After the fall of Voldemort, and the some what mystical resurrection of Dumbledore, all seventh years were required to retake their last year as a result of the questionable teaching that had occurred during their last year. However this was not the only change some sixth years that, for whatever reasons, were eligible to skip a year and join the returning seventh years as eighth years. Because of the final battle and the stand of the students to save Hogwarts, the individual house dormitories were abolished, and new dormitories were introduced, sorted by year instead of house, causing inter-house rivalry to occur at a very basic level (mainly quidditch and house points), well in most cases. One group of eight students, seemed unable to bury the hatchet, and as a last ditch attempt to end the feud amongst the eight students, Dumbledore arranged, when sorting the dormitories, that these particular students, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley and Millicent Bulstrode, would all share a dormitory, a loft in fact. This Loft consisted of a large lounge area, a small kitchenette, two bathrooms and a large staircase which lead to a large bedroom which contained eight four poster double beds, the only bedroom in the small apartment like dormitory.

Over the past 6 months in which they had all lived together the only progress had been evidently made between the group was all on the girl's side. After weeks of constant bitching and snide comments, all it took was one of the girls to get dumped to bring the four of them together, realising that they all had much more in common that originally perceived and that appearances can be very deceptive.

Unfortunately for the girls the boys had yet to make this development, causing a large amount of tension amongst the group whenever they were confined together.

"That's it; I've had it with these boys!" Pansy exclaimed flopping down on Hermione's bed.

"What did they do this time?"

"They haven't done anything, that's the point; they just sit there glaring at each other. I swear if I didn't know the history between the four of them, I would have thought they were all gay and fancied one another."

At this all four of the girls began to laugh. Pansy and Hermione looked up at the sudden appearance of Ginny and Millicent.

"I know what you mean" Ginny commented, joining Pansy on Hermione's bed, "I've always wondered about Harry and Ron, I mean is it normal for guys to be that close without a little bit of 'in and out' going on"

"Yeah, I've often wonder that about Blaise and Draco" Millicent added.

"Nah, nah, defiantly Harry and Draco, I mean come on you can feel the sexual tension those two." Hermione commented.

At this the four girls began to cry with laughter.

"Oh my God, stop please my stomach" Pansy laughed.

"What the hell are you doing up here?!" Draco exclaimed from the doorway glaring at the four girls on Hermione's bed, only to be answer by another bout of laughter overcoming the girls, causing him to turn on his heel and exit the room.

"Seriously though, we have to do something about the guys we can't live like this." Ginny stated once they had all calmed down.

"Yeah I know but what?" Millicent cried.

"You've got an idea" Pansy exclaimed, noting the mischievous glint in Hermione's eye.

"Remember Christmas, at the lodge, with guys" Hermione asked Pansy.

"Holy shit, that's brilliant" Pansy confirmed

"What, what's brilliant?" Ginny and Millicent asked impatiently.

"I Never" Pansy smirked

"The more you drink the more fun the questions become, then add some veritaserum and you've got yourself a serious game, anything and everything you've ever wanted to know laid bare for all to see" Hermione explained.

"I don't know, sounds kind of dangerous especially with these guys" Millicent commented, smiling.

"Yeah, sounds extreme" Ginny added, beaming.

"Sounds vindictive" Pansy said grinning evilly.

"Sounds fun!" Hermione finished, smirking.