Dean stands in front of the bathroom sink, clad only in a towel, and brushes his teeth. He listens to one half of Sam's phone conversation with Bobby.

"Okay, yeah, got it." Pause. "Yeah. Yeah, we will. Oh, and Bobby? Beware of evil floor rugs." Pause. Sam laughs. "Excuses, excuses. Hey, one broken leg at a time, old man." Another pause, and then Sam laughs again. "Will do," he says, and then ends the call.

Sam drops the phone on the bed, walks into the bathroom to lean against the doorframe, and talks to Dean's reflection. "Bobby says I'm sounding more like you every day. I wonder if he meant that as a compliment or an insult."

Spitting toothpaste, Dean answers. "Well, if you were annoying him, it's probably an insult."

Dean leans over the sink to rinse his mouth, and Sam rakes his eyes over Dean's back, ass, and thighs. He bites back a laugh. Instant hard-on; just add Dean.

When Dean stands upright again and looks in the mirror, he takes in Sam's expression and raises an eyebrow. "What are you thinking, little brother?"

Sam smiles. "Nothing; I was just enjoying the view," he responds, again sweeping his eyes up and down Dean's body.

"Yeah? Well, are you just gonna look, or are you gonna to do something about it?" Dean challenges.

Sam cocks his head to the side, considering. "Hmmm…just looking," he says, teasing. He pushes himself away from the doorframe and turns to leave, when he hears Dean say "Bitch."

When he hears that, Sam stops and turns around. Not hesitating, he walks back into the bathroom and presses his body against Dean's back. "Jerk," he whispers in Dean's ear.

They both look at each other in the mirror, and Dean watches — almost in slow motion - as Sam slides down his body, bringing his hands down Dean's flanks, and drops to his knees behind him. Dean expects the towel to be ripped away but it doesn't happen. Instead, Sam runs his hands down, over the towel, down the outside of Dean's legs, until he reaches skin again at his knees. Okay, this is where he rips off my towel, Dean thinks but Sam has other ideas. "Mmmm…," Dean vocalises, closing his eyes for a moment. "Love your hands," he says as Sam feels his way under the towel and up the back of Dean's legs. He massages his hamstrings as he slowly works higher. "Sam, remind me to ask you for a full body massage; your hands feel really good."

Sam smiles but doesn't stop his travelling hands, which are just beginning to explore the curve and firmness and softness of Dean's buttocks.

Okay, this is where he rips off my towel.



Sam smiles a little deviously, but Dean can't see. "Assume the position."

Dean chuckles but does as instructed, spreading his legs just a little more and placing his hands on the sink, bending forward slightly.

Sam lifts the towel and surprises Dean by placing several kisses on his muscular and perfect ass. He really surprises Dean when he grazes his teeth lightly across the flesh of one cheek and follows up with a soothing lick to the same spot. "Such a great ass. Firm but pliable under my hands." He demonstrates. "And," he adds, trailing a finger from behind Dean's balls to circle his opening, "so tight."

Dean pushes back. "Jesus, Sam, you're killing me."

"No, I'm not even close. Know how I can tell? Because I can understand every word you're saying. When you get to the point where you can't form a complete sentence, that's when you'll feel my cock inside you."

Dean starts breathing heavier, and exhales on a little moan as Sam continues to rub around Dean's entrance. Suddenly, Dean chuckles. "God, I love it when you talk dirty. Maybe 'cause I never expect it from you."

"Well, what can I say big brother, you bring it out in me." With that, Sam removes his finger and stands, sliding up Dean's body, and runs his big hands down Dean's tensed arms as he kisses Dean's neck, just behind his jaw. They watch each other in the mirror, and Dean gives Sam an amused look.

"Dude, you look like a big cat who's just chased down its meal."

"Well, you are very tasty," Sam replies, moving his lips to Dean's shoulder. "But, really, I'm just trying to distract you." Before Dean can ask 'from what?', Sam reaches for the corner of Dean's towel, tucked in near his hipbone, and pulls the material away from their bodies. As Sam grasps Dean's naked hips, he — very slowly — rocks his own denim-clad crotch forward against Dean's ass.

Dean's eyes close automatically, and he leans his head back to Sam's shoulder.

"Can you still form a complete sentence?" Sam whispers.

"Gimme a second."

Sam chuckles. "That was a sentence. I'll have to step up my game."

Dean opens his eyes and looks at Sam's reflection. "Can we take this back to the bedroom; the sink's cold."

"No, but I'll try to warm you up." Sam reaches his right hand around to wrap around Dean's hard-on, and starts to stroke him slowly. "Dean?"


"If you don't say something dirty to me right now, I'm gonna be forced to say something a little too chick-flicky for your liking. Distract me."

"Ooh, a challenge," he replies, interested. "How about something like 'stop teasing me and fuck me hard right here, so we can watch each other get off'?" Dean punctuates his question with a backwards thrust against Sam's crotch.

Sam smiles. "That'll do for the moment. Oh, and that's exactly what I have in mind, just not yet."

"Oh yeah? Well, what do you want to do in the meantime, stud?"

Sam steps back a half a pace and turns Dean to face him. Leaning back into him, Sam places his hands back on Dean's hips. With the same conversational tone as Dean adopted, he answers. "I want your cock in my mouth."

Dean gives him a feral smile. "You want me to put my cock in that dirty mouth?"


"Sounds good to me."

Sam slowly sinks down to his knees and wraps his long fingers around Dean's shaft, under the head. Bringing his lips down, he initially focuses on just the tip, sucking and flicking his tongue.

Dean sucks in a breath through his teeth. "Mmmm," Dean purrs as he lifts one hand to rest at the back of Sam's head; the move one of affection and encouragement more so than a plea for 'deeper'…although 'deeper' wouldn't exactly be discouraged by Dean.

Whether from coincidence or telepathic thought, Sam opens wider and fills his mouth with the feel and taste of Dean; at the same time, he slides his hand down to the base of his cock and keeps a firm hold.

Just as Dean expects Sam to pull back again, Sam swallows, twice, and Dean gasps, frantically clinging to the vanity behind him. "Jesus FUCK Sam!" He then looks down to see Sam pulling back until his lips are locked behind the head of Dean's cock.

Sam smiles as he meets his brother's eyes. And sucks. Hard.

Dean gasps again. Moaning Sam's name as he continues to watch his cock being engulfed in his brother's warm, welcoming mouth, Dean fights the temptation to buck his hips until he can feel his head at the back of Sam's throat. Attempting a few calming breaths — to no avail — he closes his eyes briefly at the overwhelming sensation. A little breathless, he says, "Who'd have thought; my little brother is a natural cock sucker."

Sam pulls back and releases Dean with a wet and sinfully dirty noise. Pumping Dean's length firmly, with an occasional twist on the up stroke, Sam looks up at Dean and laps at the precome leaking freely.

Dean smirks. "Jeez, Sammy, you look so fuckin' sexy on your knees with my cock in your hand."

Sam returns the smirk. "Then how do I look with your cock in my mouth?" He refreshes Dean's memory by taking him into his mouth again and slowly sliding his tongue to trace the vein on the underside of Dean's shaft.

Dean rumbles a moan deep in his throat and leans his head back. "God, Sam…"

Pulling his mouth away quickly, Sam asks, "What, Dean? Talk to me." He briefly rubs two fingers over and around Dean's slit, lightly coating his fingers with precome, and then swallows Dean's length again. When he doesn't answer immediately, Sam distracts Dean by cupping and massaging his balls in one hand, while his other hand moves further back and starts to spread Dean's cheeks.

"Saam," Dean says, his voice shaky.

Sam takes that as encouragement and rubs the tips of his two slicked fingers around Dean's entrance, feeling the muscles instantly relaxing.

"Sam, please," Dean pleads.

Sam moves his hand from Dean's balls to the base of his cock and hums around him, increasing Dean's stimulation. At the same time, he pushes one finger inside his brother, penetrating Dean's tight wall of muscle, and still further.

"Fuck, yeah…ohhhh…make me come. More, Sammy."

Sam responds, sliding in another finger, and establishes a rhythm to match the one his mouth is providing.

Dean's brain cells are exploding faster than lemmings as he rides the wave of pure sensation. Moans and almost-whimpers replace speech as Sam picks up his pace.

Sam needs to test his theory and pulls back for a moment. "Dean, talk to me." Then his mouth is back at work.

Seconds later, Dean manages a few words. "God…Sam…need…ohhhh…need…"

Sam is satisfied that Dean can no longer form a complete sentence, and pulls away to stand up.

Before Dean can verbalise his surprise, he hears Sam say, "Turn around." He complies, and his hands once again rest on the vanity as he leans over.

Sam hastily pulls off his t-shirt and rids himself of his jeans, only to the point of letting them pool around his ankles. He brings his right hand around to pump Dean's cock, coating his fingers with precome again. He is so not willing to spare the time to retrieve the lube from the other room at this point in the proceedings. Slicking his own member with the thick substance, Sam finds himself as urgent as Dean to get to the main event, and bends Dean over a little further with a hand on his back. Sam looks into the mirror. "Dean, look at me."

Dean lifts his head to the mirror and they look each other in the eyes.

"I want you to watch me fuck you."

"Do it," Dean responds, roughly.

Sam guides his painfully-hard erection to Dean's opening and eases in. He resists the powerful temptation to thrust in hard; instead, he pushes slowly, expecting and then hearing Dean's initial moans of discomfort. "You set the pace, Dean."

"Just give me…a moment," he says, breathing through it.

Sam stills his movements, and slides his strong arm around Dean's chest, holding him tight. "I got you," he whispers into Dean's ear.

Dean looks at Sam in the mirror and smiles. "You taking care of me, Sammy? You know that's my job."

"I know. To be honest, though, I like to be able to take care of you occasionally. Let me."

With his smile still in place, Dean relents. "Well, seeing as though you're topping right now, I can hardly refuse."

Sam smiles into Dean's neck. "Good."



Dean moves his left hand back to Sam's hip. "Move. I need you all the way inside me."

Sam exhales on a little moan at Dean's words. He moves his left hand from Dean's chest, down to his hip, to mirror his right hand, and pushes the rest of the way inside. "God," he moans, feeling his balls flush against Dean's ass. Savouring that feeling only for a moment, he pulls back, slowly, and then thrusts forward hard.

"Fuck," Dean says, shakily, and closes his eyes as his fingers grip the edges of the vanity.

Sam's left hand leaves Dean's hip to move to neck and chin, caressing his right cheek as his thumb brushes over Dean's lips. "Open your eyes, Dean," he says on another thrust, pushing Dean against the sink.

Dean opens his heavy-lidded eyes as he kisses and licks Sam's thumb, and Sam runs the wet digit back and forth across his lips.

"Your lips are so sinful," Sam breathes in his ear.

Dean smiles, before taking Sam's thumb into his mouth, licking and sucking in time with Sam's movements.

Lifting his mouth away a few moments later, he looks up to the mirror, and into Sam's eyes. "Samm…"

"Talk to me, Dean. Tell me what you want."

Dean takes a moment to clear a mental path for his thoughts. "Bed. I want to be on my hands and knees for you on the bed. Soft mattress," he adds, with a smile.

Sam returns his smile, and slows his thrusts. "Okay."

With that, he stops altogether, and gently eases himself from Dean. "Come on." Stepping out of his puddled jeans and boxers, he guides Dean to the other room, and to his bed.

Dean climbs on the bed but Sam stops him quickly.

"Stop. Stay right there," he says, when Dean hasn't gotten any further than the end of the bed. "That's it," he adds, when Dean obeys his words. Sam takes a minute to fully appreciate his view of Dean: naked, on his hands and knees, fully exposed to him. "Fuck, Dean, you should see how incredibly sexy you look right now. And you're all mine."

Dean looks back at Sam and smiles, before waggling his ass. "What are you waiting for? An invitation? Fuck me, already."

Sam smiles devilishly. "First thing's first." He gets down on his knees on the floor at the end of the bed, and places one kiss on each of Dean's ass cheeks. Then, reaching in between his spread legs, he grasps Dean's cock and pumps it firmly, from base to head and back again, and repeats the process a few times. With Dean's ass literally in Sam's face, he can't seem to deny himself the pleasure of placing more kisses to those muscular cheeks; increasingly wet and erotic kisses. Hearing Dean's whining moans spurs Sam on, and he kicks his plan into high gear. Detaching his hand from Dean's shaft, he fondles his balls momentarily, and continues, pressing and rubbing at his perineum.

Dean's arms partially collapse so he's resting on his elbows, which presents his ass even more attractively to Sam's ministrations — if that was possible. Dropping his head between his shoulders, he manages to find his voice. "God, Sam, you're making me crazy," he gets out between clenched teeth.

"You complaining?" Sam asks, with a smile.


"Just as well, or I'd have to stop."

"Don't you dare!"

"It's okay, Dean, I'm not done with you yet." To prove it, Sam proceeds to fulfil one of Dean's fantasies. "Hold on," he adds. With both hands, Sam spreads Dean as wide as possible, and licks him from his balls to his puckered hole.

Dean moans loudly and desperately at the sensation. "Fuuuuck…Pleeease…Sam…do that again!"

Dean's voice is full of need and, hearing it, makes Sam's cock twitch, trying to out-do its full nine inches. Sam suddenly realises something: Dean's fantasy has become his own. With this new discovery, he renews his assault, giving Dean what he wants, and continues to alternate between flattening and swirling and hardening his tongue to lick a path back and forth, up and down. So naughty, but so good runs through Sam's mind. He soon focuses all his attention on Dean's entrance, circling around and around his pulsing hole, driving his big brother up the wall.

Dean's mouth opens, and his eyes close but, for a few moments, he can't make a sound; the incredible sensations all but short-circuit his brain. When Sam withdraws his tongue and sucks, Dean finds his voice again and whimpers. "Oh God, Sammy!"

Sam translates Dean's words, and knows that he wants to come, and now. "Not yet, Dean. Move further up the bed." Knowing Dean doesn't have much control left, Sam crawls on the bed behind Dean as he follows orders. Grasping his own cock in one hand and slicking himself as best he can with his precome, he then grips Dean's hip in his other hand, and pushes into Dean's ass again. This time, he doesn't stop, doesn't slow, until he's all the way inside. At Dean's urgent backward thrust, Sam creates a fast rhythm, knowing this will be over quick, now. "Oh Dean…so good. Your body was made for me, baby."

"Mmmm…yeah Sam…harder…fuck me hard!"

Who was Sam to refuse an order like that? Gripping Dean's hips hard enough to leave marks, Sam brutally rams into his tight ass, and quickly feels his impending release. "Dean…I'm nearly there. Jack yourself off, baby…come with me."

Dean grasps himself and pumps hard and fast. "Sammy…Sammy…" he chants, following with several grunts and one long growl as he comes hard over his hand and the bed.

Sam feels Dean contract around him and that drives him over the edge. Dean is still spurting as Sam thrusts into him one last time and holds himself deep inside, erupting his seed into Dean with a matching growl. Sam collapses against Dean's back, who, in turn, collapses flat on the bed under his brother's weight.

Although lying in a wet spot, Dean can't coordinate speech, let alone movement just yet, and focuses on his breathing, instead.

Sam is the first to rouse, and withdraws slowly from Dean's body. He rolls onto his side and smiles as he sees Dean looking at him, and his expression of slightly embarrassed satisfaction.

"Was it what you hoped for?" Sam asks, unsure.

Dean smiles warmly. "More than."

Sam grins. "Good."

Dean turns over, remembers the wet spot, and finds just enough energy to drag him and Sam over to the other bed. He wraps his arm around Sam's shoulders and pulls him close. "Jesus, Sam," Dean says, a moment later. "You didn't have to, you know."

Sam leans up on his elbow. "To tell you the truth, I hadn't thought much about it before but, when you said it was a fantasy…although I think you should've put it in the 'kink' heading…I started thinking about it, and I couldn't stop. Surprisingly, it didn't take me long to move the idea from kinda taboo to just plain naughty. I can work with naughty," he adds, with a smile.

"You certainly can," Dean responds. "Thank you." He lifts his head to plant a sweet kiss on Sam's mouth.

Sam raises his eyebrow. "You're not freaked about…y'know…where these lips were recently?"

Dean smiles. "No, although I won't be wrapping my lips around your cock again until you've had a shower."

Sam chuckles. "Got it." Dean is silent for a minute before Sam sees him shaking his head and smiling. "What?"

Dean looks at him. "I never thought I'd enjoy bottoming so much."

Sam laughs. "Glad you liked it."

"Man, at the risk of giving you an ego boost, you rocked my fuckin' world, little brother."

Smiling, Sam leans down and kisses Dean slowly; their passion temporarily sated.