Bold words are Sakura's inner.

Italic words are Sasuke's inner.

With Sakura & Ino

After the school was end, Sakura and Ino sat on the bench in school's park area, waiting for the driver to pick up Sakura. Sakura was looked so gloomy today.

"Sakura, what's wrong? Any problem? Tell me, maybe I can help you out." Ino asked her best friend with concern in her tone.

Sakura sighed as a response before answered the question.

"This morning, someone sent me this." Sakura said sadly, giving a big brown envelope to Ino.

Ino opened it and was surprised by the contents of the envelope.

"What's these?"Ino slightly shouted in reflex.

It was a bunch of photographs of beautiful and sexy women.

"List of Sasuke's ex-girlfriends!!?" Ino read the message that was sent with the photographs.

"Even, there are details about how long their relationship and all the women's biography." Sakura told, directing her head to the ground.

"Manager, waitress, hostess...? They're all so pretty." Ino said as she read the biography of each woman.

"I don't know who sent these to me."

"Maybe one of his fan girls. Or maybe....Sasuke's affair." Ino tried to predict, tapping her chin slowly.

Sakura gulped and sweat dropped, feeling anxious about what Ino said.

"But, you're still not have sex yet with him, right? Sasuke is so popular, this could a big problem." Ino told her.

Sakura blushed slightly by the word 'sex'.

"Bu...but I heard it's hurt to do it for the first time." Sakura said lowly almost like a whisper, her cheeks showed a slightest hint of blush.

"It's only gonna hurt at the first time, after that you will enjoy it. Moreover, Sasuke is a gentleman, I believe he will not hurt you in the process." Ino advised in a tone like an expert of sex. "Here take these." Ino took out a bunch magazines from her bag, giving it to Sakura.

"What's these?" Sakura took the magazines and then read the title.

Sex Problem (Question & Answer)

Sakura was sweat dropped when she read the title.

"Read these! Ganbatte ne!" Ino said with mischievous grin on her face, patting Sakura's shoulder.

"Thank you!" Sakura smiled, feeling her heart being moved by her best friend's concern to her.

On the way home, Sakura was contemplating hardly whether to tell Sasuke or not about the envelope she received this morning. She was thinking about it over and over, and after almost one hour thought about it, she decided to talk about it with Sasuke. So, she text-ed him :

There is something I want to talk with you. Can you go home tonight?

Not long after she sent the message, she received his reply :

Sorry. I can't go home yet.

Uugh..he still busy with his work.

At Uchiha Mansion

Sakura was in her and Sasuke's bedroom, reading the magazines which Ino gave to her.

"Ah, this is it! Exercise for vagina....If do this exercise then it will not be hurt for doing it the first time....Hmm..wakatta."

Sakura began to do the exercise just exactly like the pictures that were showed in the magazine. It was more like a stretching exercise.

As she was doing the exercise, her mind wandered to all the photos of Sasuke's ex-girlfriends.

All that women, they must be had sex with Sasuke back then... but I'll not gonna lose to them!!

Sakura was too busy to feel somebody's presence who just had entered the room.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke chuckled as he watched his wife with amazed stare, standing behind her with folded arm in front of his chest.

"Sa...Sasuke!" She stuttered as she startled by his deep voice. "No..nothing, it's nothing. Why are you in here? You said you couldn't go home yet." Sakura said as she hid all the magazines slowly under the bed when Sasuke was approaching the wardrobe to take a new one of suit clothes, so his back was on her.

"I received a party invitation for tonight, so I think I must tag you along with me to the party." Sasuke answered her as he opened his coat and loosen his tie. "We rarely go together and beside there is something you want to talk about, right?"

"Yes." She nodded.

He is so busy but yet he still want to spare his busy times for me..Sasuke..

In Sasuke's Car, On The Way To The Party

"Send it to Osaka. Yes and then....(Bla bla bla bla bla and bla bla bla bla.)"

Sasuke was talking on his cellphone since he got into the car. He was looked very busy. His right hand was holding a cellphone to his ear and his left hand was typing non-stoply on his laptop which was placed on his lap. Looking how busy her husband was, Sakura postponed her desire to tell him about the envelope she got.

He really is busy. I will talk about it later then.

At The Party

When the two of them were walking into the ballroom where the party was held, all of the people's stares were on them swiftly. Sasuke was wearing a black suit and Sakura was wearing a strapless white gown that reached her mid thighs.

Like always the guests began their sweet talk and smiled, but all of it were only a fake.

"Sasuke san, your wife is so beautiful. I heard about your announcement, you introduced her on your birthday party. She is so young but yet look so elegant. I want my daughter to be like her." A woman who was one of the guests spoke to them, smiling fakely.

It made Sasuke almost sneered at the woman but he masked it perfectly with his stoic face.

"No, you are wrong.." Sakura said, feeling uneasy with all the compliments.

"Sasuke, I want to go to the toilet." Sakura excused herself from Sasuke, walking to the toilet.

After re-freshen herself on the toilet, she walked back to the party, looking for Sasuke.

But suddenly...


A man was hugging her from behind, lingering his hands around her shoulders.

"Sakura chan, you're coming here too!" The man said as he laugh happily.

Sakura didn't need to look at him to tell who he was. She could recognize him from his loud voice, he was Naruto, her best friend.

"Na..Naruto!?" Sakura said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's me. Surprise to see me here?" Naruto grinned sheepishly, never letting go his hug on her.

Oh I forgot, Naruto is a CEO too. Not strange if he was invited to this party too.

All the guests who were watching Sakura and Naruto were began to gossip to each other.

"He is The CEO of Uzumaki Corp. right?" One of the guest said.

"Yes, he is very famous in IT. And he is handsome too." Replied the other guest.

"But, what is he doing with Sasuke san's wife? They're looks very close, I wonder what kind of relationship that they have?" The other guest joined the conversation.

"They are looks like a lover."

Back With Naruto And Sakura

"But he is here too." Suddenly Naruto said, pouting like a child.

"Naruto kun, I need to go back to Sasuke now." Sakura said as she wriggled out of his embrace, walking and looking for her dear husband.

And it wasn't a hard thing to find her handsome husband. Sasuke was on the middle of the room, standing with a beautiful woman beside him. Sakura halted her pace to approach him, looking at the woman carefully. Her face was so familiar for Sakura.

Who is that woman? Wait... I think I have seen her before...

Sakura took a few step ahead, not too close to be realized by Sasuke, but close enough to hear their talk.

"Sasuke kun, The CEO of Osaka Group praised your work recently, right? Congratulation." The woman who was standing beside Sasuke said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't trust him." Sasuke replied, his face was emotionless and cold.

She touched him intimately, why?

Stop that!

Sakura said as she watched the proximity between Sasuke and that woman. Sakura's hand clenched in attempt to suppress her anger.

"Sakura?" Naruto said quite loud, approaching her from behind.

His loud call made Sasuke turned his head aside only to find his wife and Naruto were standing side by side. On a swift move, Sasuke was in front of them, grabbing Sakura's shoulders rather roughly and pushing her to his side.

"What do you want with My Wife?" Sasuke asked in anger, emphasizing the words 'My Wife'.

"Sasuke..." Sakura was struggled for words.

"You're coming too." Naruto said in calm tone.

"I'm the one who should be saying that." Sasuke replied in cold tone as he regained his composure.

"Who is that woman? Is there any special relationship between you and her?" Naruto said in mocking tone as he saw the woman approached them.

"Sakura, I want to introduce you to her. She is The Head of Marketing in Uchiha Corp. She has been working for almost five years." Sasuke introduced the woman to Sakura.

The woman was now standing in front of them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kamijo Rika." The woman smiled to Sakura. Now Sakura got a better look on the woman cause she was standing right in front of her and Sasuke, so immediately she recognized who she was.

I know her. She is one of Sasuke's ex-girlfriends. Her photo is one of the photos I've got.

This realization made her heart pounded rapidly because of jealousy.

"Nice to meet you. I..I'm Sakura."

"Hey, Sasuke kun, congratulation you have a beautiful young wife." Rika said, smiling to Sasuke.

She looks so mature and very beautiful. Not like me..

Sakura tightened her fist as she watched Rika talked to Sasuke.

After a while doing chit chat with Sasuke, Rika excused herself from them.

"Sorry Sasuke kun, Sakura, I need to go now. See you next time." Rika said, walking away from them. After Rika had retreated from them, Naruto walked and stood right in front of Sasuke, leaning down his head so his lips was merely an inch with Sasuke's left ear.

"Is she really just only your employee?" Naruto whispered in serious tone.

Sasuke's eyes widen in surprise for a second before he changed it swiftly into the emotionless onyx eyes like always.

"Now, she is only just my employee." Sasuke replied in very calm tone.

But why..why is he still that close to her? Is that really just because of work?

The more she thought about it, the more her heart felt hurt because all the conclusions that she made by herself.

"You looks so pale." Sasuke said, noticing his wife's paler face. "Are you sick? I'll take a car and drive you home. You need to rest." Sasuke said in worry, holding his wife's shoulders to steady her, because she was looked she was going to faint in any seconds.

"No, I'm fine." Sakura said as she tried to scoot away from him.

Sasuke turned his body around to face Naruto, he was seething in anger.

"...You. Investigate someone else's past, is your hobby huh?" Sasuke said in anger.

"I will kill any man who makes Sakura sad." Naruto warned Sasuke firmly, no a slightest hint of fear was showed in his voice.

Naruto earned a chuckled from Sasuke as a replied.

"Your worriness is not necessary at all." Sasuke spoke coldly.

"Sakura!?" Sasuke said as he turned his body back to see Sakura but found her nowhere in his sight. Obviously, Sakura had walked away when he and Naruto were engaged in their verbal fight. Sasuke rushed outside immediately, approaching his car at the parking lot.

"Do you see Sakura?" Sasuke asked his driver.

"No, Uchiha sama. I don't see her." The driver answered.

"She...Where is she going?" Sasuke mumbled to himself, worriness rushed to his heart.

With Sakura

Sakura was walking alone on the night street, passing another pedestrians which most of them were a lover couples. She walked slowly on the straight road as her mind wandered around about Sasuke and his ex.

That woman knows about Sasuke that I don't know. I'm sure in the past she had sex with Sasuke too. Not just that woman, there so many other beautiful women who were his ex-girlfriends. I'm just a kid in compared with them. I even afraid to have sex with Sasuke, my own husband. All of his ex-girlfriends are so pretty, how if he feels boring with me..

Her eyes began watery and she fought hardly to not let a single tear rolled down from her eyes.

No...I don't like that...

She started crying although she had fought it with all her efforts. She stopped her walk, standing in the middle of the road and crying quietly.

"Why are you crying?" Sasuke asked, lingering one hand around her shoulders from behind.

Sakura's eyes widen in surprise because of his sudden presence.

"You...you're....gone away....without telling me anything. Do you know.....how much you...made me worry!?" Sasuke said out of breath. His breath was so heavy, panting hardly.


Did he run to find me?

Sakura faced him eyes to eyes. And suddenly she pouted and began to cry louder like a child. Sasuke was dumbfounded and sweat dropped by her act.

"She is you ex right?" Sakura asked as she sobbed. "This morning, someone sent a list of your ex-girlfriend complete with their photos.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows.

"Why you didn't tell me right away about this!?" Sasuke asked.

"You were too busy, I don't want to bother you." Sakura answered.

"That's probably just someone who don't like our marriage. Just ignore it." Sasuke stated in demanding tone, letting out a big sigh.

"I CANT!!" Sakura shouted, grabbing his front shirt with her two delicate hands.

"Because they are your ex-girlfriends. I...I....I'm afraid to have sex with you...I know they must be ever had sex with you. I'm your wife but I can't do it...I'm so useless..I want to have sex with Sasuke...." Sakura said as she cried again, earning a surprise look from Sasuke.

Sakura turned her back on him, feeling embarrassed by her own words. Her face redder because of cry and embarrassment.

Then, Sasuke lingered one of his hand again around her shoulders from behind and his other hand was holding her hand.

"It's okay if you can't have sex with me. It's okay, you don't need to worry about it." Sasuke whispered on her ear.


Their action had gained attention from all the pedestrians, and Naruto was one of them. Naruto followed Sasuke before, and now he was standing not far away from Sasuke and Sakura. Watched them with a broken heart.

"As long as you always stand by my side. Hug you like this then kiss you like this..." Sasuke said, kissing her on the lips slightly. "I'm happy only with that. Your presence has warmed my cold heart." Sasuke continued his words as he kissed her forehead. Sakura tried to face away from his lips, but Sasuke cupped her chin between his index finger and his thumb, so it prevented her to do so.


"You! You made me saying something so embarrassing like that." Sasuke cut her off, freeing his hug on her and facing sideways. He was slightly blushed but tried to mask it.


Looking his embarrassed face, Sakura realized that he was honest with what he said earlier. Her eyes softened. She hugged him abruptly, wrapping her hands around his waist.

"I'm really happy...I want to hug you like this too forever...." Sakura said against his chest, blushing inwardly. Sasuke's eyes widen by her words.

"Hug me..." Sakura demanded as she tightened her hug on him
