Lois and Clark pushed their way through the river of people heading up the basement steps and out of the Daily Planet. And outside, into a war zone. They came to a jolting halt as other people spilled out around them to get away from the chaotic scene.

Smoke billowed toward the heavens as car horns blared, shouts were heard and fists were thrown as people attacked one another. It was so hard to tell who was on what side as everyone attacked each other and no one seemed to be off limits. Clark had to bring this madness to an end before someone got hurt.

Instantly he rounded on Lois in total awe by it all. His hands grabbing her shoulders, bringing her focus to him. "Lois get back to the apartment, now, before anyone recognizes you." Being caught up in the commotion he forgot his walkie on his desk as he filed out the building along with everyone else.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Lois shouted above the noise, finding her voice and holding onto Clark's arm for dear life before he could take off.

"Lois, someone needs to help these people." He shouted back, trying to escape her grip. People were running around them, trying to get away, screaming and getting hurt as bats, pipes and other weapons were being used on innocent victims.

"Leave it to the police or the Blur, Clark. Don't be a hero." Lois was scared for his safety, more than her own and it touched him in ways then she could ever possibly know.

He pulled her to his lips, kissing her deeply, thoroughly, leaving her breathless by his actions before pulling back to look seriously into her hazels.

"Please trust me, Lois." Clark's eyes begging her to let go but her grip tighten even more. "I can't concentrate if I know you're in danger...Please"

Lois swallowed hard and not wanting to she nodded her head in understanding and begrudgingly let go. He nodded his head toward her. "Get to Tommy and Michael, I'll find you as soon as I can."

He yelled to her before running off and disappearing into the smoke and mass of people fleeing for their lives.

"Be careful." Lois whispered, eyes intently watching until she couldn't make out his form any longer among the scene straight out of a disaster movie. Still in shock she must of been because her feet seemed glued to spot and her body was so unwilling to move.

A loud boom to her left had her jumping from fright, though, as a car crashed into a street lamp causing it to topple over on top of the car. Sparks flashed and cracked from a broken electrical line. The man behind the wheel looked a little banged up but ok as he slowly shook his head side to side from the accident. But not for long as another man carrying a bat came up to the vehicle and started to vehemently whack it with metal against metal thwaks!

She knew she shouldn't get involved, but instinctively she shouted toward the punk. "Hey!"

It was just too loud all around and he continued pounding away at the car not hearing Lois' shouts but another sound caught her ears as cries from a woman came. "PLEASE, NO! STAY AWAY!"

Lois quickly turned around, seeing a few feet away a lady with a small child wrapped tightly in her arms crouched down to the ground while a muscular man with a pipe stood above them. The intent in his body showing exactly what he planned on doing and it made Lois' stomach bottom out and a rage boiled that chased away all reason. Her feet quickly sprinting her to the mother and child's aide as she came up behind the thug, no doubt from that Freak Haters club.

"Leave them alone!" She went instantly in combat mode, effortlessly dropping to the ground and swinging her leg out. A sickening crack could be heard as her foot connected with the back of the man's shin bringing him down to his knees.

She was on her feet in time to only get knocked down to her bottom as the thug grabbed her ankles pulling her feet from under her. Lois quickly pulled her legs to her chest and kicked her feet out hitting the man square in the jaw. He stumbled backwards, his hands catching Lois' foot in time before it could smash into his face. Using her other foot she spun her body around, kicking him in the face.

"Bitch!" He growled, blood spewed from his busted lip as he pawed his hand against his mouth in pain. His eyes cutting at her as he noticed exactly who she was. "Well, Look who we have here. If it' isn't the Blur's cunt, herself."

Lois lips cocked in a smirk, eyes set in a steely glare. "Kiss your mother with that mouth, bastard."

Murder rolled off the guy in boiling waves as he rammed into Lois' midsection after deflecting a failed kick from her. He tackled her into a nearby crashed car, squashing her against the metal frame as she wailed out in pain. Her insides felt like they would explode from her body if he didn't stop pressing her against the metal of the car. She was in serious trouble of blacking out as breathing was impossible. This wasn't good.

Her blurred vision caught the sight of the mother trembling still on the ground, the soundless cries of her child pressed into her chest. The woman looked so torn between protecting her small package and helping Lois as the man's back was to her. Lois knew there was nothing the woman could do but bring the danger back to herself and her child.

Go! Lois painfully mouthed to the woman, feebly waving them away with her hand as she could feel her body growing limp, her lungs burning with hunger for air. The edges around her vision growing black with the inevitable unconsciousness that was prompt to come. In the darkening of her sight the last thing she saw was the mother and child escaping into a back alley to safety and the thought made her really happy even with the cold face of death approaching.

Lois gasped, collapsing to her knees, her hands pressed to her chest trying to expand her lungs to take in the sweet release of air. In front of her the Red, Blue, Blur stood over the man who held her hostage against steel and was giving him a taste of a real piece of steel. His fist struck against the man's face in a sound that was even painful to the ears. But he didn't stop with just one, Lois saw as, what looked like, it being hard to control himself-his body shaking violently. As one after another and another, the Blur's fist connected with the man's jaw.

She saw in fear that he wasn't going to stop any time soon or if ever.

"Stop!" She gasped out, still breathing hard and unable to catch her breath properly.

The blur stopped his plumbleting onto the man's lumpy black and blue face. He wasn't nearly using normal strength, but speed was another matter. How he was even able to control himself, he didn't know, at that moment when all he could see was red and all he wanted to do was make the poor bastard bleed. The man would live but he would seriously think twice before crossing the Blur's bad side again.

His hooded head looked her way with a paused fist in air and a tight hold against the collar of the guy's shirt suddenly released, dropping the muscular man to the street with a groan in pain. In seconds the Blur scooped her up and sped her off to an open alley safe and clear from anyone else miles away. Lois gasping even more from his super speeding, cradled in his arms against his chest. He carefully released her legs, her body sliding down against the front of his, coming down to her feet.

She looked up into goggled eyes and hooded face as his gloved hand reached up to cup the side of her face, pushing back her hair. "Take in deep breaths...slowly" He advised, his deep modified voice so soft, so caring and so full of worry.

The sound of it causing her to close her eyes for a moment to revel in his concern. While the abnormal heat, not helping her sanity any, from his body pressed against hers, fitting like a missing puzzle piece that not even air had space between them. Realizing the intimacy of their touching, she quickly pushed away from him. Her breathing now coming out deep and shallow for other reasons. Extreme guilt shot through her from her reaction to being so close to him.

"What the hell!" She managed to scream out throwing her hands up in the air. "You could of killed that guy."

Never had she seen the Blur so out of control or see such raw emotion from the actions of his body. She knew he was barely in control as he was letting that guy have it. Not that that thug didn't have it coming to him, especially with what he would have done to that defenseless woman and young child if she didn't intervene. But he wasn't going to stop, he would have ended up killing that guy if she didn't manage to take a breath and yelled for him to stop. And all because...of her.

He saw that guy pressing her against the car. Her life draining from her body and he...lost it. She was flattered and so confused. She thought he didn't care. The Blur rushing off in that alley days ago before she could finish asking if there was a chance for them only proved it. Or did it?

She watched as his hooded head dropped down, his hands at his sides in tight fists as she was sure he was thinking back to that moment.

Clark could feel as his blood coursed hotly through his body thinking back, slamming his fist into the thug's face and truth be told he wanted to kill him. Seeing the color, the life drain from Lois' face, eyes fading fast as they looked into the distance. What brought chills to his blood the most was hearing the slow thump thump sounding from her heart and fearing the last beat he would ever hear from her chest would be in that moment. That all at once a rage went through him like nothing he ever felt before, not even the confession of Alicia's death from the mouth of that Meteor Freak all those years ago brought forth such dangerous emotions.

"I'm sorry, I just..." His words failing him as he didn't know what to say. Nothing nice she would want to hear, anyway. He lifted his head to look at her, he just had to fill his sight with only her, his ears tuned to the rhythmic steady beating of her heart that calmed his nerves to hear it normal once again. "Are you ok?"

"I don't get you." Lois exasperated, ignoring his concern, her eyes showing her confusion. "One minute you're speeding off when things seem to get too real between us and the next you're beating the holy crap out of some guy because of me."

"Lois, I can explain the alley." Clark quickly started before giving much thought, his gloved hand stroking the back of his neck in frustration.

She tapped her foot impatiently, arms folded against her chest, face in a hard look as she waited impatiently. "Well?...I thought so."

Clark super-sped in front of her as she turned around to leave, his hands on her arms to keep her from going. And like a dam breaking, it all just poured out of him. "You don't know how hard this life is for me. How hard it is for me to care for anyone or worse yet to let anyone get close to me without fear of something happening to them."

This caught her attention and her features softened toward him at his words and he continued. "Case and point you and this insane group who tried to kill you to get to me."

Clark lift his hand pushing back a stray chocolate curl behind her ear, his hand lingering a little too long but he couldn't help but touch her. He also couldn't think around her, not with her looking so earnest up into his eyes. Especially not after seeing her almost die in front him in those precious moments when his world seem like it was tilting on it's axis. He couldn't ever or want to ever imagine a life where she wasn't there to be a thorn in his side, water to his oil and so much more...

His fingers slipped down to her lips tracing the petal soft edges that he could see brought goosebumps along her flawless skin. He tilted his head down mere inches, a breath from her mouth as he looked so intently into her eyes and he could have sworn even through the blackness of the goggles their eyes connected. Their hearts raced and he couldn't tell the beating sound of his from her own as they became lost in the moment.

"I can't live in a world where Lois Lane doesn't exist." He whispered, his warm breath caressing her lips that were ever closer to his.

Lois made a small squeak, her knees instant Jello and his arms instantly wrapped around her waist as if he known they would turn to such. She couldn't believe her ears. Everything and more she ever wanted to hear, to feel and see from him was finally all painted out for her in black in white. Well in Red and Blue. The Hero that gave her life such purpose, meaningfulness, other then being just a good reporter. Through him she felt important because not only was she changing lives like with her truth-seeking articles. With the Blur she was saving lives which equaled to so much more in her eyes. Each help she gave him was a save, a life she assisted him on accomplishing. Because of him she found not only a real honest to God Superhero in the world, but through him she found the hero deep inside herself.

Her eyes closed automatically of their own accord in the anticipation of what was to come as he slowly leaned in to close the distance between. This felt so right, an answered to a prayer, a dream come true, a light at the end of a tunnel. The calm after a storm, her other half, a partner in crime...

Partner? Clark!

Lois lightly pulled back from his hold, halting the kiss she would have more than welcomed if this was any other time. Damn her luck. His head cocked to the side, and she knew his eyes were more then likely questioning as he straightened to his full height.

"Now, I have to be the one to say I'm sorry." Lois awkwardly replied, her eyes looking away from him in embarrassment.

How could he have been so stupid? He cursed himself inside for getting so carried away. For losing his head and forgetting who he was at the moment. But with Lois around, thinking was never his strong suit. She more then reminded him of such on many occasions. They had just newly became a couple before all hell decided to break loose and finding themselves here now in this sticky situation. Lois declaring her love for him, Clark Kent, not Oliver like he assumed would be her choice especially after catching them in that moment after he got off the phone with him mom.

Now, though, where did she stand when it came to the Red, Blue, Blur? He shouldn't play with her emotion, that he knew fully well was a confusing mess of triangular proportions that none in history could compete with. Lois, Clark & the RBB. But the side of him, the green-eyed monster side that made him stupidly jealous of his own self. Ridiculous! Was a side that had to know was it him, Clark Kent that Lois Lane truly loved or his alter ego the Blur. Could she really love just him? Or really was it all just Hero worship?

"Oh..." He made his voice sound dejectedly and took a small step back away from where she stood.

Lois took the bate and stepped to his side, grabbing his gloved hand in between hers. "I mean don't get me wrong..." She nibbled on her bottom lip and puffed out with a shrug of her shoulders. "...truth be told. I want more than anything for that moment to happen but..."

"There's someone else...Clark?" The Blur hitting the nail on the head and she chewed on the inside of her cheek, her fingers linking between his. He gave her a small smile, that said he understood. "There was something between you too after all."

"He's my best friend in the whole world." She could feel the prickle in her eyes as the emotions swamped through her of her feelings for one bumbling farm-boy. "I don't want to hurt him. I'm afraid of losing him..."

She blew up at her hair getting into her face but mainly to dry at the tears in her eyes that threaten to fall. "I'm so scared of losing the only real friendship I ever really had."

His smile was so sincere, so heart warming that she felt it pull at the strings of her own and her lips couldn't help but spread widely. His hand under her chin as his thumb traced around the line of her jaw. "I wouldn't worry about Clark going anywhere. He would be a fool to leave someone like you."

Lois smiled half-heartedly as she only spoke of part of the dilemma that was currently eating away inside of her, tearing apart what precious bit of sanity she possessed. Her voice came out "And you?"

Clark lifted his eyebrow, a question on his face he knew she couldn't see because of the hood and goggles but the stop in his retreating body spoke volumes. And that's when it hit him. He could read it in her eyes like a secret to a recipe, a verse to a song. And boy did he get the tune.

Lois Lane loved Clark Kent, that was true. But she had feelings for the Red, Blue, Blur too.

"Lois?" Was all he could managed to get out.

She took a deep breath of courage, releasing fear as she exhaled. "I feel like I'm somebody when I'm with you."

"You are somebody, Lois, you're a great reporter. You make a difference in this city."

Lois shook her head in disbelief, modesty or plain not just believing she was actually a good person. "You're the one who makes a difference. And...and every time I can help you with a part of that I feel like I make that difference too."

"Lois, you don't give yourself enough credit."

"I feel needed...important when I'm with you."

He stepped close to her, his heart in his throat, sorry that his jealousy of himself brought this confusion about. "And Clark doesn't make you feel that way?"

"No...yes." She shook her head, hating herself inside. Hating her heart for not sticking to one beat and feeling like a selfish bitch for loving both of them.

"Clark reminds me of you..." She gave him a half smile, when she finally manage to speak again, her eyes dropping to the ground, brows furrowed in concentration. "...why I must see his face every time I dream of you." She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself as she turned on her heels and walked a few feet away to pace in place. "You're both so kind and loyal. He has this whole hero complex sometimes about him, seems like he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders."

Lois stopped and quickly turned around to face him, her eyes boring through him as if she figured something out. His heart beating wildly inside his chest as the same thought came to mind. She knows my secret!

Her eyes turned sad, her mouth in a tight line as she yelled out in frustration and pained by the unfair reality of it all. "Ugggh! It would just be so much easier if you two were the same person!"

His heart broke in his chest, the jealousy game of himself losing its sheen seeing the hurt he was putting the women he loved through. He wanted more than anything to tell her everything. To bare his soul and finally be done with this stupid triangle he seem to get them in. He was tired of all the lies, tired of being two different people to her when all he wanted was to be just the one thing she ever wanted.

"Lois, I need to tell you something..."

Before another word could come, they both turn their heads as a large explosion rocked through downtown Metropolis, shaking the ground beneath their feet. Once everything went steady again, Clark turned his head to Lois, her face downcast and a look of defeat crossing her beautiful features to him.

"Go, they need you." Lois simply said, a sad smile pushing the corners of her lips.

"I need you, Lois." His deep modified voice came from under the hood, holding so many implications, wanting to say so much morn but time being always so limited for them.

With that he sped away to clean up the mess the Freak Haters were havocking, while havoc was yet to begin with one brunettes' conscious and heart as she watched a blur of Red and Blue disappear faster than light.

"Be Careful." She whispered to the retreating hero.