While the kids were watching T.V. Gil got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to call Jim Brass. Grabbing the phone off the receiver, dialling the familiar number, Gil waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello?" Someone answered.

"Hi, is Jim there?" Gil asked.

"Yeah, sure is this Mr. Grissom?" The person answered.

"Yes, and please Claire, call me Gil," Gil told her.

"Okay, just a second Gil, and I'll get him." Claire told him.

A few minutes later, Gil was on the phone with Jim, "This is Jim."

"Hey Jim, it's me Gil, you know Greg's best friend Sara?" Gil asked him.

"Yeah, why what's wrong?" Jim answered.

"Well, she's gonna start living with us, and well just a few hours ago she woke up, well Riley, poor kid, was screaming for us, because Sara got sick, and now she's in the hospital and Catherine is with her, and Greg is worried about her. Heck we all are." Gil told him.

"Hey, we'll be over in a minute, just let us get the kids," Jim told Gil.

"You don't have to come over here, it's late, let the kids sleep." Gil told Jim as he was getting himself a glass of water.

"No, Gil I'm coming over, no if's ands or buts' about it. I'll be there in like ten fifteen minutes tops." Jim told him giving him no more room to talk.

"Alright, fine, I'll see you guys soon," Gil said before hanging up with his friend.

At the hospital…

In the hospital room, Catherine was trying to calm Sara down, which wasn't quite working. Catherine then said,

"Sara baby, hey it's okay, you'll be okay sweetie."

While sobbing Sara replies, "B-but m-mommy, I-it h-hurts."

"I know it does baby, the doctor's will be back in a minute, then their going to make it go away, okay?" Catherine told her as she was tucking Sara's hair behind her ears.

A few minutes later a doctor walked in and said, "Hey you must be Sara."

Sara looked up at the doctor and quietly said, "Uh huhh."

Walking more into the room, the doctor said, "Nice to meet you hun, my name's Dr. Drake. Now I'm gonna give you some medicine that will help you fall asleep quicker okay, and after I put it in I want you to count backwards, can you do that for me?"

"Y-yeah," Sara replied as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

A few minutes later, after Sara was asleep, the doctor wheeled her into the surgical room, to remove the appendix. After the doctor left, Catherine got her cell phone out and called her husband.

"Hello, Grissom residence," Some answered.

"Warrick, what are you doing up?" Catherine asked her older son.

"Hey mom, we decided to go ahead and stay up, we were worried about Sara, although the rest of the kids are in bed and uncle Jim and aunt Claire came over and the kids too." Warrick answered his mom.

"Yeah, well you should get to bed hun, and Sara will be fine. Can you put your dad on?" Catherine assured her oldest.

"Sure hold on mom, I'll get him for ya." Warrick told his mom.

"Okay thanks hun," Catherine said.

"No problem mom," Warrick said as he went off to find his dad.

Walking into the living room, Warrick walks up to his dad and says, "Hey dad, phones for you, it's mom."

Taking the phone from his oldest, Gil said, "Okay thanks." Then he said, into the phone, "Hey Cath, how's Sara?"

"Hi Gil, man I feel so bad for her right now. She was in so much pain Gil," Catherine told him with tears in her eyes.

"I know hun, but she'll be fine, what's she doing right now?" Gil asked his wife.

"Well the doctor just came in and they should be doing surgery right about now," Catherine answered her husband.

"Alright well call and let us know when she's out of surgery. Riley just woke up, I'm gonna go see if I can get him back to sleep before he wakes the other kids up." Grissom said as Riley approached him.

"I will, I love you Gil," Catherine told her husband.

"I love you too Cath, I'll talk to you later," Gil said before he heard his wife hang up. After hanging up Gil turned to his youngest son, and asked, "Hey Riley what's wrong bud?"

"Daddy, I'm worried about Sara." Riley answered his dad as he climbed on his lap.

"Buddy there's nothing to worry about, Sara will be fine, and she'll be back to normal before you know it." Gil assured him.

"But daddy, what was wrong with her?" Riley asked as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Well, Sara was in pain, so that's why she's at the hospital with mommy, to get better." Gil answered him as he some what rocked him back in forth.

"Oh okay, but she's going to get better?" Riley asked him, as he was trying to stay awake.

"Yup, she's going to be all better." Gil told him as he watched his son start falling asleep.

"Good…" Riley started but fell asleep in his dad's lap.

Picking his son up, Gil walked upstairs and went to Greg and Riley's bed and put him in his bed before walking out of the room making sure the door was cracked opened.

"Riley wake up?" Jim asked "Poor kid he found her didn't he?"

"Yea he did, glad he did though" Gil replied walking down the hall stopping at his daughters room hearing talking he opened the door slightly.

"Do you think Sara will be ok?" Danni asked Lindsay "I mean shes got to be ok, shes a Grissom"

"Sara is a tuff nut she will get through this and then be back to beat Greg at everything" Lindsay replied giggling at the memory "Greg don't know when he's beat"

"Hey are you tired? I sure am not" Danni enquired sitting up in bed "I want to do something"

"Like what?" Lindsay asks Danni sitting up in her bed also "What could we do?"

"How about we sort out the spare room?" Danni suggested "Tidy it up and put all the furniture in the right place, I'm even giving her some of my clothes until shes on her feet"

"Great idea Danni" Lindsay replied "I've got an idea why don't we get Warrick and Greg involved? We can let Riley sleep but he can help later"

"Lindsay isn't it a school day?" Danni asked putting on her dressing grown.

"Yea it is but I'm hoping mom and dad will let us stay off, you know family emergency" Lindsay replied walking out the door not seeing her dad and Jim "Come on Danni lets get the boys and get our sisters room sorted"

Watching Danni and Lindsay disappear into Warrick's room to have all four kids reappear two seconds later and enter the spare room Gil turned to Jim and smiled.

"You have great kids Gil" Jim said patting his friend on the back "You and Catherine must be very proud"

"We are extremely proud" Gil responded still smiling "Do you fancy a drink?"

"Just a coffee don't drink much now with being married to Claire and having Jacob, Halliegh and Hannah and baby on the way" Jim explained "I value what life has given me"

A few hours later Gil and Jim made their way upstairs to find the landing covered in bags of rubbish laughing Gil walked towards the spare room, to find it clean tidy and more importantly ready for use, knocking on the door frame he entered the room to have four smiling tired children look back at him.

"You guys have done a great job, Sara is going to love this" Gil praised the kids "I have news from the hospital, Lindsay you were correct it was her appendix so good call, Sara is out of surgery and is awake and insisting that she comes home"

The four kids cheered and hugged each other before hugging their dad a the same time, Jim chuckled from the doorframe and left the family in peace, a few minutes later Gil came down the stairs happy.

"What's got you smiling like a Cheshire Cat?" Jim enquired handing Gil a steaming mug of coffee.

"I finally got the kids to go to bed" Gil replied before laughing into his mug.

Jim also laughed with his best friend, drinking their coffee up both men settled down in the chairs and fell to sleep, knowing that Sara was ok and that the Grissom kids were finally asleep.