Disclaimer: I do not own JONAS or Pachelbel's Cannon.

A/N: This is really short and probably not very good, but I was so excited that the site was back up I wanted to write something QUICKLY and post it. Before it got temperamental again. Of course, after writing it, I found that I could log-in but I couldn't actually do anything. Like upload the story I stayed up until 1 am to write. Special thanks to faerietaleredux for betaing.

Macy stood transfixed watching two students climb up on step-stools to hang a giant banner advertising the first game of the hockey play-offs. Around her students stood watching, chatting away like everything was fine. And she supposed for everyone else, it was.

"I can't wait to go to the game! The playoffs are always so exciting," some girl gushed to her friend.

"I know! Do you remember the party after they won last year?"

Apparently something hilarious must have happened because the two girls started giggling.

"Do you think they have a chance without Misa? She was the highest scorer," she heard some sophomore ask the group of guys standing next to him.

She never heard their analysis because she turned and fled. She hurried down the hallway towards the safety of the atrium, hoping she could make it before she began to tear up or lash out at someone. It was moments like this that made being at school torture.

She had been back at school for two weeks, and she supposed things were starting to get back to normal, or as normal as her life could be without a schedule packed with practices and games. Now her only after-school commitment was physical therapy twice a week at the hospital. She felt lost without someplace to be. Lost and lonely. She was so used to being surrounded by people – being part of a team. She had known she would miss the actual physical activity, but she hadn't expected to miss the people so much.

And it wasn't even their fault. Her teammates from various sports had come to visit her in the hospital and had called when she was convalescing at home. She knew that they meant well, but seeing them and talking to them was a painful reminder of everything that she had lost so she just withdrew. She stopped returning their calls and eventually they got the hint.

She missed them and she felt bad for hurting them, but she couldn't sit around smiling while they talked about something she was no longer a part of. It was bad enough watching them all walk around in their uniforms or hearing about the latest match over the morning announcements. And now she was going to have to see signs and banners posted all over school – there was no escape.

The sad thing was everyone assumed that she was "ditching" her teammates for JONAS. She had actually heard people muttering that she thought she was too good to hang out with her old friends now that she was dating Kevin Lucas.

What they didn't know was that Kevin Lucas was the only thing keeping her sane. He was the only thing keeping the loneliness at bay. The only thing that was able to distract her from her loss. He was sweet and caring and trying so hard to make her feel better about herself.

But much as she adored Kevin, she clearly couldn't focus all her time and energy on him. And even if she could, she didn't want to. She wouldn't let herself become one of those girls who defined themselves entirely by who they are dating. She wanted to be more than just someone's girlfriend, even if the someone was the most amazing guy she had ever met. She wanted to be Macy Misa again. She just wasn't sure who that was anymore. She didn't know where she fit in if she wasn't playing sports.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Kevin open the door to the atrium and slide onto the bench next to her.

"Hey,Mace," he said sweetly, kissing her on the cheek. "Just wanted to check that we're still on for this weekend."

Macy had almost forgotten that they had plans for a movie marathon with pizza and a side of charades. She hesitated a moment before saying, "I think I'm going to have to pass, Kev. I need some time alone this weekend."

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need me to get the nurse?" Kevin asked immediately. Then his eyes went wide. "Wait! You aren't breaking up with me are you? Cause that's what it means in the movies when a girls says she needs time. It's never a good thing like, 'I need time to knit you a cool sweater vest' or 'I need time to train a performing seal to play Pachelbel's Cannon'."

"No!" She said firmly. She might not want her entire identity to come from being Kevin Lucas' girlfriend, but she wasn't stupid enough to let him go just because she was having a personal crisis. "I have no desire to break up with you." She smiled at him, reaching out to grab his hand. "In fact, you're the one part of my life I feel totally happy about. It's the rest of it I need to figure out."

"Are you sure," he asked timidly.

"I am absolutely positive."

"Okay," he said, still sounding a bit unsure. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Macy felt overwhelmed with love for the earnest, curly-haired boy in front of her. She had never met anyone like him. Leaning forward she gave him a quick kiss before saying, "You just did."

"Did what?"

"Helped me."

"But I didn't do anything," he said, clearly confused.

Macy smiled at him. "Of course you did. You were your usual caring, supportive self. You make me feel better without even trying."

"So does that mean we're back on for this weekend?" He asked hopefully.

"Nice try, Rock star. I'm feeling better, but I still need to figure things out."

He sighed. "Fair enough. But if you need me or change your mind, you know where to find me."

"I do know where to find you, Mr. Lucas." Then she giggled a little and added, "A seal playing Pachelbel's Cannon?"

"You know that would be totally cool," he replied.

"It would," she agreed. Then she leaned in to kiss him as she said, "But not as cool as you."

She wished that everything in her life was as simple and easy as falling for Kevin Lucas, but she knew that the rest of it was going to be much more difficult.

A/N2: So here's my prediction. You're all going to ask how she can be lost and lonely when she has Kevin. And then I will know that I was ineffective. Or the site will go down again, no one will be able to review, and I'll just imagine that that is what you were all thinking. That'll work too.