't high?"



"Wait…So you mean you'll only love me until the last flower dies?"

"Haven't you been listening? Geez and here I thought you were a genius."

"Wait! Sakura!"

But she skipped away, leaving him confused and wondering what the hell she meant. It was only later when he thought to put the flower in a water-filled container that he finally figured it out.

"Sakura-chan, wanna go to Ichiraku's?"

"Sure, Naruto. I'll just get Sas- Oh here he is!"





"Yes, Sasuke-kun?"

"Those flowers you gave me…"

"Sakura-chan gave you flowers, teme?! Hahahahahahaha!"



"OW! Dammit! Sakura-chan, that hurts!"


"C'mon Sasuke-kun, I don't have all day."

"One of them is fake."



"Wait…what are you guys talking about?"

Sakura ignored him turned around leading the way to Ichiraku's.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? C'mon!"

"Fine, don't tell me. I'm coming sweet ramen!"



"Promise me something, Sasuke-kun."

"Depends on what it is."


"Eh. Smart boy."

"Promise me that when I'm gone…."

"Don't say things like that."

"Let me finish, you ass. Promise me that you'll move on."


"Because I want you to be happy."

"I will never be happy without you."
"I never knew Uchiha Sasuke was so romantic."



"Don't cry at my funeral."

"Forehead…you look so beautiful!!! Hurry, look in the mirror!!"

"Wow, I actually do."

"Sakura! Of course you do! Have confidence in yourself!"

"Thanks you guys…"

"I hate you, forehead!"

"Right back at you, pig."

"You got married before all of us, especially me!"

"Sakura-chan…w-why do y-you look s-sad?"

"Oh? Huh? Oh! Sorry, Hinata-chan. I was just thinking…"

"Sakura! This should be the happiest day of a girl's life!"

"I-I know TenTen…… but I just feel really tired…."


"Oh, c'mon guys! Now I made you all sad. Lighten up! After all, it isn't like it's my funeral."


"Well, not yet anyway…"


"I'm kidding!"

"This is it, teme."


"You should be happy."

"I am."

"You know, you guys are the perfect couple."


"She's fun, and you're no fun at all. She completes you."



"Take care of her, teme. Don't make her cry. If you do, you'll answer to me."

"Hn. Dobe."

"Do you Uchiha Sasuke take Haruno Sakura to be you lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you Haruno Sakura take Uchiha Sasuke to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now announce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"


"T-that was so l-loud N-Naruto-kun…."

"Hehehe…you and I are next Hinata-chan!"


"Hinata-chan? Hello?"

"This calls for a big PAR-TAY!!!!!!!"

"Why are blondes so troublesome?"


"Congrats, guys! I knew you were meant to be!"

"Thanks, TenTen!"


"Thanks Neji!"

"So…how does it feel like to be Mrs. Uchiha?"

"Hehehe…I'm so happy, pig."

"You should be. You deserved it, forehead."

"C-Congratulations, S-Sakura-chan!"

"Aw, thanks Hinata!"

"I'm so happy for you Sakura-chan!"

"Thanks Naruto!"

"Don't worry, if he makes you cry, I'll make him pay!"


"No need, dobe."

-vein pop-

"What did you call me?"


"Just like old times…"

"Look at you two… all grown up."

"You're getting old Kakashi-sensei."

"I'm not old!"

"Really? Care to prove it?"

"Nice try, Sasuke. You guys will never see what's behind this mask."


"Besides, I'm not your sensei anymore."

"Habits die hard, Kakashi-sensei."

-shakes head-

"Why do I try?"

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I am, Sasuke-kun. Why?"

"You look so drained."

"It's nothing, probably just exhausted from entertaining people all night."

"Do you want to go home and rest?"

"No, no it's alright. It would be rude to leave right now."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Sasuke-kun. You're so adorable when you're concerned."


-giggles weakly-

"Thank you everybody, for all your attendance and for all the wonderful gifts! Please continue to enjoy your time."

"Man, that was some party."

"Naruto! You are helping clean up!"

"Geez, Ino, I wasn't trying to escape. By the way, where's Sakura-chan?"

"Over there sitting down, next to Sasuke. Oh look they're cuddling! Isn't that so cute?! "

"Uh…Thanks. Man, girls are weird."


"Hey, Sakura-chan!"


"Be quiet dobe, she's tired."

"I can see that, teme! Why don't you bring her home then?"

"Na…ruto? Oh…hi..Sorry…I don't really feel energetic…"

"Go home, then."

"But what about the mess?"

"We can handle it, Sakura-chan! Now go to your new home, Mrs. Uchiha!"

"Are you…sure?"



"You're the best, Naruto!"

"Hehehe…I know!"


"C'mon Sakura."

-holds out arm-

"Carry me!"

-playful glare-

"Must I?"



"There, you happy?"

"Yup. Now for my other two wishes…."



"You're… so cute… Sa..su..ke-kun…"


"I can't believe it. She's asleep."

"Hehe! You love birds have fun!"


"Anytime, teme."





"Open your eyes. We're home."


The pair lay in bed, their arms circling one another. Sakura's face resting atop his chest and Sasuke's face was buried in her bubble gum pink tresses.

"Sasuke? Are you still awake?"




"I…wanted to say thank you."

"For what?"

"Oh you know…being there for me."

"I think you've got it switched around, Sakura. It was you who has been there for me."

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to forgive, Sasuke-kun."

"Yes, there is. I'm sorry… for hurting you, in the past…"


"I already forgot about that. How many times are you going to apologize?"


"If you don't stop, I am going to haunt you for the rest of your life when I die."




"Sasuke-kun. We can't delay the inevitable."

"I know."

"You know, I've finally accepted it."


"Don't worry, I will never ever leave you."


"We'll go through this together."


"Is that a threat or a promise?"



"You're so funny Sas…uke…kun…"


Sasuke glanced at the sleeping pink bundle resting on his chest. He squeezed his hold on her smooth arm, as if to see whether she was real or not. After all, this was his dream come true. His life was finally complete. He buried his nose into her pink locks and inhaled its strawberry scent.

He murmured softly into her hair.

"It's a promise."

Sasuke woke up to find Sakura motionless on his torso. He smirked and gently wriggled himself out of her grasp, not wanting to disturb her slumber. He opened the curtains, knowing that she loved to be awakened by a beautiful bright morning sky. But instead of what he was expecting to see, he noticed that it was a rather cloudy day, perhaps later it would rain.

He sighed and walked back to his wife, intending to wake her up.

He noticed that she still wore a slight smile on her face, with one corner of her mouth vaguely turned up. He smirked and shook her discreetly.


No response.

He tried again. Maybe she was awake and was just playing with him?

Still no response.

"Sakura!" He shook her harder, but no matter what, she would not wake up. He inspected her.

No breathing.

No pulse.

He burst into hysterics.

"Please, please, please, wake up! SAKURA!"

"Sasuke-teme, you should get some rest.

"No, I'm staying right here."

"You look like hell."

"I don't care."

"I'll watch over Sakura-chan."

"No, I'm not leaving her."


"Fine, teme. I'll just keep you company."

"Please, Sakura, wake up. Don't leave me…."

"I'm sorry."

"Baa-chan! You have to do something!"

"I did everything I could. The poison took its full effect."

"No, no, NO! Sakura-chan…."

"Teme, are you alright?"


"I'm sorry…"

"…She's gone."

"You know, teme, she wouldn't want us to be sad. She'll want everyone to just smile and move on."

"I can't do that."

"You'll need to. For her sake."

"We all come together today…to mourn the death of one of Konoha's most talented and promising kunoichi."

"Would anyone like to say a few words in her honor?"

"I would."

"Sakura was my best friend. We've been through a lot together. Despite our past fights, we managed to repair our friendship and became stronger. She was such an amazing, radiant girl. She was like the sister I never had……"

"Sakura was my apprentice. I knew from the start that she had a lot of potential and I wanted to help her achieve it. My standards are pretty high and I made sure to push my students to the limit. Sakura never gave up. She never failed to amaze me. She was an extraordinary girl. She was ill-tempered but sweet, strong and caring. Her strength and medical skills were like my own and I considered her as the daughter I always wanted to have……"

"Sakura-chan was my teammate and best friend. I love her like my own sister. I was always protective of her and she didn't like that. She was such an independent girl. She didn't treat me any different when she found out that I housed a monster. She was a real person who wasn't afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. I could be myself around her. I…I'm going to miss her…… B-but I know that right now…she wouldn't want us to be sad. She'll want us to move on…."

"Teme, why didn't you get up and deliver a speech?"

"I couldn't."


The whole village mourned the loss of Konoha's Cherry Blossom.


Sasuke touched the silver tombstone, his hand caressing the part of the marble that bore her name.

"I'll miss you….."

He laid a single flower in front of it in honor of her memory, in honor of his wife.

"I love you."

But true to his promise, he did not cry. Instead his face harbored a small bitter sweet smile.


Uchiha Sakura

Konoha's Cherry Blossom

They kept her gravestone simple, just like what she wished.

Over the years, her tombstone was often greeted by flowers, courtesy of her friends and her past patients. After a while, the flowers, which were of several different varieties, some her namesake, wilted. All the flowers which were once bright and colorful now withered away within a few days. That is, all except one. That flower never wilted, never died no matter what season. Sakura's grave was always adorned with that forget-me-not. The villagers wondered why Uchiha Sasuke, her husband, would present her a fake flower when he could give her a real one. Only he knew the real reason.












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