"Ok guys I'll see you all on Monday," Professor Phil Wenneck said to his students.

He was excited because he was about to head to Vegas with his best buddies for a couple of days. It was going to be the bachelor party to remember.

As he was walking out of the building someone was calling his name.

"Professor Wenneck!"

He turned around and Mia Damon was running towards him.

"Oh great," he said to himself.

Mia was probably his best student but the girl just wasn't like others.

Phil was a good-looking man and also the youngest at UCLA and all his female students were always dressed provocatively for class. Mia was usually in jeans and a t-shirt, the occasional dress but she was never after Phil like the other girls were. She was a pretty girl but face it, she wasn't putting out and Phil wasn't one to chase after girls.

"Yes Mia?"

"The paper we have due on Monday, do you want it in MLA format?"

"It doesn't matter Mia."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Mia. Look, go have fun this weekend ok? I think you can use it."

Her expression changed to a hurt and confused one.

"Um, ok. Thanks Professor."

"For the last time Mia, call me Phil."

She nodded and turned around, walking to the student parking lot.

Phil turned around, shaking his head.

"Why did I become a teacher?" he asked himself.

A car pulled up to the front of the school and he saw his friends with giant smiles on their faces.

"Vegas here I come," he said.

When Mia pulled up to her house she saw a familiar car.

"Oh my god!" Mia yelled.

She quickly parked her car and got out.

"Taylor Santino!"

"Miss Mia Damon!"

The two girls tackled each other in a hug.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Rome."

"I missed you too much so I moved back and besides I wanted to spend a full weekend with you."


"A weekend here?"

"Nope, Vegas baby."


"Vegas. So go get your shit and let's get out of here!"

"I don't know Taylor."

"Mia you never neglected a road trip. Come on! It'll be fun."

Mia sighed.


"Pack every sexy outfit you have and you better get out of those jeans."


"Come on, put on one of those mini dresses."

Mia rolled her eyes and changed and packed. Soon they were in Mia's convertible Ferrari, racing towards Vegas.

"Almost there," Phil said when they were a mile outside of Vegas. Doug was going to be married Sunday and they were going to make this the best weekend of his life.

From his rearview mirror Doug could see a Ferrari swerving through traffic.

"Check out what's coming up behind us," he said.

The other guys turned around as the Ferrari made its way towards them.

It pulled up next to them and the girl in the passenger seat got on her knees.

"Vegas!" she yelled, flashing the guys.

"Oh man this is going to be awesome!" Phil yelled.

The Ferrari pulled away quickly and cut in front of them.

"Doug catch up with them!" Phil yelled.

"Sorry I am not going to speed in this car," Doug said.

"Awe, you fucking dork."

The guys had their luck though because as they pulled up to Caesar's Palace they saw the Ferrari.

"Looks like our luck isn't going to run out."

They left the car with the valet and walked inside for check in.

"Ok we have you guys in the Forum Towers Emperor Suite," the concierge said to Mia.

"Awesome," Mia answered, taking the key.

"I'll meet you up in the room Mia, I'm gonna buy a couple of things."

"All right."

The two girls parted ways and Mia walked into the elevator.

As Taylor was walking out of the gift shop she saw the four guys she had flashed and laughed to herself.

She walked over to them.

"Hey boys."

They turned around, all of them instantly smiling.

"Hey," the tall hot one said, immediately stepping forward.

"You guys staying for the weekend?"

"Yep. Where are you guys staying?"

"Emperors suite."

"That's the nicest room in the hotel."

"I know. Why don't you guys stay with us."

"What's the catch?"

"You supply the alcohol we supply the room."

"Sounds like a deal."


They started to the elevator.

"I'm Taylor by the way."

"I'm Phil," the hot one said.

"I'm Doug."


"And I am Alan."

"Nice to meet you guys. So what's the occasion?"

"I'm getting married on Sunday," Doug said.

"No kidding, congratulations."


They got up to the room.

"Where is your friend?" Stu asked.

"She's in here."

They walked into the room and took in the view for a second.

"Wow," Phil said. "This is the life."

"How can you afford this room?" Stu asked.

"My best friend doesn't have a credit card limit. Mia where are you?" Taylor called.

The second Phil heard Mia his ear perked up.

"Mia?" he said to himself.

There was no way it could be the same Mia.

"Over here!"

They walked outside where there was a pool.

"Wow, this is insane," Phil said.

"Is it warm?" Taylor asked Mia.

She was facing the city but even from the back she looked amazing.

She turned around.

"It's…" Mia saw Phil. "Perfect," she finished.



They both stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Professor?" everyone asked.

Mia walked out of the Jacuzzi and wrapped her towel around her body.

"Oh fuck," she said before running inside.

"You guys know each other?" Doug asked.

"She's one of my students."

"Ha ha! Classic!" Alan yelled.

"You boys go change, I'll take care of her," Taylor said.

She walked inside all three guys looked at Phil.

"Explain," Stu said.

"What? She's one of my students."

"One of the ones you banged?"

"No man. I've never even flirted with her."

"Why? She is hot," Doug said.

"She always looks so nerdy in class. She just never stood out."

"I bet you feel like a dumbass now, ha ha," Alan said.

"Well let's go change."

They walked back inside and each picked a room.

"Mia?" Taylor asked, walking into her room.

Mia was standing in front of the floor to ceiling window with a look of utter embarrassment in her face.

"Mia I'm so sorry, I had no idea that was your teacher."

"Its ok there's no way you would have known."

"If it's any consolation he is the hottest professor ever."

"Yeah, every girl that takes him certainly thinks so."

"So have you ever…"

"No Taylor. The guy thinks I'm a huge nerd. In fact today he said, and I quote 'go have fun this weekend ok? I think you can use it'. He's a freaking asshole; the type of guy I have been avoiding my entire life."

"Well he was checking you out hardcore pretty lady. Look I say tonight you show him exactly who Mia Damon is. He's never seen you outside of school and tonight he is definitely going to want you."

"I don't want him to want me."

"Well too bad. I know you know sexy, now do it."


She grabbed her suitcase and walked into the bathroom, Taylor going to her room to change.

Phil, Doug, Stu and Alan were in the living room when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Taylor walked down first in a purple mini dress and black ankle boots.

When the guys saw Mia each one gasped.

Her hair was styled in a perfectly messy way and her dress let their imaginations wander. It was black and strapless with a mini v-cut that perfectly displayed her chest, her tan legs looking like they went on forever.

"You boys clean up nice," Taylor said.

Taylor looked up at Mia and winked at her.

Mia walked down next to her and she was at least a head taller.

"Let's just hope you guys can keep up with us," she said.

Stu let out a dorky laugh.

"Well I think to start this night off we should da da da!" Alan said as he pulled out a bottle of Jagermeister.

"Oh, the jager!" Taylor said.

Everyone grabbed a shot glass and they clinked glasses before drinking.