"C'mon everyone, the fireworks are about to start!" America shouted, picking up the large cooler full of icy cold beer and carrying it outside to the patio. Chairs were set up on the lawn, and everyone who wasn't already outside enjoying the evening began making their way out to the waiting chairs and mosquitoes. Cans of bug repellant were passed around as well as beer as everyone settled down to watch the anticipated fireworks show.

Germany finished going through the trash generated from the birthday party, separating the recycling. He washed his hands at the kitchen sink and found a clean towel to dry them on. Walking outside he stopped as America set the cooler down next to his chair on the patio. "America, have you been using the recycling bins I gave you? Most of this garbage isn't garbage at all." He said irritably.

America glanced up at Germany while grabbing a beer out of the cooler. "Uh sure, I was going to do that in the morning."

Germany glared at him, "That's very inefficient, do it now and you won't have such a huge task tomorrow."

"Hey, come on Germany don't bother with it now, it's a party! Want a beer?" He asked, offering up an icy, dripping bottle.

"Aaaaaaaaah … American beer, no thanks I'm good." He replied, walking off to take a seat next to Prussia, who was busy spraying bug repellant on Romano and Veneciano; the latter hollering at Prussia because he got some of the spray in his eyes.

"I'm blind I'm blind!" He screamed hysterically, dancing around in the grass.

"Shut the hell up! You're such an idiot!" Romano fumed, trying to ignore the tacky feeling on his skin and sitting down in his lawn chair.

Prussia sat holding the can and watching Veneciano squirm, then shrugged and tossed the can over to Ukraine. "I told you to hold still, not my fault." Germany groaned and shook his head.

America twisted the top off the beer bottle and took the first long swig, "Ahh," he said, enjoying the first hoppy taste of a cold brew. Canada at that moment came through the patio door and America sat up to get his attention.

"Canada! Got a seat saved for ya right here next to me," America exclaimed, patting a matching chaise lounge next to his. "The two birthday boys should sit together!"

Canada gave him a slight smile, "Uh, sure America." He placed a small cooler next to his seat and sat down.

"Beer?" America pulled a bottle out of his cooler and offered it to him.

Canada stared it for a moment, and then said, "Yes, it is." He pulled out a Molson from his own cooler, twisting off the top and taking a large swig.

America sighed and dropped the beer into the cooler. Just then Russia walked through the patio door. "Russia! Want a beer?" He picked up Canada's rejected bottle and held it up the tall country.

Russia looked down at America and smiled. "Ah, no thank you, I already have something." He held up the still frosty bottle of Stolichnaya taken from America's freezer. "Spasiba." He said, walking away and taking a huge drink from the bottle.

"I gotta find someplace else to keep my vodka." America said, sighing and watching sadly as the bottle quickly disappeared into Russia's gullet. The tall country sat down next to France and Spain, who were swatting mosquitoes and waiting patiently for the can of bug spray to make it over to them.

The first test firework was shot into the air; it exploded over their heads with a loud BANG! Which caused Veneciano to jump out of his lawn chair and let out a loud yelp. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Save me Romano!" He screamed, falling into his brother's lap.

"Get off me you bastard! They're just getting started!" Romano's face turned deep red as he grabbed Veneciano and shoved him back down in his own lawn chair. "Stay off of me damn it!"

"Alright! The show's about to start!" America said, settling in and opening a fresh beer.

"Oh I almost forgot; this is for you America." Canada said, pulling a dark cylinder shaped object from his shirt pocket and holding it out to the other country. "I thought you would enjoy this."

America accepted the gift from Canada, realizing in the dim light coming from the house through the patio door it was a long, thick cigar. "Wow, that looks great Canada!"

Another cigar appeared in Canada's mouth, who produced a book of matches and struck one. Lighting his own first, he moved the burning match in America's direction; the other country leaned over with his own cigar in his mouth and began drawing in when the flame connected with it. "Thanks Canada, this is really great of you." He blew the grayish-blue smoke out of his mouth. "Tastes really smooth."

Canada pulled on his own cigar, the glow from the lit end briefly illuminating his face. "They're my favorite."

The first colorful starbursts of fireworks filled the sky. Everyone sat back, enjoying beverages and snacks, while watching the show. The occasional "Oooo" and "Ahhh" was heard, mostly from the direction of the Italy brothers.

"Happy Birthday America." Canada said, his face lit up by fireworks, a cloud of thick cigar smoke forming around him.

"Happy Birthday Canada." America answered back, his own head surrounded by a thick blue cloud.

They sat silently watching the fireworks; the flashes and sprays of color in the sky reflecting in their glasses. Cigar smoke began to fill the patio area. "Hey America?"

Puff, puff, "… Yeah?"

"That sure was a crazy time back then, wasn't it?"

"Hmmm? Oh … yeah, it sure was. Scariest time of my life, and the best time of my life."

Canada pulled the cigar out of his mouth and grinned. "Yeah, I bet it was." He emptied his beer and reached into his little cooler for another one.

"Good idea!" America said, also draining his bottle and pulling another one out of his much larger cooler. "It was worth it though."

Canada took a long drink from his beer, eyes still glued to the display in the sky. "It was a scary time for me too, and pretty sad, being taken from France who raised me like a father. Then I was forced to live with England. Where is England?"

"He doesn't really likes coming to my birthday party."

"Shame, you always put on a good one." Canada said, lifting his beer to America in a toast. America grinned and tapped his bottle against Canada's, who then took another long swig before going back to his cigar.

America settled back into his chaise lounge after another refreshing pull from his beer bottle and began puffing away at his cigar again. Canada's mentioning of coming to live with England when they were both still boys reminded America of how sad Canada had been, and then angry when he found out it was America who asked England to demand custody of Canada after the French and Indian War. He still felt guilty for being selfish in wanting company while England went away for such long stretches of time. Although he and Canada otherwise got along really well, he knew that one little detail was a still sore point between them.

Canada sat with his arms resting on the armrests of the chaise lounge, fingers clasped together and enjoying his cigar. "How is that cigar America?"

America took it out of his mouth and smiled, still watching the fireworks. "It's great Canada, thanks again for bringing them. It's added a nice touch to the evening."

Canada removed his own cigar from his mouth and looked at it in his fingers. "Good," He replied, the smile on his face taking on a sinister leer, "Cuba gave them to me."

America's eyes grew wide when he inhaled the smoke, sending him into a loud, painful coughing fit. He jumped out of his seat, his face turning red as he tried to breathe and shout at the same time. "YOU! Damn it! COUGH this is COUGH CUBAN?! Canada! For Chrissakes COUGH you know COUGH these are illegal! COUGH Fucking Cuban cigar COUGH COUGH COUGH on my birthday of all things!" The last bit came out as a strangled cry as America ran back though the patio door into his house, hacking coughs coming from a room inside.

Just then the grand finale of the fireworks show started. Around the lawn cigars came out of shirt pockets from where they were concealed and matches were passed around as the other countries lit up and enjoyed their Cuban cigars.

Veneciano and Romano took turns leaning down to the lit match Germany offered them, puffing away to get a good cherry going. "These are really illegal in America?" Veneciano asked.

"Ja, they are." Germany answered, lighting a fresh match for his and Prussia's cigars.

"Danke," Prussia said, sitting back and drawing on his with a huge grin on his face.

Spain exhaled a large cloud of smoke and looked down at his, "I've smoked many of these, and I enjoy every one señor."

France smiled and tossed back his hair after lighting his, "They're always so smooth. Shame America feels the need to deny himself the luxury."

Spain's eyes glittered briefly with animosity, remembering all the help he had given the new country in winning his independence, only to have land taken from him again and again as America insisted on manifesting his destiny. "I still feel the need to deny America some things, but … it's a different time now."

France looked over at Spain for a moment, then back up at the constant display of color over their heads. "There must be something you admire about him."

Spain blew more smoke into the night air, "Alright, I do admire the fact that after all this time he's never told Canada the truth about you not wanting Canada back after the American Revolution."

Russia finished the last drop of vodka from the bottle taken out of America's freezer and tossed it into the yard. "Really? He's never told Canada after so long?" He took another long drag off of his cigar and blew a giant smoke ring, smiling playfully as it expanded and floated away.

"Oui, he never has." France replied, a sad smile on his face. "That's a long time to keep silent just so not to hurt someone's feelings. A sign of real love." Russia and Spain both nodded, and went back to watching the fireworks.

Canada clasped his hands and put them behind his head, enjoying the end of his cigar and grinning like a tycoon who had just made a huge profit. His view of the fireworks was momentarily blocked, and then he felt a weight in his lap as Ukraine sat down and put her hands around his neck. His eyes grew wide when she put her face close to his.

"That was a pretty dirty trick to play on America you know." She said, grinning down at the country now blushing red enough to match his hoodie.

Canada grinned back up at her, "He's had that coming for a long time." He put out the butt of his cigar and enjoyed the rest of the fireworks with Ukraine sitting in his lap.


As promised, this is the last chapter of A Little Knowledge. I had this already written, went back to find it only discover it was gone … I don't know how; anyway I had to rewrite it which is why it took so long to get it posted. Thanks for being patient.

Bringing Cuban cigars into the United States has been illegal since 1962, and if caught will earn you a $1000 fine per cigar. There have been recent talks of loosening the trade embargo the United States has on Cuba, but so far if you want to enjoy a Cuban cigar you still have to go to Canada to do so.

The inspiration for this story came from an incident that happened a few years ago. Friends of mine had gone on a Caribbean cruise for their honeymoon and managed to return to the United States with a substantial quantity of Cuban cigars. I don't know how they managed it and didn't bother to ask, but did ask if I could buy one from them. That cigar became my Dad's father's day present. On the 4th of July it's a family tradition to watch the fireworks from my parents' lake house in northern Michigan, and that 4th of July my Dad smoked his Cuban cigar while watching the display.

Don't worry, even though this chapter fic is over I will definitely write more, and have written more about the crazy relationships between these countries. I'm having too much fun to quit!