"I love you so much, Nowaki." Hiroki slurred.

Nowaki smiled as he successfully got his beloved Hiro-san drunk for the third time this week.

The older man would always be so open with Nowaki when he was drunk. It was quite refreshing, if you asked him.

"Hiro-san. If you wouldn't mind-" Nowaki started.

But Hiroki cut in. "Anything for you, Nowaki."

"Would mind me asking you a few questions?" Nowaki finished rather quickly, stopping Hiroki from interrupting him any further.

"Sure. I don't mind."

"Thank you, Hiro-san." Nowaki said with a big smile.

These were perfect conditions to have some fun.

"So, Hiro-san, what's your favorite singer?"

"Um, it would have to be Kaito from that Vocaloid software."

"Why is that?" Nowaki questioned.

"I like his voice and his songs are really good. He's really cute, too."

No way Hiroki would say that sober.

"But he's not as cute as you, Nowaki."

Okay, there was no way in hell Hiroki would ever say that sober.

Nowaki fought hard to suppress his laughter.

"Ok. Next, what is your favorite candy?"

"Mmn, Konpito. You know, those sugar stars."

"Really?" Nowaki asked curiously. Hiroki never ate it around him and never said anything about it until now.

"Is there any in the house right now?"

"Yeah." Howaki said with an affirmative nod. "It's hidden in my top dresser drawer."

"Why is it hidden?"

"When I was little, Akihiko said it didn't suit me because the candy is so sweet and I'm so sour." Hiroki tiled his head down.

Nowaki couldn't hold back his laughter now. Hiroki? Sour? When he was with Nowaki, the older man was always sweet. His Hiro-san could be so cute sometimes!

"Hiro-san, you are far from sour. If anything, your too sweet for your own good." Nowaki added.

Hiroki blushed bright red. "Idiot."

Hmm. It seemed the alcohol was wearing off. Better wrap this up.

"Last question, Hiro-san. What's your favorite manga?"

Hiroki blushed and looked away. "Promise you won't tell anyone? Cross your heart?"

"And hope to die."

Hiroki gave a short pause before answering. "I like the manga High School Debut."

Nowaki widened his eyes in surprise. "Really? Isn't that a girls manga?"

"I know that, idiot! But it was the only one that made me cry. And I was at work when this happened so Miyagi won't quit telling me about it! Can't the man do his work instead of harassing me every second of the day!?"

Nowaki just laughed and yawned.

"Come on, Hiro-san. Let's go to bed. It's getting late."

Hiroki tried to stand up but just stumbled and fell back down on to the floor. He glared at the ground as if to curse gravity and then said with a blush and outstretched hands,

"Carry me."

Nowaki couldn't help but smile at his beloved Hiro-san.

He let Hiroki wrap his arms around his neck and carried the older man to bed.

Nowaki was about to go to sleep when he remembered to do something.

"Hiro-san. One last question."

"What is it now? I'm tired." Hiroki added with a whine.

"What is your favorite song?"

"You woke me up for that? It's magnet."

"Why?" Nowaki asked.

"Because it's about forbidden love and is a very sweet song."

"What are you, a romantic?" Nowaki asked while laughing.

"No, I'm an egoist!"

Hello, fellow rabid yaoi fangirls! I'm grounded right now and can only write this quick cuz my dad left the computer on and is at the park with my sister. I felt bad for not writing enough so I wrote this. I've been grounded from the computer for soo long. T_T

May you get your daily intake of pure love. Bye!