Wow… how long has it been since I updated! Don't feel bad if you have to go back and reread cause I sure did! Thanks so much to all who have alert or favorited this story I will try to be good and get more out to you! Kick me in the pm butt or something if I don't! A special thanks to salllzy for adding Unknown Blood to your alerts because when I got that email it made me want to come write more. Also I don't own Vampire Knight or its many characters….. Damn again.

Kaname smiled at his soft hearted princess, "That task could prove to be much greater than you imagine, but if it is one you mean to undertake I will approve on one condition." he paused giving Yuuki a solemn look, "You must never be alone with Kayori. Until such time as we can understand her motives you must always be accompanied by one of us should you wish to interact with her. I would like to believe that she is no threat to us but the events of our past prove that we must be cautious."

Before Yuuki could demand an escort to their guest's room Kaname held up a hand, "For now I think it best that we leave her be. She obviously has something weighing heavily on her mind and needs time to herself to come to terms with it. Ichijo shall act as her guide around the grounds and the go between for Kayori and myself. Neither one of us can be looking forward to being in the other's presence just yet.

Takuma squeezed the hand he held reassuringly, "You don't have to be anything but be yourself here. Kaname-sama will see soon enough that you mean no harm. It just takes time for things to settle down, we didn't know much of anything about you before now. We have Shiki here too and he was actually used by Kuran Rido to attack Cross Academy, and that has never changed the friendship we have with him."

Sparing the blonde the briefest of smiles to show she understood his message Kayori slowly pulled her hand from his, "I will try to get along with everyone here, but please don't try to make the others accept me. I have already lived too long surrounded by people pretending to care. My time here isn't limited by any impending tasks therefore I am unsure of how long I'll remain. The only determining factor is Kaname-sama's acceptance of my motives." Stepping back from the window and Ichijo she bows slightly. "I have taken up much of your time…. I would like to rest now."

"Of course! So sorry to keep you after your journey," Ichijo replies swiftly heading towards the door. "I will check in with you later to see if you wish to dine here or with us. If you need anything please do not hesitate to ask." With that he smiles broadly and closes the door firmly behind him.

Once out in the hallway Takuma's smile vanishes. The dark haired young woman is carries with her a great deal of pain and before she can begin to earn Kaname-sama's trust she will have to realize that her life is meant for more than hiding in corners.

A/N Thanks again for reading. I'm writing this as I go with only the vaguest of plot ideas so if there is something you'd like to see drop me a line. If its good maybe I'll incorporate it into the story.