Elle: hey this is my first Code Lyoko fanfic. The idea actually came to me about four years ago and resurfaced itself when I found the show on youtube a few weeks ago. I haven't seen past season three beecasue my life got really busy at the time and then we got the DVR after the show ended. If anyone knows a good website where I can find full episodes since I can never find part one of anything on youtube please PM me or drop me a review.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, excpet Risa and Jen.

Chapter One

The desert sector spread out in front of them as they stood there, eyes scanning the barren horizon for some sort of movement. It had been quiet for a while but they knew that too much quiet was never a good thing. It was the calm before the storm.

There were two of them, both female and they stood unmoving. Both were about the same age, mid or late teens, and they were quite ordinary; or as ordinary as they could be in this world.

The first girl stood more towards the right. There was a military manner present in her stance. Her feet, covered in a pair of black ballet flats were slightly apart and her left hand, covered in a black hand guard rested firmly on the hilt of a black and red sword. She wore a red and black mini skirt over a pair of black Capri-length leggings. Her top was black with red slashes, long sleeved and came to just above her belly button. The shirt may have ended at her wrists but her hands were covered by a pair of black fingerless gloves plated with metal. Her shoulder length blonde hair was pulled into a bun.

The girl next to her seemed a bit more at ease with her surroundings but nevertheless was on full alert. Her outfit was slightly more intricate than the other girl's but not by much. She wore a simple black kimono that fell above her knees and was met by a pair of black high heeled boots. The obi keeping her outfit all in place was dark shade of emerald green and it almost blended in with the black kimono. The sleeves weren't as baggy as a regular kimono. The girl's long straight brown hair was pulled into a ponytail.

They remained quiet as did the atmosphere around them until a small but noticeable shudder shook the ground and became visible on the desert's flat surface. The blonde girl looked at the brunette girl.

"Qu'est-ce que tu penses?" she asked in French. "What do you think?"

"Je ne sais pas," the other girl responded. "I don't know"

The blonde girl squatted down as if she was going to leap like a frog from her spot. She didn't move except to press her palms firmly into the ground and to close her eyes.

The brunette watched on as the blonde stayed there for a few minutes. The mini earth quakes continued but neither girl showed any emotion toward them. After a few minutes the blonde girl stood back up and pointed northwest from where they were standing.

"The pulsations are leading me that way," she told her partner. The brunette studied the horizon but didn't move. The blonde looked at her and in the blink of an eye they vanished from their posts.


"Odd, Ulrich, Yumi," Jeremy Bellpois called into his headset. His voice carried over into the digital world where his three friends were fighting a few of XANA's monsters. "Careful, the radar's showing you've got two more monster's coming up ahead."

"That's great Jeremy," Odd said as he fired a few more laser arrows at the Block he was fighting. One of the arrows hit the eye shaped target and the monster exploded into several pieces. "Tell them to join the party!"

A Block was quickly closing in on Ulrich as he was taking strikes at another one. It steadied itself in order to fire a laser beam when a metal fan came out of nowhere and destroyed it.

"Thanks Yumi," Ulrich called but Yumi had been nowhere near Ulrich. She and Aelita were hiding behind a rock formation waiting for the coast to be clear so Aelita could deactivate the tower.

A sword stroke came out of nowhere and finished off the last two Blocks that Odd and Ulrich had been fighting. Both boys glanced at each other.

"Jeremy," Ulrich called out to the sky. "Any idea what the hell is going on?"

"Uh no," Jeremy said flatly. "All I can see on the monitor is that there are two more monsters hiding behind the rock formation opposite where Yumi and Aelita are taking shelter."

"Well then," Odd said cracking his knuckles. "I guess we have to go to them."

The two boys took off at run to the rock formation leaving Yumi and Aelita free to make a run for the tower. Odd and Ulrich reached the rock formation and studied it closely trying to see if they could see the monster hiding behind it. There wasn't much there that they could see but suddenly in a flash, Ulrich felt himself get knocked down and then pinned against the rocks with a sword at his neck and Odd was on the ground with a girl on top of his holding his hands behind his back.

"Odd, Ulrich, what's going on in there?" Jeremy asked.

"Who the hell are you?" Ulrich choked out.

"I should be asking you the same question," a female voice responded. "Who are you and what are you doing in Lyoko?"

"Odd Ulrich," Jeremy called. "Is everything ok in there? Answer me!"

"Where are Aelita and Yumi?" Ulrich yelled at his attacker. He was able to turned just enough to get a clear view of her face. Her outfit was similar to his except that it was red and she wore no headband. A further ways away another girl was holding Odd hostage. Ulrich couldn't answer Jeremy for fear that his captor would hear it. Instead he tried to get her to release him.

"Let me go," he yelled at her. She refused to let up and it looked like Odd wasn't having much luck either. Jeremy was yelling over the intercom system now but everything was staying quiet and still.

With a flash of metal Ulrich found himself on all fours but there was no longer a sword at his neck. Even though he couldn't be killed in the virtual world the mere thought of what had just happened scared him greatly. Odd was next to him on the ground and they looked up to see a pair of girls looming over them. Ulrich recognized the blonde girl as the one who had held him hostage for a few moments and the brunette as the one who had held down Odd.

"Odd, Ulrich, the monsters are right in front of you," Jeremy called to his friends.

"Uh Jeremy," Odd said. "They're not monsters they're girls."

"Risa," the brunette said to the blonde. "We need to get Aelita to the tower."

"Wait a minute," Odd interrupted the blonde girl, Risa, who was about to speak. "What do you mean you have to get Aelita to the tower? That's our job."

Risa and the brunette looked at each other.

"Your job," the brunette asked incredulously. "Are you crazy? Keeping Lyoko safe and keeping XANA in hibernation isn't a job that should be placed in the hands of four teenagers"

"Oh yeah," Odd said. "Like you're that much older!"

Jeremy listened to the girls speak in amazement. But what amazed and confused him more was that two new Lyoko profiles were filling out in front of his eyes. One was of a blond girl holding a sword and the other of a brunette with her hand on a fan. Along with the images came a small page of stats. Jeremy read them eagerly and then came to his friends' aid.

Meanwhile back in Lyoko Risa and the brunette kept staring at Odd and Ulrich. Yumi had successfully entered the tower and was deactivating it. Jeremy was running a few programs including setting up the return to the past.

"Well then," Odd said. "I guess this is goodbye then, I'm Odd Della Robia by the way."

"I wouldn't say goodbye just yet," Risa said slyly. "I have a feeling we'll meet again very soon"

"Return to the past now," Jeremy's voice rang through Lyoko and everything was engulfed in a white light.