A/N: Hello again everybody! Here's another update :D Slowly slowly getting into the EdwardxHarry stuff! Thank you for the reviews and stuff, everybody! I have a slight outline for what I want to do with Luna and Severus, but they probably won't be appearing for a couple more chapters.

If you're confused about what's happening with Edward in this chapter - I envision him interacting with his mate a much different experience then interacting with Bella. Bella's currently the equivalent of a really pricey, extremely tasty incredible steak. He's having to constantly fight with himself and deal with everybody else smelling like great snacks to him because he's trying not to eat her, and being near her and not eating her makes his hunger go to painful levels. There's no relaxation or ability to be calm around her, because if he isn't forcibly controlling himself not to eat her, he's going to eat her without a second thought.

He's not attracted to her romantically at all in my fic, so it's harder than for him to deal with than if he was attracted/falling in love with her.

Harry on the other hand is calming, soothing, doesn't smell like a slice of beef and doesn't cause him to lose his ability to control himself. :3 HOWEVER, because I plan on Harry being Edwards mate, his body/blood is incredibly hot to Edward. It feels pretty nice being near Harry to Edward, because... you know... he's a vampire and stone cold. His blood though in reality to everybody else and himself is just plain old' blood. And he's the same average temperature as any other healthy human.

They're not really aware that they're each other's mates, they're just aware that they're affected by each other in a way nobody else has affected them before.

I'm hoping I can write them getting to know each other and becoming friends and everything else down the line without rushing it too much.

I might go back and rewrite this chapter because I think there's a couple things that slipped past me when I was reviewing it. If you catch any mistakes, sorry!

Edward was glad his coven was finally on their way back to their house, his hands clutching the steering wheel of his Volvo with a tight enough grip the hard leather was beginning to squeak under pressure.

He wasn't quite sure if he could take being around anymore humans for the day after sitting next to Bella for that god-awful Biology class.

The effects of sitting next to her rather hard to resist scent had lingered well on into the afternoon, and he had found himself getting prodded repeatedly by his siblings through either physical pokes or mental thoughts whenever he was staring too long at a teacher or another student.

He wondered what deity in the skies above didn't like him, sending his singer to the same town as him. While it was bad enough she lived in the town – as anywhere she went she'd unknowingly leave lingering traces of her scent – it was worse enough he had to share the same class with her.

The first day he sat next to her he had nearly killed her on the spot, and it was only because it'd draw obviously massive attention to his family that he held back. His mother, Esme, was rather fond of the town and its current inhabitants and any actions that would reveal what they truly were meant they'd have to leave immediately and probably break her heart for the next couple of years.

He had wanted to leave for a week in an attempt to get both away from her scent and become more resistant to its call, but Alice had put her foot down – demanding that he stay so her visions could come true. Edward had no idea what they were, as it was literally impossible to catch his sister when she was in thought-hearing distance thinking about what those visions were.

She knew he could constantly hear her, and had well-guarded her thoughts with miscellaneous 'junk' thoughts. His brain couldn't take another round of creepy porn theme songs or recollections of quite possibly the most boring textbook set he'd ever encountered in his existence.

Today had been different though, as not long after arriving to school and getting out of the car with the rest of his family, Alice had giggled and a shiny new rental car pulled into the lot.

She immediately began thinking up junk thoughts, and between cringing and forcing himself to quiet her thoughts the best he could, he had slowly turned to look at the newcomers.

He wasn't too particularly interested in them at all to begin with, as while they were new entirely to the town they looked like any other set of teenagers. But when his eyes locked gazes with the boy – Harry, as he later found out – he found himself instantly stuck where he was standing.

Harry's eyes had been bright, and made him feel oddly soothed. While he was gazing at the other, it was as if the two of them were in their own little world. The thoughts of his siblings and students surrounding them dimmed to whispers, and weren't as distracting as they normally were.

While they didn't introduce themselves to each other then, as Harry had broken the stare down by getting distracted from one of his friends, he had been pleasantly surprised to find the other boy had been assigned to his Biology class later that day.

Originally thinking Bella would be the only person he'd meet for the next couple of years that had the ability to fully block her thoughts from him, Harry had surprised him. Instead of there being complete silence, or the ability to fully hear what the boy was thinking, it was like the boys head resided under water. His thoughts were distorted, muffled, and quiet like whispers. No amount of attempting to concentrate on any particular whisper he heard helped him at all to figure out what the other boy was thinking.

He had found himself further intrigued.

Scooting closer to the other, he had waited until Harry had looked up at him. As their gazes met for the second time that day that strange soothing feeling washed over him again, and the thoughts in the background slowly drifted into murmurs.

Realizing he had been staring a tad too long, he claimed he had forgotten to bring any paper that day because he believed there would be a different assignment for class. Harry had amusingly ripped the paper out as fast as he could from the binder and shoved it towards him, and they introduced themselves after Edward took the paper.

Edward had stuck a hand out for a handshake from the other boy, and as Harry's hand had gotten closer to his it had started to feel like the soothing feeling was getting stronger. When their hands finally met, Edward had to stop himself from instantly clamping his hand down on the others.

The boy had an amazingly hot body temperature for a human, or at least that's what it had felt like to Edward, and as they touched the soothing feeling completely blanketed him to the point he couldn't hear anybody's thoughts at all.

He had to force himself to let go of Harry's hand, and had given him a quick smile before turning and taking his seat.

However, the soothing calm feelings that he had just felt from shaking Harry's hand were immediately squashed the moment Bella walked into the classroom.

Shaking his head slightly to get out of reminiscing, he slowed the car as they made their arrival to the covens chosen home. He noticed Carlisle's Mercedes was parked in front of the houses main entrance, signaling he was home early for the day, and looking further he could see Carlisle himself in the kitchen window talking to Esme.

Carefully pulling the car into their shared garage, he killed the engine and got out. As he turned to close his door, Alice smiled impishly over the roof of the car at him – her junk thoughts threatened to choke him – and bounced into the house through the connecting door.

It was only a moment later when he could hear her voice, "Mother! Edward made a new friiiiiiiiiiiiiiend!"

He grimaced.

Back at the shared residence, Harry and Ron were parked in front of the television watching a few episodes of a muggle TV show called Supernatural. Ron had never actually sat in front of a television before - his father had brought in ones that never worked to fiddle with - and thought it was 'bloody brilliant'.

While the non-magic community definitely had a different idea of what mythical beings and terrors of the night looked and acted like than the magical community did, both Harry and Ron were enjoying watching the show.

The two argued with each other over which of the main characters they thought was the best, and one of the scenes they got so riled up cheering their favorite character on that Hermione had threatened to magic a tiny rain cloud over their heads for the rest of the night.

That shut them up pretty quick, and they switched to a different show so they wouldn't accidentally forget later and start cheering again.

Draco was attempting to work on his homework, and seemed to slowly be getting the hang of it from reading the textbooks. He'd scoff every now and then at something he'd read, but would continue with the assignment after a couple of minutes.

Hermione had retreated to the kitchen, digging through their now carefully stocked fridge for something to make for dinner that night. She hadn't gotten to do any actual cooking in quite a while and was looking forward to it.

"Harry, Ron!" She called, poking her head into the living room. Harry peeled his eyes away from Lex Luthor long enough to turn around and look at her. Ron on the other hand, kept watching the show with a 'huh' noise.

"I know Draco said earlier he wanted something with meat in it - what do you two think?" Hermione leaned out of the doorway some more. "Uhhhh... Whatever's fine, really." Harry grinned at her. "Surprise me!" "I'll go with whatever Harry's having." Ron still had yet to peel his eyes off the TV - the fight scenes were addicting.

Hermione rolled her eyes at her fiancé, disappearing back into the kitchen.

The current episode they were watching was over in the next ten minutes, and once it finished Harry stood and stretched. "I'll be back down once dinners ready, I'm going to go see what Beau's up to." Ron nodded at him before flipping to another channel.

Once Harry made his way upstairs and to the door of his room, he pushed it open and was greeted with the sight of Beau carrying a tiny still magically shrunken sock across the bed. Harry raised his eyebrow, and Beau gave him a chirp of hello before snapping its head around and sending the sock flying across the bed. Beau then chased after it, tackled it while grabbing it with his beak, then hopped back up and ran back across the bed before tossing it once more.

Harry had never seen a bird play fetch before, but it was definitely amusing. He made his way over to the bed and plopped down, and as he joined in with Beau on his game of fetch, he found himself thinking about how the day had gone.

Dealing with muggle classes wasn't too bad at all, even if the students were a little annoying. The homework he was sure he'd have no problem with after he got used to it again, and he was already thinking he'd take a small potion before class tomorrow so when they had to sit through another series of incredibly tedious lectures, he'd be able to focus instead of falling asleep.

His thoughts slowly went from schoolwork to the Cullens. Both Alice and Edward were definitely interesting people, but while Edward had the effect of making him feel like he was a tiny germ under serious inspection under a microscope, Alice didn't cause any feelings like that at all when she looked or talked to him.

Beau squawked at him because he wasn't tossing the sock fast enough, and he stuck his tongue out at his owl before tossing it across the room. Beau let out a chirp before chasing it off the bed, and Harry was able to get more thoughts in.

There was also the fact Edward had felt like an ice cube when they had shaken hands, and whenever Alice had the ball for a few minutes and passed it to him it felt like it had just been taken out of a freezer. Hermione said she and Ron had both scanned to make sure there were no magical beings in Forks when they chose it, but was it possible they were something else? Something the magical community didn't know about?

He was jerked out of his thoughts when Hermione called up dinner was ready, and he held out a hand to Beau so the owl could come steal a bite for his own dinner.

He'd definitely have to do some research on the local area when he had the time.