Chapter One

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING except my perverted imagination. Characters belong to David Shore and FOX.

"I'm not gonna crush you."

Those simple words, and the way Greg House spoke them, rendered Allison Cameron speechless. The look on his face told her that it was very difficult for him to say, and that made a warm, fuzzy feeling course through her veins. She found herself smiling as she watched him limp away.

The rest of Cameron's day was spent thinking about that look. It haunted her every time House was in the room and she found herself sneaking glances when she thought he wasn't looking. But he was.

Silly girl, he thought to himself, trying to keep a straight face. You should know by now that I'm always watching.

Five-thirty came and she was tossing things into her bag, getting ready to leave. Foreman and Chase had just left, and House was in his office. When she glanced over at him, their eyes met and she froze.

God those eyes! They were so blue and so hypnotic she found it impossible to look away, even for a second. That was the intensity of Greg House.

He grabbed his knapsack and cane, and walked through the glass door. "We have a problem here," he said quietly, not looking at her but staring at the floor.

She swallowed. "What's that?"

" eachother." He lifted his gaze from the floor and met hers, waiting for some kind of response or reaction.

Cameron's heart was beating so loud in her ears that she was sure House must've heard it as well.

"You just figured that out?"

"I always suspected."

"And now that you know?"

House took a few steps closer, but not too close as to invade her personal space. "We should talk..I guess," he sighed, running his fingers through his brown hair. "My place at 7?"

Cameron smiled and nodded. "I'll see you at 7. I'll bring the beer." And with that, she turned and headed out of the conference room. House stood watching her, appreciative of the view and found himself looking forward to the evening.


Cameron stood in front of her closet at a complete loss as to what to wear. This is a date! A real date. With Greg House. Her heartbeat quickened and she placed her hand on her chest, somehow thinking that would stop it from pounding so hard. She skimmed her wardrobe and settled on a soft red sweater and a pair of slimming black jeans. Next came the choice of under clothes and she opened her lingerie drawer. Everything seemed to jump out at her and she felt overwhelmed for just a minute.

Oh relax! It's not like he's going to get that far, she smiled to herself as she selected a simple red bra and matching underwear. Somehow Greg House didn't strike her as the kind of guy who put out on the first date. But then again…

Oh my God! She suddenly realized. This isn't the first date! It's the second! She always considered the Monster Truck non-date as a first date in her mind.

God, Allison, pull yourself together! She demanded of herself as she glanced at the clock on her nightstand which read 6:15 and ran into the bathroom for a quick shower.


House walked through the door, dropped his knapsack next to the couch and limped down the hall to his bedroom to change. He opened his drawer full of T-shirts and picked one. Then a pair of jeans. Then he went to the closet to decide on a button-down shirt. As he skimmed the selection, his thoughts went to Cameron, wondering what she was doing. He reached for a light blue shirt and smiled to himself.

I must be going soft. Why am I getting so psyched about this? It's just a first date. It's not like she's gonna put out or..

Then it hit him. This is the second date. He always secretly considered the Monster Truck rally to be a first date, but he'd never admit that to anyone else. He wasn't sure about Cameron but he figured she'd be of the same assumption that this was indeed a second date. Do girls even put out on the second date these days? He moved to the bathroom and started the water for a shower before carefully stepping in. He lowered his head and let the hot water cascade over his head and closed his eyes. Images of Cameron flashed through his mind and he caught himself smiling. His cock twitched at the thought as well and he chuckled. "Down boy. It's too early to be that excited."

But House was excited. More than he'd ever admit.

A/N: Whaddya think? Should I keep going? I'm not sure how long this will be. The feedback I get will determine how far this goes or if I should just quit while I'm ahead ;) This is my first attempt at PUBLISHED fiction so gentle :)