Note: Ah ha! A double update?! No way! lol just a short thing really, because I love you all. Really now, this is the last bit. It was nice while it lasted. Crazy Amazing x

Epilogue – 5 Years later

"Sandy," SpongeBob whispered in the dark of the night. "Sandy." He shook her awake.

"Wha..?" she mumbled, still half-asleep.

"I heard a noise downstairs." His fright was evident in his voice. Sandy rolled over and waved a hand in the air.

"So go check it out..." SpongeBob shook her more forcefully.

"Come with me, please!" Sandy groaned but grudgingly got up, wrapping her evening gown around her body. She grabbed a baseball bat, SpongeBob grabbed a toothbrush and they both snuck downstairs, SpongeBob hiding behind Sandy. Sandy could hear the noise too, and she followed it into the kitchen. She froze when she got there – she could see a dark figure sitting at the table. Swiftly, Sandy switched the light on and attacked.

"HIYAH!!!" she jumped into the air and swung the baseball bat down, but stopped mere millimetres of hitting the figure at the table.


"Hi mom," the young sponge/squirrel cross breed replied meekly, his mouth stuffed with food. He was kneeling on a chair as he wasn't yet tall enough to sit down and reach the top of the table. Spanner had the shape of a squirrel but was yellow like his dad; he also had his dad's teeth and lack of height. He had his mom's brains which showed clearly, even at his young age.

"Spanner!" SpongeBob said angrily. "What have we told you about sneaking downstairs at midnight to eat food?"

"Uh, nothing?" Spanner replied. He took in his parents' angry faces and realized that this was the wrong answer. He gulped and tried again. "Not to do it..."

"That's right young man! Now you best march right back to bed before I really lose my temper!" Sandy said sternly. Spanner hung his head and walked slowly to his room, which had been built shortly before his birth as a new addition to the tree house. Sandy's Treedome had long since become a simple tree without the dome, and SpongeBob had moved in with her a few months after they had gotten married. He still had his pineapple house, and planned on giving it to Spanner when he was eighteen. SpongeBob wrapped his arm around his wife and looked at her adoringly.

"Shall we go back to bed?"

Note: Maybe you liked me just as much as the story? (I doubt it...XD) If you want, please vote on my poll! Although I must say, I'm leaning more towards yes on this...Information is in my profile, 1st paragraph. Seriously now, last time I'm going to say it on this story. Goodbye! Crazy Amazing x