Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

I do hope you enjoy! Please R&R, because it's weird when you just read it but don't review! Thanks everyone!

The backyard of the Burrow looked so much different, so beautiful. It was just like Bill and Fleur's wedding, which, Hermione thought, did not even take place too long ago.

She was wearing a floaty, white dress for the occasion, and it was only the crack of dawn. She could barely see the sun rising over the horizon, the sky already a bright orange.

She walked over to the end of the marquee and looked down at Fred's peaceful face, which George had done the honors and rearranged, so that his eyes were closed, and his mouth into a little smile. Hermione closed her eyes and gripped the end of the coffin tightly, trying not to break down. He was just so young, and if she could bring back one person from the dead, it would be him, Fred Weasley.

Hermione felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around quickly, drawing out her wand from the inside of her dress.

It was Ron.

She tucked her wand away and threw her arms slowly around his neck, burying her face in his soft, red hair.

"What are you doing up so early, 'Mione?" Ron asked, rubbing his face against hers and wrapping his arms around her gently. He was already dressed in brand new dress robes as well, which Mrs. Weasley had bought for the occasion, wanting everyone to look spiffy.

"I dunno," Hermione muttered against him. "I just wanted to say... a proper goodbye."

And without giving warning, she let out a sob against Ron's shoulders. Ron patted her on the back in a comforting way, his expression proud. He was the only one who could comfort her like this. He loved being the one to comfort her. Not even Harry can succeed at this kind of job.

"It's going to be okay, 'Mione," Ron murmured, now stroking the back of her hair. "I promise."

Hermione let go of him and Ron couldn't help but admire just how beautiful she looked with tears streaming down her beautiful face. He took her hand and smiled slightly at her. "Just stay close to me," she whispered. "at the funeral."

"O' course," Ron said, nodding and leading her away from the coffin. "c'mon. We needa eat something first. The funeral's at... eleven."

Hermione closed her eyes and followed him, walking differently due to her heels pounding the dirt.

"Of course, you took it the hardest, didn't you?" she said, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand.

"Well, second hardest, behind Fred," Ron said. "or third... behind my mum."

Ron let go of her hand and put his arm around her shoulders as they walked towards the house. "Everything'll be alright, 'Mione. Trust me."

Hermione blinked back tears as she looked up at the face she had always loved, no matter how many times she glared at it, or wanted to slap. She knew he would always be here -- he always has been. More times than she could count -- and more times than Harry.

"I'm sorry," she said, in a voice that made her sound like she had a headache.

"For what?" Ron asked, now opening the door of the kitchen.

"For your loss."

Ron kept quiet and walked over to the sink, which was filled with pots and pans from last night's dinner. Hermione stood rooted to the spot, still wiping her eyes.

"Orchideous," Ron said, drawing out his wand. A bunch of flowers burst from the tip and he walked over to her.

He handed her the bouquet, leaving her flustered.

"Ron, I love them," she said. "and you."

Ron grinned. "Sit by me today."

Hermione nodded and fought a temptation to flung herself into his arms and kiss him full on the mouth again, just like they had done a few weeks earlier. "I promise."

Ron grinned at her and pulled her by the hand upstairs, where they would be talking in his bedroom, probably passing by time until the funeral.

Reviews? I hope it's good, and the funeral will be in the next chapter. I felt really sad while writing this... oh Fred. Honestly.