OK First of all I didn't know what to title this one. This is my first attempt at a CSI Fanfic and it's a Speed/Horatio fiction. Secondly, I dont own the characters. Forgive me if I do something wrong with them. I just feel like I wanted to write this and I did. So sorry if it offends you. However you dont have to read it and no one's wringing your arm to. Please review with love or hate. I appreciate honesty.

So on that note here's the story

Oh and by the way I just made up the email names. Speeddemon for Speed since he loved his motorcycle and FlamingredH for Horatio since he's got the flaming red hair. But again it's all just coming to mind as it goes so sorry and dont sue me.


Horatio Caine was sitting at his desk wondering why he was so worried about sending this particular email out. He reread it to make sure it didn't sound too pushy.

To: Speeddemon

From: FlamingredH

Re: Dinner?

Speed, was wondering if you would care to have dinner with me tonight at about seven if we don't pick up a new case? – H

Finally, he hit the send button and about five minutes later a reply came.

To: FlamingredH

From: Speeddemon

Re: Dinner?

H, Sounds good. Need to talk to you anyway. You said a time but not a place so how about I cook for us? – Speed

Horatio was surprised by the yes and that fact that Speed was needing to talk to him and wanting to cook so he responded to Speed's email.

To: Speeddemon

From: FlamingredH

Re: Dinner?

Speed, that sounds good, but can I trust your cooking? {wink} What do you want me to bring with me and should I follow you or meet you there? – H P.S. Am I in trouble?

Speed read the email and laughed. To him it sounded like H was trying to flirt with him. He could only hope since he had liked the man for a few years now.

To: FlamingredH

From: Speeddemon

Re: Dinner?

H, should you be in trouble? {grin} No you're not in trouble. Don't worry about bringing anything but yourself. What would you say to riding on the back of my bike? I have an extra helmet and I promise I will be extra careful driving with you on the back of the bike should you agree to ride with me. – Speed

This time Horatio laughed. He always wanted to ride with Speed. Instead of responding to the email Speed was going to get a shock. Horatio walked into the trace lab to see Speed heavy in thought. He was watching his computer screen and running some tests from a scene.

"Anything interesting Mr. Speedle?" Horatio asked causing Speed to jump.

"Damn it H. Can't you make some noise when entering a room?" Horatio chuckled causing Speed to smile at him. He wanted to go over and hold Horatio close to him.

"Mr. Speedle in regards to your email, I accept the ride." Horatio walked over closer to him and leaned in. "I also hope that's not all I get to ride." He turned and walked out, leaving a shocked and very hard Speed sitting there. Speed dialed H's cell. He was going to get H back. "Mr. Speedle glad you called. We have a scene we need to get too. Meet me at the hummer in ten."

"Damn it H. You will pay." Speed said hanging up and getting his kit. The two worked the scene then went back to the lab. Speed needed to talk to Horatio about today. He knocked on H's door.

"Enter." He heard H say. "Mr. Speedle what can I do for you this evening?"

"H, I need to talk to you before tonight. Is it ok if this is off the record?" Horatio nodded. "Well there is the situation. I don't know what you're playing at but I care for you. I have for a while."

"Since we're off the record may I call you Tim?" Tim Speedle nodded. "Tim I am not playing at anything. I have wanted to ask you out for about three years now. I just never had the guts to do so. I have been hurt before and I am afraid of being hurt again. However if your willing to try then so am I." Horatio told Tim. Not telling him everything yet but telling him that he was hurt.

"Tonight is the first date then. I'll be ready to go in twenty minutes. The case can wait tul tomorrow. Be ready cause the helmet is and so am I Lt. Horatio Caine." Tim said shaking his hand. "Twenty minutes and we're out of this joint for the night."

Horatio was nervous about riding on the bike and about being with Tim. He wanted Tim so much but he was still scared. Time came back in twenty minutes like promised. He saw H heavy in thought. He was worried that H was having second thoughts. He watched Horatio for a minute before breading the red heads train of thought.

"Hey H. You ok?" Tim asked. Horatio turned around. "Second thoughts?" Tim asked hoping not.

"No second thoughts Tim. I promise. There is something I need to tell you, but not here. However I don't think that dress pants are good for riding on a bike so give me a minute to change real fast ok?" Tim nodded. He was shocked to hear H mention changing.

"Of course H. Do you have jeans? If not I have a spare pair that should fit you." Tim told him.

"I have a pair but thank you Tim. I will be right back." Tim nodded and locked around the office. That's when he saw the picture of Horatio and another man holding hands in tuxedos. "That was my husband. Steven McGill. That picture was taken on our wedding day ten years ago. Five years ago he was hit by a drunk driver while on his motorcycle. The only reason he died was because a piece of the wiper blade from the car pierced his heart. Alexx did a good job with his wound." Horatio had tears in his eyes. Alexx knocked on the door.

"Horatio baby what's wrong?" She looked around and saw Speed. "Speed baby what happened?"

"It's ok Alexx. We were talking about Steven. Noisy bobby here was looking around my office and saw our wedding picture. The one that you have a copy of." Alexx nodded.

"Timothy Speedle what did I tell you about being noisy with other people's lives?" Alexx asked.

"I didn't do it to hurt him Mom." Speed said honestly. Horatio watched the two of them. "Alexx is my unofficial mom since my own parents kicked me out for being gay. My dad beat me and mom kicked me out. So you're not the only one with a troubled past H." Speed told him.

"You mean you two are finally together?" Alexx asked her boys.

"We are having dinner together tonight. That's why I am in jeans Alexx. He's going to bring me on his bike." Alexx eyed him. "I will be fine Alexx." Speed looked at him. "I haven't been on a bike in five years today. That's when Steve was hit and killed."

"Shit H. I am really fucking up tonight aren't I?" Alexx laughed at her boys. "Sorry Mom."

"Baby I've heard worse." Alexx assured him. "You boys be careful. I am going home to my boys. You both visit me tomorrow. Separately. I want details." Alexx hugged them both and left. She knew that things would be good for both of them. This was healing for both of their pasts.

For the first time since Alexx entered and H changed Tim really looked at Horatio. "You look good in jeans Horatio." Horatio blushed lightly. He wasn't used to compliments.

"Thanks Tim. You sure your going to be ok with me on the back of your bike? It's been a while since I have ridden on the back of a bike and I don't want to throw you off balance." H said.

"I will be fine H. Are you sure you can handle it?" Horatio nodded. Speed smiled. "Ok ready to go then?" They walked out the door only to be seen by Rick Stetler.

"Horatio a word please." Stetler called to Horatio. Horatio looked at Speed then walked to Rick.

"What can I do for you today Rick?" Horatio asked the IAB agent.

"I know what today is. How are you holding up?" Rick asked him honestly.

"I am doing ok Rick. Thanks for asking. I've asked Mr. Speedle here for a ride on his motorcycle. He's agreed to do that. So if you will excuse us." Horatio said to Rick.

"Just know I am here for you Horatio McGill-Caine. I always will be. My cousin would be happy for you getting back to life. You've mourned long enough." Rick told Horatio. "And you Speedle. Hurt him and pay the price. Understand?" Rick turned around not waiting for an answer from Speed. Speed just stood there shocked. Horatio laughed at the site.

"Anyone else I need to worry about or can we go?" Speed laughed with Horatio. Horatio lead them out. He was excited but still nervous. Speed could sense it. "H, are you ok or would you rather take your car?" Speed asked.

"You're going to laugh at me. I'm both excited and nervous about the bike ride and about being with you Speed." Horatio told Speed and waited for the other man to take and start laughing.

"Your not the only one both scared, well nervous and excited Horatio. I am too. I would like to tell you when we get to my place. Are you ready to ride or you want to drive? Speed asked gently to Horatio. Horatio smiled at how gentle and relaxed Speed was.

"Let's do this." Horatio said putting his helmet on. Speed got on the bike and got it started. Horatio got on and wrapped his arms around Speed. They took off and Horatio relaxed. They enjoyed the ride. When they got to Speeds place Horatio was even more relaxed. "I've missed doing that. That was so fun and a great ride Speed. Thank you." Speed smiled.

"Well we can do it more often. I have been looking for someone who enjoyed riding to take with me on some trips." Speed smiled leading them inside. "Would you like something to drink? Beer, soda, wine, coffee, tea?" Tim asked. Horatio followed him into the kitchen.

"Whatever you have. Doesn't really matter. I am only allowed to have one liquor drink though." Horatio told him. Speed gave him a questioning look. "Recovering alcoholic."

"Ah ok. So how about some coffee then?" Horatio nodded and went to start the coffee. "Sit please you are the guest. I've got it." Speed said showing him a chair. "Horatio can you tell me about Steve or does it still hurt too much to talk about?" Speed asked Horatio.

"He was an Irish boy like myself. We met in the police academy back in the late 80's. Both true New York boys. We were instant friends. As thing's progressed we realized that we were happy together. Thing's became more intimate and we officially started dating in the 90's. We got married to the legal limits that we could in 1999. We were really happy together. Talking about adopting a son or daughter. I mean we wanted to be a real family. In 2004 he was riding his motorcycle to the store at about three am to get some coffee so we could have coffee when I got up. See he worked the night shift at a pharmaceutical company and was used to being up all night and sleeping a few hours during the day. Well he went out at about three. I heard him start the bike up. He hated a car since he had the bike. But I heard the bike start and knew where he was going. I got a phone call at about three thirty telling me that Steve was hit by a drunk driver and was killed on impact. I called Alexx. I didn't want just any medical examiner getting him. Alexx went right to the scene. I got there at about the same time. We saw what killed him. It was a piece of the wiper blade that broke off the car hit him straight in the heart." Horatio had tears in his eyes. He remembered the whole thing like it was yesterday. Speed watched as Horatio fought back the tears. "Alexx made sure to take care of Steve like he was her son. With Steve thing's were different for me Tim. I was sexually and physically abused as a child. He knew that and never forced me to do anything. He was gentle. Always. He never forced anything. Always took things slow and if he wanted to try something new we always talked about it before it happened. One night he wanted to surprise me. He had switched shifts with one of the guy's he worked with and came home early. I was cleaning my gun and had just gotten it back together. Well he came up behind me and put his arms around me. I turned in his arms and put my gun to his face. He never flinched never moved a muscle. When I realized it was him he took and talked to me about what happened and what triggered that response in me. Then he did the sweetest thing Tim. He proposed to me that night. Asked if we could spend the rest of our lives together. I was shocked. I mean I had just put a gun in his face, a loaded gun, in his face and he asked me to marry him. I said yes but was he sure he could live with me like that. He told me he loved me even if it meant him dying to prove it. And then ten years later he did die so I could have my coffee." Horatio was crying. Tim held him tight to him. This was the first time that someone other then Alexx had heard everything about Steve and even himself.

"He sounds like he was madly in love with you H. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. I wish I could have met him. I know I would have liked him." Speed told Horatio. He wiped Horatio's tears. "Dinner's ready. Would you like to eat under the stars tonight?"

"Sounds wonderful and smells delicious." Horatio sat next to him. He was feeling comfortable with Tim. "You said you wanted to tell me something. Is everything ok?" Horatio asked Tim.

"Yeah it's ok H. I just don't know how to say this. Which is harder to say then I thought it would be." Tim took a deep breath. He was starting to hyperventilate.

"Tim look at me. Relax. Take your time. Breath for me Tim." Horatio said trying to calm him.

"Please… call… Alexx…" Tim said in between breaths. Horatio did.

"Horatio what's wrong? I thought we had the night off." Alexx said.

"We do but Tim needs you. He's hyperventilating and told me to call you. Alexx, I don't know what to do." Horatio sounded scared. "Please Alexx." Horatio begged.

"H listen to me closely ok? Go to his bathroom and draw a cold bath. I am on my way. Tell him that the boys are coming too. Get him in there quickly. It will help slow his breathing."

"Yes ma'am." He hung up ran inside to start the bath. Tim was on his way in slowly. "Let me help you." He picked Tim up. "Alexx is on her way with the boys." He placed Tim in the bath.

"I… am… sorry… H…" Tim managed before blacking out.

"Tim." Horatio called. "Tim!" he screamed. Alexx came in. "Please Tim answer me!"

"Horatio, baby, it's ok. He's going to be ok." Horatio looked at Alexx. "I need you to listen to me Horatio. We now have to get him changed and in bed. I need you to help me with that cause Pete wasn't home yet." Horatio lifted Speed. They undressed him. Horatio didn't feel right removing his boxers. "I'll change his unders you drain the bath." Horatio left the room. Alexx called him and the boys back in when he was changed and coherent. "What happened baby?"

"I tried to tell H about my illness and Derrek. He needs to know." Tim told Alexx. "I just don't know how to tell him what kind of freak I really am Mom."

"Tim your not a freak." Horatio told him from the door way. "Why would I think you're a freak? Please tell me why you would think that Tim?" Horatio begged of Tim. He was still worried.

"Horatio I am taking the boys downstairs to get some of Timmy's great home cooking." Alexx hugged Speed. "Relax and take your time. I am here baby. You know that." Tim nodded against her shoulder. She then hugged Horatio. "Make sure he takes his time."

"Now that we are alone again. Can I kiss you?" Horatio asked Tim hoping he would say yes.

"After what just happened you still want me?" Tim asked Horatio who responded by kissing him very tenderly. "H I've got to tell you this. I am a hemophiliac and I have cancer. One of my testicles is removed cause it was there." Tim was trying not to cry. "Also the reason I blacked out is because of the radiation treatments that I am getting. When I get stressed sometimes I black out cause of it making my immune system weak." Horatio held him.

"There's more Tim. I can tell. Please tell me what it is." Horatio asked.

"I'm a rape victim and an abuse victim also." Tim cried. He felt better for telling Horatio but was also afraid that Horatio would reject him.

"Tim look at me please." Tim did. "I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to." Tim shook his head. "Good cause Alexx left and we are alone. What do you say to watching a movie?"

"I'll probably fall asleep during the movie Horatio." Time told him honestly.

"That's fine. You are off tomorrow. Sick day. Don't even try to argue with me. I am going in for a few hours and to get my car. Then I am going to pick you up, bring you back to my place, cook us a nice meal and show you something that you will love. However for right no, get some rest. I will sleep on the couch and call Alexx to have her pick me up in the morning. Don't worry ok cutie?" Horatio told Tim. He didn't want Speed to worry about anything right now.

"H you need glasses. I'm far from cute." Time told him getting a kiss on the cheek. "What if I want you Horatio. I really need you." Tim told Horatio.

"What is it that you really need Mr. Speedle?" Horatio growled low in Speeds ear.

"I need your cock in me H. Please fuck me?" Speed begged.

"No I won't fuck you Speed." Horatio told him. "I'll make love to you. Slow and easy. Nice and slow. Gentle where every nerve ending feels like it's on fire. Something Steve taught me. To bring you to the brink of explosion," he whispered in Speeds ear lightly rubbing Speeds cock through his clothing feeling a damp spot, "But not let that explosion happen right away. Make you wait for it. Then when your able it will feel like you'll never stop cumming. Is that what you want Tim?" Tim moaned. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you fully trust me to love you Tim. Not to leave you unless you ask me to leave?" Horatio had to make sure.

"I fully trust you with my life Horatio. Please make me feel better." Tim begged. Horatio made slow and sweet love to Speed for over and hour before finally letting Tim cum. He never broke his promise of making every nerve ending feel like it was on fire. "Oh my god Horatio. I have never felt anything like that before." Speed told Horatio trying to catch his breath.

"Are you ok Tim?" Horatio asked while holding Tim close to him. He felt Tim nod against his chest. "Get some rest. I am just going to go down stairs and get you a drink and do the dishes. I will be back in a few minutes. Try to get some rest." He kissed Speed with a gentle loving touch.

"Just put the dishes in the dishwasher and run that. I want you next to me while I sleep please?" Tim asked him. Horatio nodded and got dressed to go do the dishwasher.

"I'll be back in a few. I promise." Tim nodded and Horatio went to load the dishwasher and found a note from Alexx. He picked it up and read it.

"To my boys, everything is put away and the dishes done. The two of you enjoy your night together. I'll be by to pick you up at about eight Horatio. – Alexx P.S. Timmy baby take the day off tomorrow." Horatio chuckled. He grabbed a cup of coffee for himself and a cup of tea for Speed and went back upstairs. Tim was snoring lightly. Horatio smiled at the sight. Tim opened his eyes slightly. "Hey sleepy head. You ok?" Horatio asked. Tim nodded.

"Yeah these spells just wear me out. Plus you made me feel wonderful so that made me even more tired." Tim told him holding the sheets up for Horatio to get into bed with him.

"Alexx left us a note. Everything was put away and the dishes done. We are to enjoy are night together and she will be by at about eight to pick me up for work. Also you are to take the day off tomorrow. Mom's orders also." He helped Tim sit up against him. "I brought you some tea with some honey in it. I hope it's ok. I didn't know what you take in it."

Tim tried the tea. It was exactly how he made it. "This is perfect Horatio. Thank you. Please come and watch the movie with me that you promised."

"What movie would you like to watch? Are you sure your up to it Tim?" Horatio asked.

"Yes I am up to it. I might fall asleep but I do want to watch a movie with you. As far as which one just pick one and I will watch it with you for as long as I can." Tim said as he curled around Horatio when he laid down with Tim. "This is nice H. Thank you for not running away."

"Tim your right this is very nice. Why would I run away. I really do care about you. Please try to get some rest." The movie played for about twenty minutes and Tim was asleep. Horatio set his alarm for seven then turned the movie off. He slept soundly for the first time in a long time until the alarm went off. Tim stirred next to him. Tim opened his eyes. "Sorry Tim. I've got to get ready to go. Alexx will be here in an hour." He kissed Tim lightly.

"I know H. I just feel like I should be getting up with you. You can see what I have to fit you. There should be some jean's and shirt's in the closet that should fit you." Tim told Horatio.

"How about I save those for tomorrow when your there to see me where them?" Tim smiled at that comment. "You get some more rest. I will see you at about three? Sound good? I'll cook tonight. Make sure you bring your over night bag with a change of cloths and what you need."

Tim nodded and kissed Horatio lightly. "I wish I was up to more this morning Horatio. I'm sorry that I am not." Tim told him. Horatio held his hand in his.

"Tim I am not looking for anything more this morning. I am looking for you to be well and for you to feel better. I am here to help you. Not in just a sexual aspect but I want to be your partner." Horatio told him. "In every aspect of the word. Not just a lover but someone to be there for you through everything. The radiation, the treatments, anything and everything." Tim had tears in his eyes. "Come here hon." Horatio held him for a while. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just want you to understand that I care for you. All of you not just a sexual thing."

"I know Horatio. I am just not used to someone caring about me as a whole. Derrek, my ex, used to abuse me physically and then rape me. I never thought that sex was more then violence. Last night what you did. Wow. That was just amazing. It proved that people do care about me."

"Never doubt that Tim. Never doubt that. You have a lab full of people that care if you would let them." Horatio told him. Tim nodded against Horatio's chest. "Now get some rest and give me a call later. Alexx should be here in a few minutes and I need to heat a cup of coffee otherwise I will be cranky all day until I get to see you again." Horatio told him. "I will talk to you later."

"Ok I will call you later and I will rest. Have a good day and please be careful." Tim said.

"Always." Horatio said getting a snort out of Tim. "Hey I try. Now rest. I have to go." He went downstairs and heated a cup of coffee to take with him. He waited outside for Alexx.

"Good morning Horatio. How are you? How's Timmy doing?" Alexx asked as he got in the car.

"Good morning. We are both good. He's resting. I told him I would pick him up at about three and bring him to my place. I am going to cook him dinner and show him Steve's bike collection. I never got rid of them and I think he would like that." Horatio told her. She smiled.

"You realize if you show him the bikes he may want them?" She asked him. He nodded.

"I know. I was thinking of giving them to him anyway. They are only collecting dust right now. I don't ride them. Never learnt how. I always rode, and excuse my language ma'am, bitch with Steve. I never felt that my place was behind the wheel of one. Just riding with my husband."

"Horatio, baby, you don't have to watch your language with me. You know that. As far as giving the bikes to Timmy I think that he would like that." She told him. "You sure you can part with them? I mean they do have a lot of sentimental memories for you with Steve."

"I know Alexx. However, I think it's time to maybe make some new memories on them with Tim. That way he might understand I am not going anywhere unless he asks me to do so. The only reason I never gave them to him earlier was cause I didn't want him thinking there was a catch with me giving him the bikes." Horatio told Alexx who smiled at him.

"Timmy wouldn't think that Horatio and you know that. Well come visit me later. I will have the autopsy of the victim for you." They got out of Alexx's car and all eyes were on them. "See you later Horatio and good luck with everything. Your going to need it against a certain blonde."

"Yes ma'am and thanks for the ride." He said as they walked into the building. "Ma'am, Mr. Delco. Good morning to you both. Mr. Speedle will not be in today. He's not feeling well. So I will pick up trace until three." Horatio said as Calleigh eyed him. She had to ask him a question.

"Horatio why did you come in with Alexx if I can ask?" Calleigh asked Horatio outright.

"A friend took me home last night and I left my car here." He told her as he felt his phone vibrate. "Excuse me while I answer this." He flipped the phone open. "Caine." He answered.

"So Cal give you the twenty questions yet?" Tim asked on the other side of the line laughing.

"No only one. However I can see more burning in her eyes. Yes or no to tell?" Horatio asked as both Eric Delko and Calliegh Deuquesne stared at him while he smiled from ear to ear.

"Why don't we just have them over to tell them together. That way we can answer their questions together. Are we officially together?" Tim asked Horatio hoping to already know.

"That's fine that we do that. And I will answer your other question in a little bit. Now go rest. Talk to you in an hour or so." Horatio hung up. "You two have been invited to dinner tonight where you can ask all the questions that are burning in your brain Miss Duquesne." Calleigh smiled at that one. "I figured you would like that answer ma'am." Calleigh nodded.

"You know me too well Horatio. What time and where are we meeting up?" She asked.

"My place say five-thirty? I am sure you can bring Mr. Delko and that you remember how to get there?" She nodded. "Very good see you both then. I am going to leave now to get everything ready. I don't want to be unprepared. I need to do some cleaning before you two show up."

"Horatio just a quick private chat if you don't mind please? Eric I'll catch up with you in a little bit. Start on the trace from last night if you would and I will be in to help you in a moment." Eric nodded and left to go do so. Calleigh walked with Horatio to his office. She closed and locked the door. "I am going to be straight and to the point Horatio like I always am. Tim blacked out last night didn't he? That's why you left your car here cause you were with him at his place? First night together?" Calleigh asked Horatio. "How did you handle things since it was five years since Steve's death?" Horatio smiled at Calleigh. She always knew how to read him.

"Ma'am," She eyed him. "Fine Cal, off the record all of this." She nodded. "Yes he did black out. He took me on his bike last night as part of our first date. I am actually ok Cal. Steve approves of Tim. He's already told me that he approves." She smiled at Horatio. "Delko is probably wondering what is going on and how you knew where I lived. We will tell him tonight at dinner. I am going to make the Chicken parmesan." Calliegh nodded in approval.

"Steve's recipe?" She asked Horatio who nodded. "Can I come early to get that recipe?"

"One of the day's just not yet. I want Tim to have it first if you don't mind."

"Fine just don't give him my bike. I have been taking the course to get my biker license and I am almost done. Should have it by next week. Then maybe the three of us can go for a ride."