When you think of a person like Albus Dumbledore you think of his discoveries, his brilliance, and most often his position as headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But no one really thinks of his family.

I am his family.

My name is Sawyer and my twin sister Fleur and I are related to the most influential wizard of our generation.

In my life, nothing ever makes sense. Fleur and I are twins but we're more like water and oil. My uncle is one of the most respected and well-liked wizard in history but, while this likability was passed down to my sister, I am a social outcast. And when it comes to love, staying away from men who are known for their arrogance and family affiliation with Voldemort should go without saying.

But, like I said, my life is backwards.

This is not a story about love or hope. I cannot guarantee a happy ending. I can't even guarantee an ending!

But this is my story.

And while I wish I could have more control over it, perhaps it is the lack of control that makes things more interesting.

You be the judge.