Whoo, the Epilogue chapter! Now you can finally see who the dream is, and what was kinda happening with the dream and stuff. And you can see kinda who's gonna be the next Alice. Thank you to Tobi- That's What They Call Me, Unknown'09, and Sarahbelle Saunders for reviewing! And don't worry, it doesn't annoy me or anything! :D Sarahbelle Saunders, you totally get a cookie, just for being awesome. :D


Austria paused in his piano playing as he heard steps come up behind him and stop. He turned around slightly and gave an annoyed look at the intruder, who ignored the Austrian and decided to lounge on the couch. "What are you doing here, Gilbert?" Roderich asked with distain. The Prussian laughed and Austria frowned. "Ah, well I just thought I'd visit you, since Hungary is in town and I'm not gonna be hit with her dangerous cooking utensils," he replied with a bored look on his face. "Visit me?" Roderich asked suspiciously and Prussia nodded.

"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that you're an ass," he said and Austria raised an eyebrow, silently asking the albino what he meant. Prussia sighed dramatically. "Well, I was gonna give you these papers that had all those music notes and crap on them, but you weren't here, so I gave them to England instead," Gilbert explained with a sly smile on his face. Austria looked the Prussian over. "England?" He asked. Arthur, along with Russia, France, America, and…that one other country had been missing for almost a week.

Prussia snorted. "'Bout a week ago," he replied with a chuckle, as if he knew some great joke that the other didn't. "…Arthur's been missing for about a week," the Austrian said, giving Gilbert a slight glare. The Prussian just laughed. "I know! It's crazy, isn't it? I figured that other than you, sheet music would be right up his ally. Then you wouldn't believe it! France actually came around looking for Arthur! I was pretty surprised," the albino said with a slight laugh. Austria didn't find it as amusing.

"Wait, so you saw France too? He's also been missing for about a week," he said and Prussia sighed. "Yeah, I know who's missing. Who doesn't know?" Gilbert said as if he was talking to a very slow child, and propped his feet on the coffee table in front of the couch. Austria sent him a glare which was promptly ignored.

They sat in silence for a minute, one looking like he was about to take a nap and one glaring at the other. Prussia cracked open an eye and sighed. "Hey, do you want to hear about this weird ass dream I've been having," he asked suddenly, surprising Austria. "Um, sure," Roderich said, now confusion on his face instead of a glare. Prussia smiled widely and removed his feet from the table while straitening up.

"Okay, so it started out with that asshole, Russia, going into some woods with a sword and killing shit so some plants killed him! It was pretty funny, actually," the albino said with a smirk and Austria rolled his eyes. Prussia still had a thing against Ivan, even after the Berlin Wall had fallen. "Then, Arthur was in a garden or something, singing cause he had those papers, sheet music, whatever they are. And anyway, he got shot by some crazy guy and he died," the Prussian paused for a breath and grumbled something about Austria being an ass.

"Then, it was Francis. He had seen the bad guy in the dream, so the bad guy had to get rid of him. So the killer tricked him into being a king or something and he was stuck in a world with only dead people around and stuff," Prussia paused to take another breath and Austria looked at him warily. Something was…off with this story. "So," the albino continued, apparently not noticing the other's discomfort, "Then it was America and what's-his-face. America's little brother…Oh! Canada! Yeah, it was America and Canada and they had seen the bad guy too, so the bad guy then tricked them into, like, this weird 'other world' place. And, dude, Canada totally killed America! It was crazy," Gilbert paused in his story and by now Roderich was pretty uncomfortable.

Gilbert looked at the Austrian expectantly, and Austria cleared his throat. "Yes, well…That certainly does sound…interesting," he said. Prussia stared at him and started to smirk. Austria shifted in his seat nervously. "And guess what! I was in the dream too," the albino said, as if it was a pretty amazing thing to be a part of his dream. "Oh, really?" Austria asked and Gilbert laughed. "Yeah! I was there, but I wasn't exactly there. I don't quite get it…" he paused to stare at the table as if it could help him explain. When the table didn't say anything, he looked back up at the Austrian with a smile. "Yeah, so anyway I was in the dream. And the dream," he said with a smirk and dark glint in his eyes. Roderich swallowed nervously. "I-is that so?" Austria asked. "Yep."

Then the two heard the front door open and slam shut. "Roderich! I'm home!" A very Hungarian voice called out and Prussia made a face. "Damn. I think I'd better go," Prussia said and stood up. He walked across the room to the window and opened it up. "I'll catch ya later," he said, turning to the Austrian. His face got the dangerous gleam back in it. "Alice," Gilbert whispered just loud enough so Roderich could hear him. Then he gracefully jumped out of the window.

Hungary walked in not a moment later and frowned at Austria's expression. "Roderich? What's wrong?" She asked. Austria just shook his head. "It…It's nothing," he replied, staring at the open window. The Hungarian made a face that said she didn't believe him, but she opted not to say anything. She walked out of the room and Austria sighed shakily. He vaguely wondered just what was going to happen to this Alice.


The little dream knew that it wouldn't be able to draw countries into it by itself.

So the dream found someone who it could possess while in the waking world. It found someone who, like itself, didn't want to disappear or fade away.

The little dream found Prussia.