Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. If I did, the next movie would just be Optimus Prime talking and fighting.

A/N: This is a direct sequel to Transformers 3: Return to Cybertron. It'll help to read that first, but not 100% necessary...

Transformers 4: Branding of the Neutrals


I am Optimus Prime… I send this message to others of my kind…taking refuge among the stars…we are here…we are waiting…

Cybertron has been given new life, and with it our species has a new chance. Many of us have found homes on Earth, where we hide in plain sight. For those willing to take up disguises, Earth awaits. For others, return to our home world is now possible. Though worlds apart, we can come together once again.

Until all are one.

This was the message heard throughout the universe. The planet of Cybertron had been given a second chance. Somehow, miraculously, the human Sam Witwicky had found the secret to bringing the planet back on line by combining the sparks of Primus and Unicron with the Matrix of Leadership.

Ever since, Autobots had slowly been returning to the planet. Occasionally a Decepticon would also turn up, and depending on their loyalty they would either leave again or join Starscream's small faction.

The greatest triumph was the return on Cybertron's many 'neutrals'. Mostly comprised of civilians, these mechs and femmes had left in order to escape the war. Although that threat still loomed, many had opted to return to their home world. Slowly, the planet was becoming a reflection of what it had once been.

Yet some bots were not pleased with these developments. Specifically, that Cybertron was under Autobot control. Some were willing to do whatever was possible in order to shift the balance back in favor of the Decepticons.