Hey everyone sorry I havent been on much or updateing. My computer crashed and I didnt have a back up for any of the chapters so I have to rewrite everything so yea Hope you guys will still read this storie and my other one too

Anywho I do not own Naruto and if I did Naruto and Hinata would be togeather and Shikamaru and Ino or Shikamaru and Temari would be togeather ^_^

Ino looked over at Sakura and rolled her eyes as she walked over to one of the chairs in the kitchen. She sat down and let out a long sigh

"I can't believe I just did that…." She said to herself as she put her right hand to her forehead as she leaned her right elbow on the table.

Sakura walked over to her and smiled a little as she sat down next to her friend. She still couldn't believe that Ino told her father. It wasn't like Ino to tell her father things like this she usually went to her mother for stuff like this. Sakura then blinked when she heard the door bell ring yet again. She looked at Ino to see she didn't even move, so Sakura got up from where she was sitting and went for the door.

Ino blinked when she saw Sakura get up. When she heard some talking in the other room she knew that the door bell must have rung without her knowing it. She had too many things in her head right now to even think about anything but what was going to happen to her. She didn't even know if she should tell Shikamaru or just let him find out for himself but knowing Shikamaru he would find out by himself since he was so smart for their age. It didn't make any since to her as she kept hearing voices in the other room, but once she heard Sakura yell about something she knew something was up.

Ino sighed as she stood up from the chair and put her hands down at her side as she walked into the living room. She crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned on the door frame of the living room as she saw a boy with slick black hair wearing all black with a smile on his face. Ino rolled her eyes she wasn't up to having this guy around right now, all she wanted to do was run up to her room and cry herself to sleep.

"Sai, I told you Ino doesn't want too….." But Sakura stopped herself from talking when she saw Ino just standing there looking at the two of them.

"Ino, I can tell something is up just by how you are acting right now" Sai said with his ever so smiling face like he always did.

Oh how Ino wanted to slap that stupid smile off his face. Wow mood swings much, She didn't even know why she was acting like this she was usually the one who was always all over Sai in a matter of minutes but lately she didn't want to be by anyone other than Sakura and the other girls. It must have been because she was pregnant or something. She just looked at him with a glare on her face meaning for him to shut the hell up or she would hurt him. Right when Sai got the look he knew something was up and he had to go ask someone.

"I think I will be going" Sai paused as he walked over to Ino "I know something's up Ino, I will find out" he said with a smirk on his face before he showed himself out of her house.

Ino waited for the door to close before she let out a angry scream. She couldn't take it anymore everything in her life was going down a hole and she couldn't do anything about it. She then looked over at Sakura who was just looking at her like she just saw something scary.

"What!!!" Ino half yelled at the pink head girl as she stomped out of the room and up the stairs.

When Ino got to her room she walked over to her bed and sat down on it. She looked out the window that was right by her bed and looked out it while thinking to herself. She had to try and put on an act when she went out but since she was in her house she felt like she didn't need to put up an act. As she was looking out the window she saw Sakura walking down the street.

'She must have gotten tired of me….' Ino thought to herself as she let out a sigh before her eyes widened when she saw her mother and father walking down the street with Shikamaru's parents.

Ino stood up from her bed and ran out of her room and down the stairs and out the door. She forgot she didn't have any shoes on but right now she didn't care that much since she saw her mother looking right at her. Ino put her fake smile on as she looked at her and Shikamaru's parents.

"Ino, let's go inside please" She heard her mother say to her before she was pushed back inside her house from her mother's hands.

A couple minutes later- -

"INO YAMANAKA!!!" Her mother scream "I Can't believe my one and only daughter has done such a thing, Why is it that I'm the one that has to know last hmmmm" She paused "Why can't I be the first to know hmmmmm" she paused again "I just can't believe this!!!" she yelled as she looked at her daughter just sitting there on the sofa in the living room.

Ino held her hands up to her ears trying to block out her mother's yelling but she couldn't. When she looked at her mother she saw Shikamaru's mother Yoshino trying to calm her mother down. Ino then started to wonder why Shikamaru's mother and father were there but then again her mother and father always went places with them.

"Mom…." Ino paused as she stood up "I'm sorry ok, I got drunk ok," she paused again as she saw her father looking at her "And I'm not telling who the father is ok I will not since I know you will go off to find him" Ino said as she glared at her father knowing he would.

Her father looked at her as Shikamaru's father Shikaku just sat down on the floor and rolled his eyes as he said the all too famous words from Shikamaru. Ino was about to scream yet again but her door bell rung yet again. Ino was about to get the door when her father went to open it. She just let out a sigh as she walked into her kitchen knowing that they would be staying for dinner. She started to look around for something to cook for them all.

"Ino…someone's here to see you" She heard her father's voice call out from the living room.

Ino really didn't care at the moment as she kept up the cooking. She then heard some movement coming from the other side of the kitchen but she didn't pay that much attention to it see as if someone was there to see her, her mother most likely told the person where she was. As she was cooking she started to hum to herself, but she stopped humming when she started to think about whom was there not talking to her at all even though they were there to see her?????