A/N: i have a writers block with my other story, "Back from being gone", so i decided to start with this one. Enjoy!

Summary: Anakin and Obi-wan are the same age and grow up together. Set during JA and the original trilogy. With Qui-gon, Palpetine and of course Padmé.

Prologue: Two brothers

Qui-gon Jinn sat down in his favorite chair. He and his Padawan Xanatos had just returned from a difficult mission. It had sounded simple in the beginning. "Stop the war between the two tribes." They hadn't told them the tribes were willingly to do everything to destroy the other, including capturing the so called guardians of peace. Both he and his apprentice had been tortured before they could escape. The war was still going on, though Mace had sent four other Jedi to continue the mission, giving Qui-gon and Xanatos time to rest.

Qui-gon smiled as he looked out the window. It was good being home.

He grabbed his favorite book and started to read. He couldn't concentrate, however. His thoughts kept wandering off. After a while he closed it and sighed. He stood, placed it back on the table again and walked to Xanatos' room, where the boy had gone after they returned.

He knocked on the door.

"Xan?" he called. No response.

"Xanatos?" he said again, harder this time.

"Yes, master?" the boy sounded dull. He probably had been sleeping.

"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in an hour."

Xanatos mumbled something and Qui-gon pretended it was a yes.

He left the quarters and took off. He let his feet and the force show him the way.

Xanatos will be ready soon, he mused. He did very well on the mission. He hadn't complained about the circumstances and acted like a worthy Jedi. Qui-gon smiled, filled with pride.

A rain drop made him look up. Surprised he realized he had left the temple, even wandered of into the city. As the rain increased, he looked around for shelter. He saw there was a park nearby and entered it. The few trees kept most places dry and Qui-gon slowly walked further. He loved nature and valued each green part of Coruscant.

Reaching out with the living force, he felt all the leaves from every tree. He sensed the grass and the plants, a squirrel jumping from one branch to another, two boys, both strong in the force, sheltering from the rain, under one of the plants.

He froze, back to his surroundings. He reached out again, this time paying more attention. The boys were still there. Qui-gon quickly made his way to them. As he came closer he heard a soft crying.

He knelt down and looked under the lowest branches. Right there, like he had felt, to boys of around three years old were sitting. One was crying, the other was surprisingly calm. Both the boys had blond hear, though the calm boy's was slight reddish. He looked at Qui-gon with big, blue, curious eyes and sucked his thumb.

Qui-gon couldn't help smiling at the sight.

"Hello, young ones," he said. At his voice the boy stopped crying. His eyes widened in fear. They were blue, but lighter than those of the other boy. Qui-gon named them Calm and Cry in his head.

As he reached to them with his hand, Cry started crying again, harder than before. Suddenly Qui-gon felt a calming-wave. Frowning, he looked around for the source. He hadn't felt another Jedi approaching, so… His eyes stuck on Calm, who was still looking at him. Did you do it, little one?Qui-gon wondered. He had never seen a kid doing what he did.

At another wave, this time Qui-gon was sure Calm had sent it, the crying lessened to sobs.

Qui-gon smiled at them. "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you," he said. He, too, sent a calming wave towards the boys.

Calm made a small sound which sounded like a giggle and came crawling towards him. There was a twinkling in his eyes Qui-gon hadn't seen before. They seemed even bluer now. He realized it was due to the Force.

Qui-gon reached out with both hands again. The boy didn't resist as he pulled him away from his shelter. The other boy, however, didn't seem to like it. His crying became louder again.

Calm turned his head and Qui-gon felt a force-wave again. But this time, Cry sent a wave back. Qui-gon's eyes widened a little. There're communicating, he thought. Now he focused on it, he could feel the bond between the two boys. "You two are full of surprises, young ones," he muttered. Cry also came crawling towards him now. He still looked fearful, but seemed to have gathered some courage from the others calmness.

Qui-gon scooped them both in his arms. Calm immediately snuggled against him, finding a comfortable place in his arms. Both boys were of good weight. They hadn't been sitting there for long.

The trip back to the temple was short. Qui-gon hadn't wandered as far off as he had thought. The rain had stopped.

As he entered, Jedi master and senior Counselor Yoda approached him.

"Hmm, who these are?" he asked as he saw the children.

Qui-gon told him how he had found them.

Yoda nodded understanding.

"Hmm, no parents they have. Feel I do, that strong in the Force they are. Trained they will be."

Qui-gon nodded. "I'll bring them to the crèche.'

"A name they have?"

Qui-gon shook his head. "No. They hadn't left a note."

"Name them we will, then. Ask the Force how."

It was a common ritual among the Jedi, though Qui-gon had never participated. A knighted Master, usually Master Yoda, entered the mind of a child and asked his or her name. It created a bond between the two of them, which was the reason most Jedi were reluctant to do it. The one you asked the name of, usually became your Padawan.

Jedi master Sara Nachi smiled as he entered the crèche.

"Another one, Qui-gon?" she asked.

Qui-gon had the habit of taking a force-sensitive child with him from every planet he visited. Or so the crèche master said.

"I found them outside the Temple. They will get their name tomorrow,' Qui-gon told her.

"You can place them here. I will take care of them." She pointed at an empty box with toys in it.

Qui-gon placed Cry in it. As he wanted to put Calm next to him, the boy suddenly clung himself to Qui-gon's neck. He tried to loosen the little arms, but the boy wouldn't let go. Qui-gon sighed softly, a little surprised at the change in behavior, and patted the boy on his back.

"It's alright, young one, you can let go now."

The boy only tightened his grip.

Qui-gon reached out with the Force and slightly touched the boys mind. "Let go, young one," he said, both vocal and mental. Calm blinked at him, then slowly loosened his arms. His blue eyes looked at Qui-gon questioning. Qui-gon sent a reassuring force-wave to the boy, who finally let go. Qui-gon placed him next to Cry.

He looked up and saw Master Nachi smiling at him. "It seems you have an admirer, Qui-gon. Again."

Qui-gon smiled back dryly. "I'll be back for them tomorrow."

He left the crèche.

The next morning Qui-gon received a message from Yoda. The master wanted him to take the boys to his private meditation room as soon as he was ready.

Qui-gon held breakfast with his Padawan. He told Xanatos about the boys.

"You can take a day off. You can accompany me as you wish, but it isn't necessary."

Xanatos nodded. "I'll go to my friends," he said.

Qui-gon smiled. "I will see you this afternoon, then." He rose.

"Have fun, Master," Xanatos said dull, before concentrating on his food again.

Qui-gon raised his eyebrows, but didn't respond.

"Bye, then, Padawan."

As soon as he reach the crèche he felt something was wrong. When he entered, Master Nachi ran towards him.

"Qui-gon! Do something! Those boys of yours are a disaster."

He followed her to the playroom, the place all young initiates could play together.

Master Nachi pointed at the ceiling. Qui-gon looked up. And his mouth fell open.

Both boys were floating in the air, holding each other up with the Force. They were giggling.

"I only left them for a minute," Master Nachi said desperately as Calm made a flip.

Despite the situation, Qui-gon smiled. They just looked so cute.

"Young ones, come down," he said, stepping forward. The boys looked at him and giggled harder.

"You made him let you go, yesterday. Can't you do the same now?" Master Nachi asked.

Qui-gon glanced at her. He didn't want to make the bond he already had with the boy any stronger or encourage him to only listen to him. But he didn't want them to float there the whole day, either.

Closing his eyes he reached out with the Force.

/Put him down, young one/ he said mentally.

The emotions he felt from the boy were almost overwhelming. It was a mix between happiness, disappointment, resistance and shame of giving Qui-gon a reason to be angry.

Between the emotions the boy asked: /Why? It's fun./

/You can play later. Now put him down./ Qui-gon still felt the boy didn't want to, but as he opened his eyes Cry was sitting on the floor. Calm, however, was still floating.

/Can you tell your friend to put you down?/ he asked.

Both masters felt the boys communicating. Master Nachi looked in wonder as Calm slowly floated to the ground.

"We will test their mid-chlorian level after this," Qui-gon told her. Then he walked to the boys.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Calm reached out with his arms and nodded. Qui-gon scooped them both in his arms.

"Come then," he said.

The two boys stood in the middle of Yoda's meditation room. Only Yoda, Mace were present, despite them. Qui-gon wanted to leave the room, again, but Yoda called him back.

"Stay you must, need you we do."

Qui-gon stayed, for once not willingly to argue with the master.

Yoda smiled at the two boys, who were both looking weary. They stood close to each other, if to gain courage from the others presence.

"Reach into your minds we will. Not resist you must. Only want to know your name we want. Hurt it will not."

The two boys blinked at him.

"Qui-gon," the master continued, "ask him you will." He pointed at Calm.

This time Qui-gon was willing to argue.

"Master Yoda, I do not intent to…"

"Ask both I cannot. Help me you must. Will of the Force it is."

Qui-gon rolled his eyes. Why was Yoda's last argument always: it is the will of the Force. He looked at Mace for help, but saw in his eyes he wouldn't receive any. Wonderful, he thought.

"Fine," he muttered.

Yoda shuffled towards the boys. "Come, young one," he said. To Qui-gon's surprise Cry immediately walked towards the green master. It seems not all kids are afraid of green trolls, he mused. Qui-gon approached the other boy, whose eyes stood curious. He took the child in his arms and sat down in one of the chairs. He placed the boy on his knee.

"Don't be afraid, young one," he muttered as he reached out to the boys mind for the third time. He would go further in this time however.

He was pulled into the childs world. The Force swirled around them, through them, connecting them. Qui-gon could feel the bright presence of the boy and was sure the boy could feel him. The Force overwhelmed his senses, his thoughts.

Suddenly it grew silent. Qui-gon looked around. The whole place was white and empty except for the boy standing a couple of meters away.

I'm in the boy's mind,Qui-gon realized. He took a deep breath.

"What is your name, young one?" he asked.

The question seemed to ring through the place, the sound growing louder and louder. The Force began to swirl again. He felt himself drown in it. Something pulled at him, pulled him away. The boy disappeared. Suddenly another voice rang in his head, saying:

"Obi-wan Kenobi"

The reality almost knocked Qui-gon out of his chair. He took a deep breath to steady himself. He felt like he had ran twenty miles.

A hand touched his arm and he looked up. Mace Windu was looking down at him worriedly.

"Are you alright?"

Qui-gon nodded and turned his eyes to the boy still sitting on his knee. He was asleep and only because Qui-gon was still holding him (something he hadn't noticed himself), the boy hadn't fallen off. If it had such an impact on me, Qui-gon wondered, what would it have had on a three year old child?

"Obi-wan Kenobi," he muttered. The name suited him well, though Qui-gon had no idea of what it meant.

"That's his name?" Mace asked.

Before Qui-gon could answer, he heard a humble next to him. Yoda had become to conscious again. He was smiling.

Cry had fallen asleep, just like Obi-wan. Thinking of Calm that way sent a shiver down his spine.

"Know his name I do,' Yoda said, "Anakin Skywalker it is."

Qui-gon told him Obi-wan's name.

Yoda closed his eyes and started to mumble. When he didn't open them again, Qui-gon thought the master had fallen asleep. Mace, however, looked calmly at the master and showed no sign of worry anymore.

When Qui-gon had the urge to yell at the master, only stopped by the fear he might wake the boys, too, Yoda opened his eyes.

"A strong connection the two little Jedi have. Strong in the Force they both are."

"How strong?" Qui-gon couldn't hide his curiosity. Even the calm Mace Windu looked expectant.

"Know that you should not. Tell you when the master of one of them you are."

Qui-gon rolled his eyes for like the tenth time. It was not likely to happen. Xanatos might be ready for his trials, Qui-gon had no intention to take a new Padawan. He would keep an eye on the two initiates, though.

He rose, carrying young Obi-wan in his arms. "I'll bring them back," he said.

Yoda rose, too. Anakin had put his arms around the green master's neck in his sleep.

"Come with you I will," Yoda said and shuffled to the door.

Qui-gon and Mace exchanged looks. Then he followed the little green master out of the door.

A/N: Please review! *puppy eyes*