

By: Draven Nightly

Disclaimer: I do not own the Pokémon franchise or any of it characters, locations, ECT.

Everything else is of my own work.


It was raining in the forest. Heavy droplets hit the ground like little wet bombs making the path through the woods slippery and wet. More than once he had lost his footing and crashed to a knee. But that hadn't stopped him from continuing to run head long down the path, a little Riolu clutched tightly to his chest.

He couldn't help but think as he continued his mad dash through the dark woods about all the praise he had been receiving so far on his journey.

"Oh Devin, you're so talented." A Nurse joy had told him.

"You are truly gifted." That from a random stranger he had stopped to help

"If only more trainers were as responsible as you." That from an Officer Jenny.

If he was so damn talented, and gifted, and responsible than why was he running through the pouring rain in the dead of the night to a Pokémon center that was on the opposite side of the big ass Eterna Forest, with his Pokémon and best friend in the whole world bleeding to death in his arms.

He should have known better than to offer shelter and food to a stranger. Much less one as weirdly dressed as that one was. For as soon as the guy had laid eyes on Rio, his Riolu, he had attacked with out warning. Rio of course had laid waist to the chumps Pokémon with out even breaking a sweat. But than the guy had pulled out a gun on him, demanding that he turned over Rio to Team Galactic.

When he had refused the guy had pulled the trigger. Rio had shoved him aside and taken the built for him. Seeing this the Galactic guy had fled, and Rio had lain dying on the cave floor.

So now here he was Devin Kuroaki, the trainer prodigy, master in the making running for the life he held dear to him in his arms, in the rain, the cold, and the muck. The Galactic guy had said his name was Saturn. He would remember that, because he intended to repay Saturn, in kind.

As he finally emerged from the forest he caught a glimpse of the bright lights that clearly marked the Pokémon center a good ways yet ahead of him. His legs burned, and his lungs were struggling to continue to draw in ragged breaths. But still he put on more speed.

"Look Rio, there is the Pokémon center right over there. You just wait, Nurse Joy will fix you right up, and you'll be back on your feet in no time." He said to the little Riolu in his arms.

"Ri…" was all she could manage to say. As she placed a tiny little paw on his face to comfort him.

She must be really hurting if she could only respond in her native tongue.

Still he raced on. It only took him a few minutes to reach the front doors of the Center, but to him it felt like an eternity. The doors parted for him as he approached. He didn't even break stride, he just ran head long into the lobby, and slipped on the polished floor. His world went end over end as he fell and slid into the front desk.

"Somebody help me, PLEASE!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs.

He was instantly surrounded by at least one nurse Joy and a couple of Chansey. At first he was so disorientated that he refused to give up Rio. She was immediately whisked into an emergency ward and the doors were shut and locked in his face.

As he turned around he was faced with at least two Arcanine and an Officer Jenny. He was so tired, and worried about Rio that when Officer Jenny spoke to him he heard nothing. Oh her lips were moving, but no words were coming out. She reached forward to grasp his hand and pull him along. But his feet refused to work, and he fell face first in to the tiled floor.

Ch.1 In the Beginning

Rio woke with a start. She was disoriented and confused. Where was she and what was that constant beeping?

"Devin" she called out both verbally and telepathically.

A slight mumbling to her side caught her attention. Finally she realized that she was in a hospital bed, and that the beeping was some machine that was monitoring her heart. Rio looked down at her self, and when her red eyes saw the spot of shaved fur and the stitches that were on her chest, the entire evening came crashing back to her.

The strange man in the funny clothes asking for shelter. Devin offering to share the cave they had been waiting the storm out in. She had gotten bad vides from him right away and had told Devin so. He had told her it was all right, so she had sat in his lap, just to be safe. When he had laid eyes on her he had demanded that Devin hand her over. Devin had refused and a fight had ensued. The guy was a lousy trainer and his Pokémon were weak. But the guy had been a soar loser and pulled a gun. Everything else was a blur from there.

Rio carefully got to her shaky feet, and made her way to the edge of the bed. Devin was slouched in a chair sound asleep. The funny angel his head was hanging at was causing him to snore. He had changed clothes, probably while she was being worked on. One arm was resting on the bed, just so he could be that much closer to her. The other was resting in his lap atop a Buneary that was like wise asleep.

Rio had to stop and wonder what the Galactic guy would have done had he seen Mocha, the Buneary that was sleeping in Devin's lap. Buneary were common enough in the Sinnoh region, but Mocha was special. Instead of the common cream colored fluff that most Buneary have, Mochas' was purple, and glitter seamed to surround her when ever she leaves her Poke ball.

Rio gently nudged the sleeping Buneary causing her to wake up as well. It took Mocha a second to recognize where she was as well before she jumped up out of Devin's lap and embrace Rio.

"It is good to see you up and about, Rio. Master has been so worried about you." Mocha exclaimed in a strained whisper.

"I must wake him to show him the good news."

Mocha went to jump back into Devin's lap and wake him, but Rio stopped her.

"No don't, he needs his rest too. May I please take your spot on his lap?"

Mocha smiled seemingly from ear to ear and gave her sister another hug, this time using her ears to hug her tighter, and convey her emotions better.

"Of course you can, sister. He really cares for you, you know."

With that Mocha bounced on to Devin's lap, gave him a peck on the cheek, and went to sleep on another chair with her favorite blanket. Rio gingerly climbed in Devin's lap and curled up in it. As she drifted back to sleep Mochas words were ring through her head. Of course she knew that Devin cared for her. From the moment she hatched she knew that. She knew his story very well, and it ran through her head as she fell back to sleep.

Many years ago

Devin stood on the front stoop of his Aunt Rose's Pokémon ranch. He had been born in the Kanto Region on the edge of the Viridian Forest, where his parents had lived all their lives. Like all people born in, by, or around the Viridian Forest Devin had the unique ability to talk to and understand Pokémon. When he was five his parents had decided to move to the Sinnoh Region.

On a family vacation aboard a cruise ship a terrible storm had come out of no where and sank the ship. His parents were amongst the dead. The courts had quickly awarded custody of him to his Aunt, a world renowned Pokémon breeder in her own right. And that is where he stood right now, on the front step of her ranch some where in the Hoenn Region.

His Aunt was a kind and caring woman, and took him under her wing immediately. It didn't take long at all before he was helping her not only with her Pokémon, but the Pokémon she was raising for other as well. It was during this time that he saw his first Lucario. She was his Aunts prized Pokémon, and her name was Lu.

"Lucario are very special Pokémon, Devin. Not just anybody can catch one. As a matter of fact you hardly ever see Lucario in the wild; they keep to themselves and keep their kingdom hidden from humans. But Lucario have the ability to look into a person's heart, right down to their very soul and see what kind of a person they are. If they like what they see, or think that their offspring will lead a good life with a trainer they will leave them an egg in the middle of the night. That is how it is done with Lucario. Always has been always will be. A bond between a Lucario and trainer is something special too. It goes well beyond Trainer and Pokémon and boarders more on the lines of true friendship and love."

Devin had wrinkled his nose at the word love, he was a young boy, and girls much less love were icky. But his Aunty was right, Lu was an amazing Pokémon. He would sit and watch her train, and play, and do other things for hours on end, because he felt she was just that beautiful, and special. Lu hadn't failed to notice the little boy's admirations either, and all too quickly formed a strong bond with him.

Many years passed and it came time for Devin to go on his Pokémon adventures like all 10 year old kids did. However Devin chose to stay in school, and postponed his adventure till he was done. He wanted to be the best breeder in the world just like his Aunt Rose. It was about that time that a man had come to the ranch with a special request. He wanted to breed his male Blaziken with Aunt Rose's Lucario, to produce a Riolu that would know not only Aura sphere but Blaze kick as well.

Normally Aunt Rose would not have agreed to such a thing with out first talking to Lu, but the idea of a Riolu like that intrigued her. So she had accepted. It was disastrous from the get go. Lu wanted nothing to do with the Blaziken, and vice versa. For weeks Aunt Rose tried to get the two of them to mate, but it just wasn't working. The man got angry with Aunt Rose and had asked her why she hadn't used any of the drugs that other breeders used on difficult Pokémon. In a very controlled voice she had explained to him that the best offspring came from unions that weren't forced or added to. The man had blown up at her. Devin decided he didn't want to hear any more and had left the house.

He made his way to the place Lu and the Blaziken were being kept and was shocked to see the two of them locked in a deadly fight. Devin raced in to the paddock and threw himself between the two. The Blaziken had lunged at Devin; Lu caught him under the chin with a well placed kick that sent him flying.

"Stop it you two, stop right now!" Devin had yelled, tears flowing from his eyes.

"What is wrong with you two?"

Lu had made her way over to Devin and knelt down to look him in the eyes.

"Oh honey, we were just having a disagreement. That's all." Lu had told him patting his cheek in a comforting manor.

"About what, you were trying to kill each other!"

"This BITCH won't put out, and I'm sick of being here!" The Blaziken had yelled.

"Don't talk like that about Lu, its not nice!"

"You heard the boy you egotistical flaming turkey, settle down."

The Blaziken just rolled it eyes.

"Look, I don't like you, and you don't like me, bitch. But our masters want us to mate. So let's just fuck and get it over with."

Lu got up in a huff and marched right up to the Blaziken, and punched him square in the beak.

"Don't talk like that in front of children."

The Blaziken sprang back up to its feet and lunged at Lu again.

"I don't care about the child."

Lu easily avoided the attack. The Blaziken fell flat on the ground getting a face full of dirt. Lu laughed at the sight. The Blaziken's anger flared as he got back to his feet.

"Look at you, you think your better than me don't you. I doubt you could even produce a worthy offspring. I bet you've never even bread before have you!"

Devin watched as Lu diverted her head, he could tell she was blushing fiercely. The Blaziken laughed a bitter teasing laugh. Lu made to attack the Blaziken again, but Devin put him self between them again.

"Lu please stop, please, just stop." Devin said throwing his arms around her, tears flowing from his eyes.

Lu saw the boy's tears, and felt his sorrow for her through his aura.

"He will be gone soon Lu and you'll never have to see him again."

"That's what you think squirt. I'm stuck with this bitch till we produce an egg."

Devin looked disgustedly at the arrogant Blaziken, and than back at Lu.

"Is that true Lu, he is going to be here until you have his egg?"

Lu couldn't speak; she just nodded her head with tears in her eyes. Devin cupped her face in his hands and looked her dead in the eyes. His heart broke as he asked her to do the hardest thing she would ever have to do.

"Lu, just breed with him and get it over with. The sooner they get what they want the sooner they will leave."

"You don't know what you or Rose asks me to do for them." Lu sobbed.

"Don't do it for them or Aunt Rose. Do it for me, I don't want to see you fighting this THING any more."

Lu looked from the boy to the Blaziken and back again.

"You ask an awful lot of me, little one."

"I know I am Lu, and I swear I'll make it up to you some how. I just want them gone and this is the only way."

Lu leaned forward and gave Devin a kiss on the fore head and held him close, not saying anything for a very long time. Finally she spoke though, her voice heavy with sorrow, and resignation.

"I am only going to do this for you."

With that Lu got to her feet.

"Come on you, let's go and get this over with." Lu said to the Blaziken doing her best not to retch on the ground.

"What, don't want to do it here. I bet your precious human boy would love to watch."

"You pig, he does not need to see the act of rape that is about to occur."

The Blaziken just shrugged and followed Lu into a barn at the end of the paddock. For the next hour Devin did his best to shut out the terrible screams that emitted from the barn. They were so loud that it attracted the fighting adults from inside the house. Rose ran as fast as she could to where Devin was kneeling on the ground, bawling his eyes out.

"What in the hell is going on in there!" the man demanded as he got closer.

"Exactly what you wanted to happen, he's raping her!" Devin yelled at him.

"About damn time." The man said with a sneer.

Devin watched as his Aunt Rose turned around and slapped him open handed full force across the face. Before the man could say anything though the screaming stopped and the door opened to let the Blaziken out.

"Well?" the man asked.

The Blaziken sneered and gave his master a thumbs up. As he walked by Devin he looked down with a wicked grin.

"Broke her in good, I did. Let me tell you kid, worst lay ever."

The Blaziken started to laugh. He stopped short though when Devin shot to his feet and kicked him squarely in his freshly used balls. The Blaziken dropped, and the man made to lunge at Devin. However Aunt Rose stopped him short.

"Me and the boy are from the Viridian Forest area, we can understand Pokémon speak. That pig for a bird deserved what he got."

The man was livid to the point he couldn't say any intelligent words.

"Devin, go and check on Lu while I collect from this gentleman and show him the door."

"You think I'm going to pay you after that, you're out of your mind!"

Devin watched as she rounded on the man.

"Oh you're going to pay me, and your going to pay me well after this stunt. Or do I need to call Officer Jenny to come and take care of this."

Devin didn't hear the rest of the conversation as he entered the barn. He quickly found Lu lying on the ground crying, her nether region covered in blood and white stuff, that at the time he didn't know what was. Devin ran up to Lu and kneeled at her head. Gently he stroked her cheek to let her know it was him. She feebly scooted forward and rested her head in his lap, while she stroked his arm with her paw. Devin was amazed at how much blood and white stuff there was. He could also see where the Blaziken had forced his flaming fore arm into the back of her head to hold her still. Devin cried openly into Lu's soft blue head.

"I'm so sorry, Lu. So, so sorry."

"Shh, hush now little one. It will be alright. I will be alright."

"I had no idea he would do this to you."

"I know, I know."

"I swear I'll make it up to you Lu, I promise."

"I know you will Devin, that's why I did it."

"I'll do what ever I can to make this easier for you."

"Can you hold me like this, for just a little bit? I hurt too much to move."

"Of course, anything."

Devin bent forward and kissed the top of Lu's head.

"I am so, so sorry."

"I know, I know."

Devin did not move the rest of the night. They fell asleep like that, and at some point during the night Aunt Rose had brought in a blanket for them, and to speak her own apologies.

"I am so sorry Lu; I had no idea they were going to be like that. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I was never mad at you Rose. Besides I already know that they will not accept the offspring that I will produce."

"How do you know this?"

"I just do." Lu said adjusting herself to be more comfortable in Devin's lap while not wakening him.

"But he will." Lu said gripping Devin's arm while he slept. "I have seen it."

For the next month Lu could hardly move. The egg that was growing inside of her was causing a very powerful burning sensation through out her entire body. Rose had called in several expert breeders, specialists, as well as other Lucario trainers. Devin would always remember watching the four adults as they talked to, looked at and examined Lu. She looked decidedly uncomfortable while she was being poked and prodded. But Lu endured, as Devin looked on. Later during dinner they all sat and discussed what had happened.

"Is this truly Lu's first egg?" This came from a squinty eyed man named Brock who hung on every word that his Aunt had said all day and night long.

The man was supposedly with out equal as a breeder. So the fact that he was taking notes bothered Devin ever so slightly.

"Yes, this was her first time." Aunt Rose had replied.

"I seriously doubt that is what is causing the burning sensation though." This from a guy named Riley.

He was a Lucario master, very well known in the Sinnoh Region. He dressed entirely in Black and blue to match his Lucario, who was out talking to Lu. This also bothered Devin. Later in life he would come to realize, understand, and accept the fact that at the time he had been jealous of Riley's Lucario because Lu wanted him to stay and be with her.

"What was the father?" This was asked by a woman who was younger than the rest of the adults named Bebe.

Apparently she ran the Pokémon network in Sinnoh, and damn near smart enough, and informed enough to be a professor. She had a Glameow with her.

"A Blaziken." Aunt Rose said.

The four adults had looked at her in amazement. So Aunt Rose had gone on to tell why she had agreed to breed her Lucario with a Blaziken, even though every one knew the two species hated each other. By the time she was done she was in tears.

"I know I was foolish for even trying such a thing, and worst of all that Pig of a bird raped my Lu. She didn't want to do it, and he forced himself upon her."

The only adult that hadn't spoken finally did.

"Rose, Lu is very strong, I know this, our Lucario have played together before. The mating may have been forced, but she would have never allowed him to rape her. No she must have agreed to it for some reason."

The woman was dressed entirely in black and her long flowing blond hair hung to her knees. She wore jewels in her hair that looked like a Lucario's dreads, as well as jewels on her sleeves and around her neck that looked like a Lucario's spikes. Her name was Cynthia, and she was the longest reigning Champion in the Sinnoh region ever. And to this day the front liner of her team was a female Lucario named Kari. She too was out by Lu.

"It's my fault, I'm the reason." Devin said holding his hand up feebly and diverting his eyes from the adults that were now looking at him.

"What are you talking about Devin?" His Aunt had asked him.

"The night the man was here and you were arguing I went out by Lu and the Blaziken. They were fighting too, and about to kill each other. I stepped between them and begged Lu to mate with him, so that they would go and leave us alone."

Devin broke down crying.

"I didn't know he was going to hurt her so, or that his egg would cause her so much pain now."

Devin continued to cry into his hands. He felt some one put a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up it was Cynthia, she was kneeling in front of him and smiling warmly at him.

"It is not your fault that Lu got hurt. She must really love you, Devin, to have agreed to something like that for you."

Devin had thrown himself into Cynthia's arms and continued to cry.

"So Brock, what do you think?" Cynthia asked continuing to hold Devin.

Brock went back over his notes before answering.

"I'm sure that the violent nature of the eggs making, combined with the fact that the father was a fire type. My best guess is that she got burned internally and that the egg its self is more than likely very hot as well, being that the offspring will no doubt have fire type abilities."

Every one thought this over and basically nodded their heads in agreement. Brock got up from the table and went over to where Aunt Rose made her Pokémon food. Every one watched as he combined seemingly random things into a bowl, before pouring the mixture into a poffin tin and letting the stuff settle and than harden. Brock handed the bowl of blue poffin's to Aunt Rose.

"If my guesses are correct give her one of these every time the burning sensation gets to bad. As for her actual internal burns…"

Brock set a bottle of burn heal on the table and got a little red in the face.

"I think you girls should go and help her apply that to the effected areas."

The three women looked at the bottle and blushed a little them self.

"How long should these pains last Brock?" Rose had asked picking the bottle up.

"About another month, till she passes the egg. That would be my guess at least."

Devin watched as the three women left the house to do as Brock suggested. He sat quietly in his room reading one of the many books on breeding his Aunt owned, while Brock and Riley talked amongst them selves trying to imagine a Lucario that knew not only Aura sphere but Blaze kick as well. Devin had closed the book he was reading and decided to start keeping a Breeders Journal. Booting up his Pc, he went to work writing down all the things he knew about Pokémon and there habits. He wrote down what species he knew and what he knew about them. He decided that he would not rely on any of the books he had at his disposal. Those could be inaccurate, and besides he had an unabridged copy of the Pokémon Encyclopedia on his Poke'dex pro. He would supplement that with what he witnessed first hand.

By the time he was tired and ready for bed, the four adults had left and Aunt Rose was going to bed herself. Quietly Devin snuck outside and to the barn where Lu was staying. He found her rest comfortably in one of the pens.

"How are you doing Lu?"

"I would be doing much better if I were in my own bed. But all the experts think that if I go into my ball for any amount of time might hurt me and the egg."

Devin thought for a moment.

"Well why don't I help you into the house."

"I don't want to burden you. I could take me quite some time and a lot of energy to move that far."

"I don't mind. If it takes all night I swear I'll help you to your own bed." Devin said with an air of determination.

So Devin helped Lu move from the Barn she had been in back to the house where, thank fully, she had a first floor bedroom. She had to stop and rest frequently, but Devin soon had her inside and in her own bed. For the next couple of weeks Devin did not leave Lu's side. The night that Lu finally passed her egg was one Devin would never forget. She cursed him for her pain just as much as she cursed the Blaziken. He had never seen a Pokémon pass an egg before, it was a very disturbing sight for his young eyes.

It took her about an hour to pass the egg, and in the process she had screamed her self horse as well as gave her self an Aura sphere assisted sky light. She was so exhausted when it was over, but she looked so content as well. She also apologized profusely for the things she had called him. Devin told her to think nothing of it, as he offered her, her favorite chocolate bar.

The next two months flew by as Devin helped Lu get back on her feet and back in to shape from being bed ridden for so long. He also helped her take care of her egg. The thing was never left alone; between the three of them it was always being held and cared for.

Eventually the day came that the egg started to move. Out of contractual obligation Aunt Rose called the man to tell him about the egg imminent hatching. The man arrived with in the hour, glaring daggers at Devin. Devin glared right back. They were moment's way from getting into a fight when the egg gave a final lurch and started to hatch. Every one watched as the top third of the egg flew off revealing two little blue ears, two little black dreadlocks, and a black bandit's mask. Slowly the little Riolu wiggled its head free and propped it little three fingered paws on the lip of its egg shell. The little Riolu opened its red eyes and just looked at every one. Finally it smiled from ear to ear and waved its little arms in the air.


In its excitement it tipped its own egg over, causing it to fall apart the rest of the way. The little Riolu was deposited onto the table where it finished it roll at in the dead center. It was at this point that every one could plainly see that it was a little girl. The man was pissed.

"What's this, a little girl? I have no use for female Pokémon."

At this every one else got mad, except the little Riolu who was more than content to take her feet into her hands and roll about on the table.

"What are you going on about?" Aunt Rose asked angrily.

"You got just what you wanted and paid for. You wanted your Blaziken to mate with my Lucario. This did happen against my better judgment. So as to produce a Riolu, that is rolling about right in front of you I might add, that knows blaze kick. Now granted we won't know if she knows Blaze kick for a few months yet till she starts showing her combat capabilities, but other than that you got just what you asked for." Aunt Rose proclaimed.

"But it is a little girl. Female Pokémon are weaker than male Pokémon. They lack the guts to finish a fight. Not to mention all the hastel of when they go into heat." The man said loudly and quite proudly.

"You're as big of a pig as your Blaziken." Aunt Rose said in disgust.

"I want a refund, for this failed Riolu and my damaged prize Blaziken." The man said in a huff.

"There are no refunds when it comes to breeding and you damn well know that. As for you Blaziken, what damage did it receive?"

"When your punk ass nephew kicked him in the balls, the damage was so great that I had no choice but to have them removed. His fighting hasn't been the same since."

Aunt Rose suppressed the bitter laugh that was on her lips. "Tell you what, Mister; I'll give you back a third of your money for the damaged bird. But the Riolu stays here, and you never step foot on this ranch again. Not even a phone call or a thinking of you card. You go and never come back."

The man thought about the proposal for a few minutes.

"You drive a hard bargain, Rose Kuroaki, but I accept. Keep the little runt. I can always get another."

"Yeah, good luck with that." Lu said.

Devin laughed, but the man thought he was laughing at the little Riolu that was still discovering her own feet, on the table.

"Give that brat of yours the worthless Riolu." The man said giving a tip of hat and leaving the house.

"Yeah, we'll see you in the winners circle someday, won't we girl."


Rose made her way over to where Lu had been sitting through out the whole ordeal, apparently meditating. With a slight nudge she beckoned Lu to follow her in to the next room.

"You knew this was going to happen didn't you, Lu."


"Than why agree to mate with the buzzard, if you knew that he was just going to reject your offspring?"

"Because I love Devin like he was my own pup. And some day he is going to leave here to conquer the world, I wanted him to have the best partner possible. Besides, can't a mother want the best for her young?"

They both looked out into the kitchen as Devin was helping the little Riolu to take her first steps.

"Come on! You can do it!" Devine said excitedly from where he was squatting on the floor.

"Rii, Rii" The little Riolu responded taking her first few shaky steps.

Rose and Lu smiled from there spot in the other room.

"They are going to be something special, aren't they?"

"Yes they will be. I am so proud of them all ready."

With that they went back into the kitchen to watch the two continue to play. The little Riolu instantly recognized her mother and went to her. Lu bent over and picked up her daughter, who hungrily latched on to one of her milk engorged breast, and started feeding noisily. Devin blushed a little at the sight.

"It is alright right Devin; there is nothing to be ashamed of." Aunt Rose said getting dinner ready herself.

"She is just hungry, dear, that's all." Lu explained as her little one continued to suckle.

Devin felt like a pervert sitting there watching, so he decided to help his Aunt Get dinner ready. While he was setting the table Aunt Rose spoke up.

"Better get used to that Devin if you want to be a breeder some day. She is going to do that for about three months, and than she can move on to solids. At that point it will become your responsibility to make sure she eats right too." Aunt Rose explained in that tone of voice she used when she was trying to teach him something important.

"Why will it become my responsibility?" Devin asked.

"Because as of this moment she is your Pokémon, you're very first." Aunt Rose said barely containing her excitement at the look on Devin's face.

"Really she is mine, I can keep her?" Devin said overjoyed.

"Yes, and I expect you to take as good of care of my daughter as you have taken care of me these last few months."

"Oh I will, I will. With all my being I'll care for her like no other."

Rose and Lu shared a privet smile.

"So Devin, what are you going to call her?" Aunt Rose asked setting dinner on the table.

Devin looked at the now sleeping Riolu in Lu's arms and thought for a minute.

"I'll call her, Rio."