This is the last chapter of Masculine.

I am pleased with the story, but not completely satisfied. But I don't think any writer should ever be completely satisfied with what they write; that doesn't encourage improvement. So when I write my next story I shall endeavour to make it ten times better than this one.

In this chapter, Sirius' insightful response comes. Devon finally gives up on Harry Potter. Ron doesn't let Seamus get to him. And Harry's crisis is averted. All in all, there is a happy ending.

Chapter Five

"I'm beginning to think getting involved in Harry Potter's love life was a bad idea," Devon commented as Harry moodily brushed past the Hufflepuff table.

"Nice of you to finally catch on," Zach grumbled. "I've been telling you that all along."

"He's too complicated. I want someone straightforward without all the drama."

"You should date a fellow Hufflepuff. We know how to keep it simple with relationships," Zach suggested.

"Hmm," Devon answered noncommittally. "From what I can tell, he was dating Ron Weasley, but they had a falling out after Harry had a passionate affair with Draco Malfoy. Or at least that's my best guess."

Zach shook his head in disgust. "I wouldn't think you would want to get mixed up with that sort of person."

"I think I'm only going to try to date people who're out of the closet. All this hiding and denial isn't good for a potential romance."

"If a person wanted to be discreet with their relationship then that couldn't be too harmful," Zach protested.

"Oh, no," Devon adamantly denied. "I don't want my boyfriend to hide that he's with me. I think I deserve better than that."

"I mean it wouldn't be like he was ashamed of you. Maybe he would prefer the privacy of keeping his business to himself."

Devon peered pensively at Zach. "As the ex-closeted gay, I think I know best what a person's motivation is when hiding their sexuality."

"Not everyone can be as self-assured as you, Devon," Zach muttered into his breakfast.

Devon didn't say anything to that.


Harry's wretched mood did not abate for the rest of the day. He avoided Parvati and Ron avoided him. And Hermione was strangely tolerant of his surliness. It was like he had feared; his best friends were treating him differently. He didn't even want to prove his masculinity all that much anymore. He just wanted everything to be back to normal. Underneath all the rumours and alleged femininity, he was still Harry and he wanted someone to acknowledge that. His detention that evening with Snape only served to fortify the estrangement he felt between how he perceived himself versus how the world perceived him.

The next morning it was a relief to see that Sirius had replied to his letter. It was uncharacteristically long and that alone gave Harry a certain amount of trepidation. But he was always pleased to receive correspondence from his godfather, so Harry read it there at breakfast.

"What did Snuffles say?" Hermione asked as a wide grin spread slowly across Harry's face.

"He just gave me some good advice."

Hermione frowned in consternation, as though she thought Sirius wasn't capable of giving any good advice. "Really?"

Harry hesitated before handing the letter to Hermione. The letter had felt personal and he was illogically reluctant to share it, but he thought his friends might find what Sirius wrote insightful as well. Hermione read the letter and when she finish, her smile was a little less tense. She then handed it to Ron to read. Once he was finished, Ron snorted in amusement as he handed the letter back to Harry.

The letter read:


I'm glad you wrote to me for advice. With these types of issues, you'll find I have more than a little experience. It may come to a surprise to you, but back in my school days I was considered a bit of a pretty-boy. Due to that and the close friendship I had with James, some people liked to question my sexual preferences and masculinity. This was a bit disturbing to me because I had considered myself somewhat of a lady's man. And in an attempt to keep this persona, I led on more girls than I care to admit.

But around my Seventh year, other people's opinions didn't seem as important anymore (a dark wizard trying to take over the world does give you perspective). Occasionally, James and I would play up the reputation, even, for a few laughs. I finally saw the full benefits of being the pretty-boy, by then. And people stopped thinking I was gay, too, because it became clear to them that if I was gay I wouldn't bother denying it—which was true. For one, I know that James and Lily would never stop caring about a loved one no matter their sexuality. So my advice to your friend is, Harry, that the best way to prove your masculinity is to act like you have nothing to prove. Other than being surprisingly very effective, this has the added benefit of not putting you into positions that'll get you in trouble with a girl.

On that note, after much trial and error, I have found the best solution to turning down a girl you led on is to tell them the least offensive version of the truth, tactfully adding you chose to lead her on because she's the prettiest girl you know. Most girls tend to check if you're telling the truth to them, so elaborate lies are not usually wise, and adding on you think they're prettier than everyone else usually leaves them too flattered to be truly angry at you.

Best of luck to you and your friend, Harry,



Harry found Parvati before their first class of the day. He felt horrible when she flashed Lavender an excited smile when he asked for word alone with her. But he felt it was best to clear up this whole mess as soon as possible. Also, Hermione, who was looking a lot less contrite, had been nagging him all breakfast and he didn't think he could stand a whole day of that.

He pulled her in a private alcove and said, "I have a confession to make Parvati." She looked so hopeful, Harry instantly regretted his choice of words. "I'm not in love with you, though you're a really great person. It was a stupid plan to prove my...well, my manliness," he continued sheepishly.

Her face began to darken. It was a foreboding mixture of anger and devastation.

"But I kissed you because you were the prettiest," he quickly said. "I mean if I am going to kiss any girl it should be the prettiest. And you are definitely the prettiest out of all the houses and years." Harry tentatively met her eyes. "So I just want to say I'm very sorry and I did not mean to hurt your feelings."

Parvati still appeared to be a little upset, but calling her pretty seem to have the intended effect. Her face softened from almost hysterical to mildly wounded. She sniffed and gave him a lofty look and said, "That's okay. You're not really my type. You're a bit too pretty for my tastes. I prefer to be the only pretty one in the relationship."

Harry frowned but didn't say anything; after all, she deserved to keep some of her pride. Also, he thought he was getting off relatively easy. And there was the added comfort that he didn't really think she was the prettiest girl in Hogwarts. But Harry would've never dared to go and kiss Cho Chang.


"I think I should move on from Harry," Devon said casually. "They are plenty of blokes not in the closet for me to like." Zach was trailing close behind him.

Zach scowled, which he always did when Devon mentioned boys he fancied. Previously, he had thought it was due to Zach's distaste. Now, he wasn't so certain.

"You don't always need to be trying to get with a boy," Zach said.

"Friendship is nice, but sometimes a wizard needs something more."

"I am content with just friendship." But Zach looked too bitter saying this for Devon to put any credence to his words.

Devon sighed in exasperation. "You are such a coward, Zacharias. Despite your grouchiness, I think you make a great friend and would make an even better boyfriend."

"I don't—"

"Here's my class. You better run if you don't want to be late for Transfiguration, Zach."

Zach looked around nervously to make sure the corridor was empty before clumsily leaning in to sloppily kiss Devon. He then turned and hurried away red-faced.

Devon smiled triumphantly. Though he had better kisses during his disastrous attempt at heterosexuality, back when he was still confused, Devon thought that Zach was the perfect boy to fancy this time around. He could always teach Zach how to kiss.


A couple days passed by and the rumours about Harry were dying down. And Harry, following Sirius' advice, did not allow the few whispers that remained to bother him. He, Hermione and Ron were strolling down one of the quieter streets of Hogsmeade enjoying the autumn sunshine.

"Is that Armstrong and Smith?" Hermione said, looking to a pair that was approaching them from the opposite end of the street.

The two were quite obviously holding hands. But when Smith noticed the three approaching them, he slipped his hand out of Armstrong's.

Armstrong pursed his lips and refused to meet anyone's eyes. Even Harry could tell he was rather hurt. And apparently, Smith wasn't oblivious either, because he gritted his teeth and, with a show of monumental inner turmoil, he wrapped an arm around Armstrong's waist. Smith glowered at the three of them, daring them to say anything. Ron glowered back on reflex. However, Hermione and Armstrong exchanged happy grins.

Harry thought that this was one of those exchanges he was best off being clueless about. And after the perfunctory nods to the couple, he continued on to the Three Broomsticks with his friends without any comment on the matter.


It was unfortunate that they entered the Three Broomsticks just as Seamus and Dean were getting up to leave. Harry, Ron and Hermione ran into the pair in the crowded entrance. Seamus smirked sinisterly in greeting and Dean shrugged apologetically.

"Hermione, I would think you would feel like the third wheel on their date," Seamus said. "I doubt they have it in them to have a ménage trois with a girl."

Harry's hand automatically twitched towards his wand, Sirius' advice preventing any further action (and there was also the fact that he slept in the same room as Seamus to consider). Hermione opened her mouth to retort haughtily. But it was Ron who spoke with a smirk to rival Seamus'. "Come off it, Seamus. You're just jealous that I attract pretty people." He wrapped either arm around Hermione's and Harry's shoulders.

"That's likely," Seamus replied, but his smirk seemed less sure of itself as he left with Dean.

Once they were out of sight, both Harry and Hermione shrugged off his arms. "I think attract is a bit of an exaggeration," Harry observed. Ron merely laughed.

Grinning, Harry went to buy them a round of Butterbeers, leaving Hermione and Ron to find them a seat. Once he came to their table, Ron and Hermione were already in a heated discussion.

"Hermione thinks I shouldn't be so surprised to find out that Smith is gay," Ron said in explanation.

Harry considered this for a moment as he put down the drinks and slid into the free chair. "I would've never guessed it," he admitted.

"See, Hermione. He isn't pretty like Harry—no offence, Harry—and he isn't flamboyant like Armstrong."

"Armstrong is hardly flamboyant."

"Back off, sluts!" Ron said in a shrill voice, embellishing the words with an enthusiastic Z-snap. "How is that not flamboyant?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Those are just stereotypes. Just because Smith is attracted to males, it doesn't mean it has to be reflected in the way he acts or looks."

"I just don't understand what Armstrong sees in that prick. They seem to have nothing in common." Ron mulled over the thought while taking a lengthy sip from his drink. "Smith really has no redeeming qualities."

"Well, as long as they're happy together," Harry said.

"Cheers to that, mate," Ron said in agreement.

"Cheers," Hermione reiterated.

The three of them clinked their Butterbeer bottles together. Harry knew for sure that there were worse things in the world than being gay. For instance, he could be gay and in love with Zacharias Smith.

But, in all seriousness, at the risk of sounding extremely corny, he could be regarded as the most feminine man on earth and he wouldn't mind too much if he still got to be Harry with his best friends.


"What do you mean that you were the one to start the rumours that I was gay with Harry!?"

"It was an honest mistake, Ron. I thought you would find it amusing in hindsight."

"Amusing?—It was an honest mistake to drag my name through the mud?"

"Saying you have a deeper relationship with Harry is hardly dragging your name through the mud."

"How would you like it if I told everyone that you and Loony Lovegood are in love?"

"That's not a comparable situation, Ron. Luna and I are completely incompatible..."

Harry sighed, taking a large swig of his drink. Actually, he wouldn't mind if his friends were a bit less of Ron and Hermione when they were with him.


I hope you've enjoyed my story.

I couldn't resist making this Zach/omc. I hope no one minds.

I usually don't like oc's but I felt I had no choice in the matter. I wanted the P.O.V. of characters who only knew Harry through rumours and not personally. I wanted an unsympathetic and sympathetic perception of Harry for the sake of plot and contrast. I felt I could use Zach for the unsympathetic character. However, I didn't feel comfortable using any canon characters to make a openly gay and sympathetic character, who also had no previous contact with Harry.

I also decided to make Zach gay as well because, for one, I started feeling a little bad for Devon, and two, to make the point that anyone, even jerks, can be gay and it really does not need to affect characterisation too greatly.

I would love to hear from others what they think of my ending, of Zach and Devon, and how I may improve for the next story I write.