He's a rock star
Chapter 4
Disclaimer: Don't own it
Casey POV:

"You really think he's being faithful, beautiful?" Jerry asked taking a seat next to Casey in the library. He'd been trying to get her to go out with him all summer, and with Derek now gone he knew this was his only chance. He was trying to make Casey think that Derek was cheating on her with groupies.

She rolled her eyes and responded. "Jer, what do you think about that cute blonde out over there?" she said with a smile looking passed Jerry. He instantly smirked turning to look at the cute blonde as well. When he realized that cute blonde was actually a guy his smirk dropped. He turned back around to Casey who was already halfway gone. He sighed. He knew it was pointless but he still wasted his time.

Casey squeezed her eyes tight. No, he would never. She told herself. He loves me. She thought reassuring herself. She shook her head of all the negative thoughts. A few minutes later her phone vibrated in her hand.
Taco Tuesday!

Was all it said with an attachment of Derek's pile of tacos.

She smirked and all her doubt went away.

Derek POV:
A few weeks later…

The tour was almost over just one more venue. Of course they had to do it big! Derek was so excited.

The guys fooled around the entire concert! Equip with silly string and customs. Derek was dressed in his old hockey uniform with the padding and all.

"Did you guys know I use to play hockey?" he asked the crowed. They cheered and yelled: Yes! They seemed to know everything about him. He laughed turning around so they could see his named stitched on the back of his jersey.

Ralph was dressed as a cowboy and Sam as a ninja turtle. The crowed loved them!

"Ok guys this is a little slower. We actually just wrote this song so it's a little rusty. It was one of those nights where I missed home. My little sister called me telling me to come home and my girl and well… This is the closest thing I've ever written to a love song since I don't do emotions. But this song's for her, and the rest of my family who I'm coming home to tonight."

Sam took over. " We love you guys and touring but sometimes the tour bus and hotel rooms get a little…well not so much so fun. You guys get it thought right?" he asked and they all cheered him on. They knew they had the best fans ever.

Derek took a deep breath and looked up at the stars. I'll be home soon, Case he thought to himself.

Gone away far from home, the weekend's over
Let's pack up and start again
Twenty days on the road, just left Port Dover
With sixteen days to go

just called my mom to tell her that I miss her
I just wrote my girl
Man I can't remember the last time I kissed her
Soon I'll be at home with all my friends
After thirty-six days on the road

Lights go down the noise has faded
We'll leave this town anticipated
Soon we'll be back on the road again
All is lost, but not forgotten
One by one the fights we've fought
And soon we'll be back on the road again
For thirty-six days

We turn around, face the crowd
We're starting over
This time north of L.A.
Once again here we are
It's a new beginning
I'd leave this life any day

He finally looked up at the crowed they had their cell phones and lighters waving them in the almost started laughing. His fans were jokesters like him, he loved every minute of it.

I feel so alive, though part of me is gone
And this life I lead, is the life that I've dreamed of
Since I was the age of twelve
Now I'll sing with all this is within me
After thirty-six days on the road

He finished the last cord. The crowed was silent. And the worried him. They were never quiet. It took a few seconds and then they clapped. Not the usual yelling "I LOVE YOU!" but more of a softer kind. He smiled, they liked it. "Well guys I guess that's it. See you next tour?" He asked as they all yelled the screamed the way they usually do.

Lights go down the noise has faded
We leave this town anticipated
Soon we'll be back on the road again
All is lost, but not forgotten
One by one the fights we've fought
And soon we'll be back on the road again
And soon we'll be back on the road again
Soon we'll be back on the road again
For thirty-six days

After a few minute they finally walked off stage. Already with his phone in his hand ready to text Casey he noticed a cute brunette leaning against the wall backstage. He walked over to her confused to who she was. ( A crazed fan maybe?) He finally was close enough to see that the cute girl was none other than his girl.

She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and a lazy smirk across her face.

"Im restraining form jumping on you," she said as calmly as she could. He almost dropped the guitar. She was there. Right in front of him. He didn't need to text her. She wasn't in class. No. She was there in front of him.

He shook his head of his thoughts. He wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up. (Not one of those fairly tale, spin her around kinds of things though!) She tried her best to hide her squeal when he did this and just held onto his neck.

She didn't have enough time to processes a thought because his lips where on hers for the first in what seemed like forever and that is all she cared about. Her fingers got lost in his hair as she pulled him even closer to her. She didn't want him to pull back. She wasn't ready for that yet. But he had to they were really out of breath.

"Welcome home?" he breathed against her neck which he was currently assaulting.

"You haven't even gotten on the bus yet, you're not home Der" she giggled tugging on his brown locks.

His eyes darkened."This," he said slamming her back into the wall and letting her feel every last bit of him. She leaned her lead back and arched her back. No he couldnt do this. Not here, not now. Home. Home he could. But not here.

"Der," she tried not to moan.

"This." he repeated with an evil smirk. "Is home."

"Well then…Welcome Home Rock Star." She whispered into his ear seductively.

"I swear once we get home you're not going anywhere." He whispered huskily.

"Miss me?" she asked. Her tone identical to his.

"You have no idea." He finished."You see all those girls out there?"

She nodded nervously. "They throw their bras onstage. They run onstage so kiss us. They want me to take them to prom to marry them." he said looking into her eyes. The lust had subsided, they had soften a bit. "It's fun while I'm on stage. I love what I do. But at the end of the day, the only girl I want to throw her bra at me is you." He finished with a sheepish smile.

"Der-ek!" she yelled unwinding her legs from his waist and walking away from him.

Sam smiled shaking his head. "Not even 5 minutes and you already piss her off D?"

"Its what I live for" He simply said smiling as he followed after her. Suddenly she stop turned around and stalked up to him hitting his chest.

"What was that for?" he whined rubbing his wound.

" 'I just wrote my girl. man I cant remember the last time I kissed her' DO you really not remembere?" she yelled hitting him once more.
He laughed throwing her over his shoulder dragging her towards the tour bus.

"You don't remember!" she yelled, her fists pounding his back and her legs kicking while he maneuvered his way out of the venue. Eventually she gave up.

"June 2nd ," he replied softly before placing her down inside his bunk, leaning over her tiny frame.

"You remembered" she whispered looking up at him.

He smiled. "I can't wait to get home." He said laying down next to her.

AN: I was hoping for 5 reviews on the last chapter and only got 3 which made me a bit sad. But I needed to post up the last chapter, because I need to finish all my incomplete stories! So I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. The song used was 36 days by Hawk Nelson (Go listen to it! His voice is so sexy!) I know I could of chosen a much mushier song for Derek to sing but I really like that song and I think that Derek would feel that way on tour. And we all know he's not much of a feelings type of guy. Anyway Reivew?