The characters and canon situations in the following story belong solely to JK Rowling. I am not making any money from the publishing or writing of this story.

This is the rest of what should have been all of Chapter 16. Sorry I broke it into two parts. ________________________________________________________________________

The lights were on in the flat when they returned home. Charlie had his wand out and was prepared for battle while Hermione voiced the opinion that possibly they had left them on. Charlie wasn't so sure and raced from room to room checking every nook and cranny. Hermione was the one who found the evidence of intruders in the bathroom.

Her startled "Oh!" brought Charlie racing to her from the kitchen.

"No, it is fine…" Hermione was barring the door not letting Charlie in.

"What? What!" Charlie was panting from the exertion. Hermione still held the door to keep him from entering.

"It is fine. Apparently Monica and Ginny made a quick trip here. I can't imagine how they found the time!" Hermione was trying to explain and alleviate Charlie's fears.

"If you must know they left a 'present' for me…well actually it really is more for you." Hermione was blushing adorably.

Charlie face was crunch in confusion until he saw the tell tale sign of embarrassment on Hermione's face.

"Oh, it's a girl thing. Am I right?" Charlie stopped pushing against the door rather he leaned against the doorjamb and crossed his arms. His grin was covering his face.

Hermione's face turned even redder as she nodded.

"Well, by all means then, I will leave you to it. When and if you looking for me, I will be the bloke waiting for you in bed." Charlie gently kissed her forehead and walked away.

Hermione closed the door and took a deep breath. She really was fine not nervous at all about being with Charlie, until she saw the beautiful lace and stain peignoir set hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Reaching her hand to feel the smoothness of the material, Hermione stifled a giggle. Mentally admonishing herself, she was well passed the age of giggling, Hermione pulled the gown away from the robe and held it up to her turning to look in the mirror.

Another small giggle escaped as she studied the reflection. Monica had to have been the one to pick out the color. It was perfect, not virginal white, but a deep chocolate. It contrasted beautifully with her skin and matched her eyes. Hermione couldn't wait to pt it on. Gently and great care, Hermione slipped out of her borrowed wedding dress. With a little maneuvering, she placed it on the peignoir hanger. She placed all of her under things on the counter she caught her reflection in the mirror. She had to admit she looked fine, no bruising and almost all of the scars had faded.

She shivered in the cold and taking a deep breath she slipped the gown over her head. The coldness of the material gave her skin goose bumps. Smoothing down the wrinkles Hermione ventured another peek in the mirror. At first she didn't recognize the woman looking back at her. The face and hair were familiar but the body seemed to belong to someone else. Years of baggy shirts, old jeans, rumbled sweats had left her with a distorted body image. The body in front of her was curvy and feminine. Hermione smiled, she was at last seeing the same thing that Charlie saw a lovely woman; not a dumpy lump.

The sound of the bath room door opening made Charlie's heart skip a beat. He had no idea what to expect. They were married and had patiently waited for this night but what if she too tired or too scared. Charlie tired to not think about it. He straightened the bed covers and froze. Maybe he should have kept his boxers on. What if Hermione wasn't interested and here he was sitting in bed ready and eager. Scanning the room Charlie tried to decide if he had enough time to get his boxers on before she got there. The moment was decided for him when he looked back and Hermione was standing in the entry to the hallway.

She was ethereal; the robe flowed away from her and the light shining behind her silhouetted in the opening. Charlie groaned softly at the sight. She was magnificent. Charlie took small swallow breaths as she approached the bed. This was it.

"So, is that, scrap of nothing trying to disguise itself as pajamas, my present?" Charlie asked when she finally got close enough for him to see it properly.

Hermione smiled and nodded.

"Do I get to unwrap my present?" Charlie's voice was low and deep with a second's hesitation he added, "I will understand if you want to wait, if you are too tired. I could use a good night sleep."

Hermione sat down next to him. "Liar."

Charlie grinned. "I promise I'll be good…I'll even try not to snore."

Hermione leaned closer and feeling more playful said, "Liar."

Charlie's hand smoothed away the hair from her face. "I can wait."

Hermione turned her face into his hand gently kissing the palm and whispering, "Liar."

Charlie's arms encircled her and pushed the robe off her shoulders. "You're right." His lips descended on her shoulder and began to discover his wife.

Hermione smiled and sought her own path of exploration.

It was only a matter of minutes before Monica's & Ginny's present was on the floor, only to be followed by a tiny squeal of delight when Hermione pulled back the covers to join her husband.

Hermione was comfortable with Charlie initially setting the pace but soon they began to establish a give and take as they became comfortable with each other.

Hermione realized that Charlie had neglected to tell her just how talented he truly was. His lips alone should be a national treasure. No one could possible be that flexible and all Hermione could think in that moment of utter bliss was, "He is all mine." That was the thought she took with her when she fell of the edge.

Charlie watched his wife slowly recover and come back to him. Her face was completely relaxed and glowing. His heart swelled with pride, he had put that look on her face. Hermione took a deep breath and opened her eyes to look at the wonderful man above her.

"You have more talents than simply dragon handling Mr. Weasley." She chuckled when a grin crossed his face.

"Is that right Mrs. Weasley?" Charlie asked as he gently kissed and nipped at her neck, his fingers stroking the long planes of her legs and ribcage. "Perhaps you need a demonstration of all my abilities?" His eyebrow rose as he spoke.

Hermione drew him closer pulling him between her legs as she kissed the arched brow. "Oh I think that would be an excellent idea." Her legs wrapping around his, her feet softly sliding up and down his calves she continued, "Mr. Weasley have I told you lately how very much I adore you?"

Charlie did not stop her and only found the ability to shake his head while he devoted attention to pleasing her as much as he could.

Hermione was soon again climbing to the blissful edge and Charlie was determined to join her. His hands cradled her head as he looked into her eyes searching for desire, need, and an invitation. Hermione knew without a word spoke what he was asking; all she said in response was "Please."

As gently and steadily as possible Charlie Weasley was given the one thing Hermione wanted him to have more than anything and he gladly accepted her gift.

Hermione was desperate to sear this memory in her mind as they both imploded. No matter what had happened before or what would happen in the future, this moment was it; the point in her life when she knew completeness.

It was still dark when they both woke up. Charlie feeling like he could leap a tall mountain and Hermione feeling as she had leapt a tall mountain. Charlie turned to face his wife, their faces a mere millimeter away from each other. Hermione smiled at the sleep tousled hair of her husband and her hands scraped of his morning stubble. She gladly slid closer when he pulled her body towards him.

"Hi" she whispered as his hands rubbed her back. She could not believe this was her life. She never in a million years would have dared to dream of this six months ago. How she had husband who loved her and a future that was theirs to make. They could have children and travel…her mind clicked and she looked at Charlie.

"Babies." She said unsurely.

Charlie stopped and placed his hands on her face. "Yes what about babies?"

"Did you do a charm or something?" Hermione asked weakly.

"Nope, did not even think about it to tell the truth. But won't it be great to tell our son that I got you on the first try on our wedding night!" Charlie's eyes were bright.

Hermione tried to look angry but she couldn't pull it off. "Maybe it will be a girl. Your brothers have girls."

Charlie pulled her on top of him, "Nope it's a boy."

Hermione slapped at his shoulder, "You don't know that. I might not be pregnant."

Charlie flipped them over suddenly and quickly grabbed her hands. "You must remember wife, I'm a Weasley."


"Charlie Weasley!" could be heard from across the garden. Ron was handing his brother Charlie a beer when Hermione Weasley began to walk towards them.

"She looks great." Ron said as he watched Charlie take a big gulp.

"Yep amazing!" replied Charlie as he watched Hermione get closer carrying a bright red haired little girl at arms length.

"Charlie, please she stinks!" Hermione was looking a little pale and Charlie quickly grabbed the pungent smelling child.

"Wow she is ripe. Molly what do you have in your nappy?" Charlie glanced back at his wife. "Are you okay?"

"Better now that you have her, this part of being pregnant I could do without. My nose is so sensitive." Hermione looked down at her belly Charlie hand was rubbing it when they both felt a hard kick.

Charlie grinned. "I love that!"

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him. "You wouldn't love it for very long when it is tap dancing on you bladder." Charlie bent down and kissed the top of his wife's head.

"Dad! Dad make Jane give it back!" Chase Weasley the oldest of Charlie's and Hermione's was running towards his parents. Charlie turned to his brother and said as he started to walk away, "I have got nappy duty; it is your turn to referee."

Ron turned to his dearest friend. "Are you happy?"

Hermione smiled, "Unbelievably"

Ron had rubbed Hermione's belly. "I guess Monica and I had better get started, you and Charlie are one ahead of us."

Hermione patted Ron's hand and looked up at her favorite brother in law. "Make that two ahead."

This is the end of this tale. Thank you for all of the reviews and encouragement. It is a great experience to write and have readers actually enjoy what you say. It has been a pleasure.

Time for a shameless plug: I am starting my next story Trouble withVows a Bill & Hermione tale. I hope you will give it a chance.

To Drops: thanks for being a great review cheerleader

To Karen: thanks for reading