a/n: Well, here you go. Now it really is complete. I hope you all enjoyed this little spontaneous piece! I'm working on a few other fics that will be a little more epic than this, so hopefully you'll read those too! Remember, reviews are always appreciated!

Disclaimer: I don't own RK. Sadly.

Wishing You Were Mine
Epilogue: Flowers

Six Months Later

I sit on the park bench and wait for you. You said that you were going to meet me here a half hour ago, but I have not seen you yet. I am contemplating getting up and leaving when I see you. I sigh in relief and wonder if you know how lucky you are. If you hadn't shown up I would have killed you.

I giggle at the thought and you smile at me as you approach. Your smile widens as you come to stand in front of me. You scratch your head and lick your lips.

"What?" I ask.

"Ano..." you mutter. "Here!" And then you pull a small bouquet of flowers from behind your back.

I give you a funny look and tilt my head. Is this really you standing in front of me? Is this really you handing me flowers? Is this really you blushing at me?

"Mou," I whisper. "What are those for?"

"For-for being you," you answer, flushing even more if it's possible. I can't help it; I laugh. You scowl at me and your flush fades away.

"You know, I try to do something nice, something romantic even, and you're sitting there laughing at me!" you protest.

"I'm sorry," I tell you truthfully. "It's just... You're not exactly the romantic type, Kenshin. Besides, you looked so silly. Like a little boy, wondering if I was going to reject you or not."

"I resent that!"

"Mou!" I repeat. "Relax! The flowers are beautiful, Kenshin, and I would be glad to accept them."

"Good," I hear you say under your breath as you sit down next to me.

"So, really, what are they for?" I ask you again.

"I told you. Just for being you."

"Really," I start. "That's sweet. Thank you."

You sigh and look away. I fight the urge to sigh also. Instead I look at the trees; they are all full and green and there's wildlife all over the place. I take it all in and wonder where we are going. We agreed to take it slow and that's what we are doing. But lately you've been acting stupid and forgetting things all the time.

"Okay, you're right," you say, breaking the silence.

"Hmmm?" I turn and look at you, slightly confused. "What was I right about?"

"The flowers. They're not for being you," you clarify.


"They-I-It's-" You're having a hard time making the right words come out, apparently.

"Just spit it out, Kenshin."

Instead of answering verbally, you pull me in and cover my lips with yours. I sigh. This is everything I have ever wanted. I relax against you and let my lips start to move against yours. When I feel your tongue sliding against the seam of my lips, I open my mouth.

After a few seconds our dance ends and you slowly break apart from me. Your face is flushed again and I can tell that mine is also; I can feel the heat. I feel a smile building on my lips and I don't fight it. It blooms on my lips until I'm grinning at you like an idiot. But you're grinning like an idiot, too, so I don't feel so stupid.

"Thanks for the flowers, Kenshin," I finally say.

I understand why he couldn't answer in the traditional way.

It was quite a mouthful, after all.


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