***Author's note!

Hey everyone, with the addition of this new chapter Sawyer and I are curious what your thoughts are about everything that has happened recently. Sex, lies, stress, it's a lot to take in. So send us what you think of all of it and where you think it's going to go! I may take it into consideration and Sawyer might look on in horror as we decide her fate. Send me a PM any time and we'll be sure to get back to you!


Since returning to school from holiday I had been in unusually good spirits. Sawyer's forgiveness restored some of my faith in humanity and I felt happy for the first time in a long while. Every now and then I would kiss her randomly in the hall behind a statue where no one could see or brush her hand if we had classes together or, when I was absolutely sure no one was around, I would come up behind her and kiss her ear while putting one arm around her waist and the other just barely slipping into her shirt. She would giggle while struggling beneath me but (as much as she pretended to resist) she was all smiles. All I wanted to do was touch her and kiss her. She had become irresistible to me.

However, although she was clearly having fun sneaking around with me and enjoying my spontaneity, something seemed off. When she was away from me she was depressed and, although she would smile when I would touch her, the moment she looked away she looked like she was in pain. I feared that she regretted forgiving me. I tried to show her my feelings physically so I could reassure her that she made the right choice in staying with me.

She can't give me up because I can't give her up.

And it wasn't just Sawyer acting strange. Nott had become distant. I would often find that when I speak to him during class or in the Great Hall he was off daydreaming or paying attention to something else with this stupid misty look in his eye. The nerve of him, not listening to me! It made me sick whenever I had to grab his attention.

I actually had to put forth effort into pulling his attention back toward me. The fact that it wasn't on me in the first place is already disgraceful. I don't expect him to be paying attention to me 24/7 but has he forgotten who I am? I am Draco Malfoy and that alone should prove I deserve his respect!

But whatever it was that was weighing both of them down, I had no time to linger on it. I was already busy with the damn vanishing cabinet. I still couldn't get it to work properly no matter how many times I repeated that godforsaken incantation. I've never worked this hard on anything in my life and now my existence is revolving around a two meter tinder box. It was disgraceful. It became increasingly difficult to focus on Sawyer with the ever growing possibility of death in the back of my mind. But, with the way Sawyer was acting, maybe distance from me was what she wanted.

On a sunny Saturday morning I found Sawyer sitting alone at breakfast. I quickly wrote a note under the table telling her to meet me in the Room of Requirement that evening. I charmed the note to flutter beneath the tables and land on her lap. I watched her as she opened the note and read it. She smirked a bit before looking around her to see if anyone had noticed. She leaned over her bowl of porridge so that her hair obscured any onlooker's vision and subtly winked at me before going back to her food. I tried my best not to smile but I couldn't help it. It always made me laugh when she thought she was being sneaky.

That night I arrived in the Room of Requirement only to find Sawyer had gotten their before me. I embraced her and we began to update each other on our lives.

When you have to keep your relationship a secret from the entire school it doesn't leave much room for conversation.

She told me about the box of her mother's things and I smiled when she said she put the earrings I gave her in the box as well. Her studies were going well but I didn't really care about that. but when she asked me what I was up to I began to sweat and I had to stop my eyes from darting over to the vanishing cabinet that was only a short distance away.

I immediately changed the subject. I told her about how Nott was being distant and she seemed uncomfortable when I mentioned his name. I assumed it was because Sawyer has never really liked Nott and I can't exactly blame her because most of the things he says to her are overly sexual.

When Sawyer began talking about her mother again she pulled down her shirt to show me the necklace she was wearing.

Honestly, I was very happy for her… but I started staring at other things beside the necklace. Her words became muffled in my ears and I was paying more attention to the shape of her mouth rather than what came out of it. All of those times I had been playful with her throughout the week had been building up and I needed more than just a quick kiss behind a statue.

As she spoke I started tracing patterns on her legs and felt reaction the further my hand went up. I felt her muscles tense as my fingers inched their way into her skirt. We were very close to each other. We had been sitting on a dingy couch that was stuck in the room for God knows why or how long. It became easy to lean over her and within a few seconds we were kissing.

I had my hand on her thigh and felt her cold fingertips brushing the top of it. I was about to take things a step further when she pulled away and I could see in her face that she wanted no more of it. I felt a rush of frustration and embarrassment explode with in me and I had a fit.

"What is with us, Sawyer?" I said as I pulled myself away from her. I felt my cheeks turn red but I tried my best to will them to stop. "Is it me? Are you worried I won't be good? Because you shouldn't be, there are plenty of girls-" he pleaded.
"No, Draco, it's not you… It's me."
"Are you kidding me, Sawyer? 'It's not you, it's me'? Really? You're giving me that?"


He looked frustrated. He tried to get up and walk away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. He couldn't look at me out of what I assumed was embarrassment. I wondered if anyone had ever rejected Draco Malfoy before.

"Look, Draco. You're going to have to accept the fact that I'm…. I'm just not ready!"

The frustration was still evident in his face. He heaved a heavy sigh and leaned back in thought.

"Well, when will you be ready?"
"My virginity doesn't have an expiration date, Draco. I don't know when I'll be ready! You'll just have to be patient."

He was quiet for a moment.

"You're a virgin?"

The air left my lungs. I felt the heat in my cheeks and avoided his eyes.

"Well no… but I'm not really comfortable with-"
"You're not a virgin?" I heard genuine shock in his voice and it irked me. "Who else have you been with?"
"I'm not sure that's any of your business." I tried to keep the venom out of my voice.
"How is that not my business? If I plan on having sex with you I'd like to know who else you've been with! And if it's Finnegan just tell me now so I can-"
"NO! No no no! Why does everyone always come to that conclusion...? Besides, Draco if I don't know who you've been with than-"
"Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, and Phiona Fairchild."

I was shocked. Not only did he tell me who he'd slept with, he didn't pretend it was some fleet of women like he always does. He was honest.

He was Draco.

Not Malfoy.

My heart swelled with this honesty but then sunk when I remembered I couldn't be honest with him. What would I say, your best friend and three strangers? I never planned on telling him about them but I would gladly tell the entire school about that than tell Draco about Nott. I must have looked dejected because Draco leaned in and kissed my jaw.

"Why won't you tell me?" he whispered. "If it's not Finnegan than I don't care who it is."

You say that now… I thought.

He continued to kiss my jawline until he abruptly stopped.

"Unless, it's Potter." I could tell he was joking at first until his face became serious. "It's not Potter, is it?"

I promptly punched him and he actually sighed from relief. I put my hand on his shoulder as a signal to be serious.

"I don't want to talk about the past. I just need you to trust me. Can you trust me?"

You shouldn't.

"You trusted me." he said. These moments of sincerity are one of the reasons why I loved being with him; when I get to see Draco, not Malfoy.

We kissed again before we decided to call it a night.

The walk back to Gryffindor tower was brutal. I felt horrible. The more he touched me the more I pictured Nott with his hands where they should never have been. I never regretted something so much in my life. My "buyer's remorse" was overwhelming. I just wanted to go to sleep and never think about it again.

I finally made it up to the Fat Lady's portrait and said the password. Before letting me in she asked me,

"Dearie, are you alright?"

I just shook my head.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I walked into the common room and sat down on the closest couch I could find. I threw my head back and let out a huge sigh. I felt like my body was made of led while walking upstairs to my bed and lying down to sleep hoping I wouldn't wake up.


It was pretty late. I was alone in the dorm and Malfoy was out prancing around with Sawyer.


I couldn't stop thinking about her. This entire week all I could think about was her. Everything she said was much more interesting, everything she did was more intriguing, and every gesture she made was even sexier than before.

I always knew she looked sexy but her demeanor would kill any sexual fantasy I had. But now I was finding sexy things about her personality and not just her looks. I never appreciated just how sexy she was before. I began replaying having sex with her in my head like I did when I was on the train. Only this time I was completely alone and I wouldn't be interrupted.

I closed my eyes and pictured her soft skin and her angel face. Her amazing breasts and her eyes closing and lips parting. And then when I thought about how I was the only guy in school to sleep with the Hogwarts princess I was fired up and ready to go. I assumed my regular position and started to…

Well, you know.

I was almost finished when-

"Nott." said Malfoy.

I practically jumped a foot in the air and frantically pulled my pants back up. Luckily the drapes around my four poster bed were closed.

"Hey mate, what are you-" said Malfoy opening the drapes. By seeing the panicked look on my face he knew what I was doing. He laughed a bit. "Sorry mate."
"Thanks a lot, you git. I was almost finished." I said. I might as well address it. It would be even more awkward if I pretended I wasn't doing anything.
"My walking in on you has never stopped you before."

He had a point. But I was still nervous. As if he would figure out whom I was thinking about. I was actually afraid of him reading my thoughts. I decided to divert attention away from me.

"So, have you popped your girlfriend yet?"

Malfoy was quiet for a moment.

"Actually, yeah. I have." He said.

I knew he was lying. I smiled to myself. So he hasn't made his move has he? Or maybe she can't stop thinking about me. Either way I still felt like a king. I would have no trouble sleeping tonight. Not with the image of Sawyer's naked body lulling me to sleep.

The next day we had herbology with the Gryffindors. Normally I wouldn't be interested in having herbology but, if that meant I could lust after Sawyer all class period that was fine with me. Professor Sprout split all of us into pairs, each Slytherin to a Gryffindor and as fate would have it Sawyer was my partner. I couldn't help but notice that Malfoy looked particularly irritated that he wasn't chosen as her partner. I sighed, thinking of how childish he was but stopped caring when I turned around to see her ass facing my direction. She was bent over trying to pick up some of her supplies and if I lowered my head just enough I would be able to see her knickers. Unfortunately she stood up as I was getting into position. She promptly punched me in the arm upon realizing what I was doing. I smirked.

"Don't pretend as if you didn't want me to see them." I said, referring to what I assumed were her cute white panties.
"Don't get fresh with me, Nott". She said looking disgusted. It only turned me on more.

Professor Sprout had us all planting these ugly screaming plants into equally ugly pots. They were so big that we had to lift the plant together. While putting it in the pot her hand touched mine.

"Why, Sawyer, this is… so sudden."

She then proceeded to viciously scratch my hand with her fingernails. I didn't care. I was having fun.

While Sprout was lecturing us Sawyer was taking notes. Her legs were crossed making her skirt fall back a bit. I had my arms behind my head with wand in hand. I wordlessly charmed her skirt to inch up little by little. I laughed in my head.

I was right. I thought. She does wear white panties.

I didn't realize how long I was staring at them before she felt what I was doing and angrily pushed me off my seat. I crashed on the floor making an echo around the greenhouse. I could hear Malfoy's stifled laughter on the other side of the room.

"Mr. Nott!" said Sprout. "Are you quite alright? What happened?"

I stood up and dusted myself off staring into Sawyer's eyes. Her face was bright red from both embarrassment and anger and she looked as if our classmates were the only things stopping her from giving me a verbal lashing. I was angry that she made me look like a fool but still, pushing her buttons was becoming more and more fun.

"Many apologies, Professor. Won't happen again."

I sat back down as Sawyer moved her seat as far away from me as possible. I laughed under my breath.

"I really get under your skin, don't I?" I whispered to her. Her quill scratched harder on her paper. I tried my best to think of something that would really rile her up. "So how was last night with Malfoy?"

Her quill ripped her paper.

"What?" she spat through her teeth.
"Nothing, nothing. It's just that I have it on good authority that you did a whole lot o' nothing last night."

Her cheeks turned bright red as her eyes darted towards Malfoy to see if he was looking at us but, he was too busy making snide remarks to Potter who was his partner.

"Shut your mouth, Nott."
"Couldn't do it, could you?" I said leaning closer towards her. She practically had steam coming out of her ears. "What was it exactly? Couldn't get me out of your head?" my hand grazed her thigh and I felt her muscles tense. "You know… I know plenty of good places for us to be alone if you want to play again after class."

She gripped my hand and threw it back towards me. I was about to deliver another cheeky line when she cut me off.

"Stop. I don't know what the hell is wrong with you lately but it has to end now. What is the matter with you?"

The game was no longer fun.

"You told me on the train that you were going to remain Malfoy's friend and I was going to remain his girlfriend. I've held up my end of the deal but is this what you call being his friend? Trying to get into my panties is a pretty fucked up way of being his best mate. You can have any slag in this school so pull yourself together!" we were quiet for a moment. "I thought you were better than this."

We both turned back around to face the front as I thought to myself,

Yeah. So did I.

She was right. What the hell am I doing? Sawyer was right. I could have any girl in the school I wanted.

FUCK! What is wrong with me?! Why am I being such a prick? I could only imagine the horrible things Sawyer was thinking about me. Normally I could care less what others say. Whenever I would be called a womanizer or a man-tramp I wouldn't care. It didn't matter to me what anyone else thought and, besides, they don't know who I really am. I was always confident about the fact that this womanizing prick of a man was not who I really was. But now I'm not so sure. I felt as if everything I knew about myself was being called into question. My judgment, my character.

I needed to get Sawyer and her judgmental voice out of my head. I looked across the room and saw one of the Gryffindor girls making goo-goo eyes at me. She had curly mousey brown hair, big brown eyes, and tits that were ready to pop out of her too-tight shirt. She looked like a pretty good lay. I nodded my head in the direction of the door. She raised her hand to excuse herself and I did the same moments later. As I got up I heard Sawyer's disapproving sigh. I felt sick when I heard it. And while I had sex with the Gryffindor girl behind some far away bushes I pretended not to be bothered by Sawyer's harsh words.

But pretending the girl beneath me was Sawyer was the only thing that kept me interested.