W.I.T.C.H. Wedding

Evil's Brewing

Chapter 1

(Phobos' Palace)

Phobos was pacing around in his throne room trying to come up with a new plan; but after so many loses against the guardians Phobos couldn't figure out what to come up with next. The guardians had beaten him again and again and no matter what he tried to do, he could never destroy the guardians. They were to powerful and destroyed everything that he threw at them. He just didn't know what he was doing wrong. I mean he was an evil prince who could take over an entire village and enslave everyone in it, but he couldn't get rid of five annoying teenagers with elemental powers? He had to come up with something before the guardians could take him down for good. Suddenly the doors opened up and in came Cedric looking a bit angry. he bowed down before his prince and then told him something.

"My prince, we cannot let the guardians keep beating us at our own game." He told Phobos while looking down at the ground in anger with his fist clunched up.

"I understand that Cedric, but what can I do? No matter what I may throw at them, I can't destroy them. I'm an evil prince and yet I can't destroy five teenage girls. I just can't understand it. I need a new plan in order to break up the guardians and then destroy them for good." Phobos explained to Cedric while pacing around some more and then stopping and waving his hands up in the air in frustration.

Then Cedric had an idea, and stood up on his legs. He then went over too Phobos, placed his hand on his shoulder, and then began telling him his idea.

"Perhaps you should try a different approach my prince." Cedric told him with an evil smirk on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Phobos who looked at Cedric with a confussed look on his face.

"What I mean is that if you could say kidnap the leader of the guardians; and then if you were to marry her and combine her powers with your own, then you would become invincible my prince." Cedric explained to Phobos who seemed more confussed now, but was liking it a bit.

"Where are you going with this?" Phobos asked Cedric.

"I mean my prince by marrying her, you can absorb the powers from the crystal and make them your own. You'll be undefeatable while the guardians will be weak and powerless." Cedric told him and Phobos showed a hug smile on his face.

"Yes of course that's it. If Will marry's me, then I can take away her's and the other guardian's powers for myself and destroy her friends once and for all." Phobos told Cedric and himself with an ever greater smile on his face.

"What about the guardian's leader? If her fellow guardian's are destroied then what will become of her?" Cedric asked Phobos a bit confussed.

"She'll rule by my side and I'll hypnotize her so that she'll never try to escape or think about fighting me. She'll be my prisioner and my bride with no escape from me at all." Phobos told Cedric.

"Very well then my prince, but how do you plan on capturing her?" Asked Cedric.

"Oh I've got an idea Cedric, I plan on stealing her away once she's all alone and has removed the crystal from around her neck. I figure that once she's asleep only then can i take her back her. No one will help her and no one will be able to rescue her when I take her and the crystal back with me." Explained Phobos to Cedric.

"Start preparing the wedding Cedric while I get my future bride." Said Phobos.

Uh oh looks like Will's going to be in big trouble, but she doesn't know that just yet.

What'll happen next?

Find out in the next chapter.