A Gundam 00 and Transformers Crossover

"Let the universes quake in awe…"




Author's note: Hello! It's Buddhacide here with a new piece of writing for my enjoyment, and if I'm lucky, your enjoyment too. This story is the sequel to Transformers 00 and differs from its forerunner in several ways. Firstly, there is the abundance of original characters and the diverse perspectives from new protagonists as well as returning ones. Because of this, the story's science fiction-cum-mystical mythos has grown much vaster and grander. Basically, in order to write a fanfiction that corresponds with what I hope to share, I've constructed a general, overarching storyline that can encompass smaller but distinct themes. So without further ado, here are the main ideas that diverge from my last story, TF 00.

Futurescapes was inspired by the Japanese story "From Here to Alternity," which is the backstory for the Alternity series of Binaltech figures. Whilst TF 00 features a universe in line with the Gundam 00 and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen worlds, I've taken great liberties with this follow-up and the expansion of its cosmology and cast. It also incorporates my favourite literature apart from Buddhist scriptures: Egyptian narratives and myths. Also, due to the amazing power levels of the Transformers in "From Here to Alternity," the strengths and capabilities of the characters in this story will also be of a very high calibre, whilst others have cosmic or abstract natures to begin with. Any dark fantasy elements here are drawn from horror themes evocative of, but not exclusive to, Lovecraftian lore (despite his racism, which I loathe).

As I mentioned (warned?), this new work involves many more original characters, some of who will form the cast of the protagonists. But I haven't forgotten what makes fanfiction interesting: new perspectives on the franchised characters we know and love. So old favourites are most certainly going to make their mark here.

The sequel to a fanfiction will always involve more of the author's personal imagination. Futurescapes will not follow the conventional composition of the Gundam 00 storytelling format. Chapter entries will not be as frequent. This project can technically go on for years in the sense that unlike TF 00, which is a linear narrative with a definite end, I'm free to take my time in exploring this crossover world. I don't mind how long this story stays incomplete, as long as every chapter strikes you as entertaining and worthwhile. This will be a project that we can return to over and over again, not because it's incomplete, but because it has already been "completed" by its predecessor, TF 00.

To date, this is my most ambitious story. I hope you'll enjoy this new Gundam 00 and Transformers crossover as much as I've enjoyed planning and writing it.






Chapter 1: Reminiscent Radiance

Tokyo. 2335 Anno Domini

A cup of hot mocha always brought contentment to the lover of winter.

The automatic doors to the hotel restaurant slid open, and a youthful man – one whose departure from adolescence was still fresh – strode in, his dark brown eyes identifying a much older acquaintance seated across a table by the large window, which overlooked the bustling night metropolis. The snow falling beyond the Ritz Carlton skyscraper juxtaposed with the warmth of the glass buffet counters. A grand piano could be heard playing an elegant but intense melody throughout the room, which smelt of luxury seafood and gourmet meats and spices.

Frédéric Chopin. Opus ten, number twelve in C minor, nicknamed the Revolutionary Étude. How fitting, thought the handsome gentleman to himself.

Garbed in an immaculate black business suit and pointed leather shoes, he walked across the carpeted floor of the restaurant and sat opposite from his senior. As the latter broke out of his reverie, his slightly wrinkled face broke into a relieved smile. He opened his mouth to speak, revealing a lifetime of coffee, late nights, and infrequent dental appointments.

"Good evening, President Crossroad. It seems that the highways were being uncooperative."

"My apologies for the delay, Grand Admiral Theophilus," offered the raven-haired newcomer, as a passing waitress poured him a glass of water. He gestured for the admiring woman to retrieve him a menu. "It's not often that I give you an opportunity to return to Earth. Use it wisely."

The grey-haired, middle-aged man nodded as he stirred his white mug of cappuccino. "But of course, Takeshi. I don't look it, but I'm ecstatic to be back on my home planet, even if only for a day and night."

A much sterner counterpart to his father, Takeshi Crossroad possessed the imperious aura of his mother, Louise Halevy. Despite his pursed lips, his fair, clean-shaven face looked arrogantly boyish, and no one would have assumed that the older man sitting across from him was in fact his subordinate. His hands clasped loosely as his waitress carefully slipped a laminated menu beside his sterling fork. He nodded dismissively, and she edged away, disappointed that he didn't even acknowledge her presence. He had more important affairs to worry about, after all. "I trust that the administration of Jupiter Colony's military is going smoothly. I've delegated the defence of the solar system to you, alongside your Earthen counterparts."

"Of course. My superior, Imperator Valens, has been extremely generous in providing the funds for a new class of warships enhanced with Cybertronian armaments. Autobot engineers Signal Flare and Strongarm provided the blueprints. As you will find, they have been most generous in their assistance. Since Imperator Valens and I both answer to your authority, Mr. President, I hope very much that you'll be pleased by the performance of these hybrid star cruisers. They are breathtaking."

Theophilus smiled. "Still… I feel even more awestruck every time I meet with you, Mr. President. At the tender age of twenty-two, you are the most powerful man in the galaxy. You are the youngest political figure in the world's history to attain a double capacity in office, serving as the Earth-Sphere Federation's leader and as the supreme commander of New Celestial Being. I really don't think you realize just how monumental your achievements are – perhaps it's the inexperience and naïveté of youth."

"New Celestial Being is a bit of a mouthful. NCB will do." The prodigy closed his eyes, although it wasn't in modesty. He was quite aware of how far he had come. As early as the age of six, he had displayed a keen interest in law, scientific advancement and Gundams. He had drawn his inspiration from his parents, rising to become the current president of the Federation through his own genius and his mother's vast financial resources. His childhood and high school years had been irrelevant to him. All that mattered were his connections and his working life after his early graduation from the University of the United Nations. His policies and campaigns promised galactic colonization and government-sponsored travel for immigrants seeking to live in other dimensions and timelines. His charisma, along with his successful establishment of the Jupiter and Andromeda Colonies, rallied billions to his vision.

In other words, he was a man of his word.

"Since the Earthen-Cybertronian War, the Federation has expanded beyond its planetary borders, engaging in a lucrative and productive colonization process that has not abated. When I took power, I felt that my family… no, the people of the world… owed Celestial Being in one way or another. I decided to reform it and raise it to a level that could keep up with the growing Federation. It is no longer a hated organization. Now, with its Gundam Meisters and Roamers, it works to help me realize the futurescapes."

Takeshi's chestnut eyes flashed. "Futurescapes… That one word has come to denote the ultimate objective of humanity: to establish secure homes for current and future generations across all galaxies, timelines, and realities. The dialogues with alien life, which were the ultimate objective of Aeolia Schenberg, have been subsumed under the futurescapes, which are even more ambitious in their aim to colonize different dimensions. Futurescapes encompass all endeavours within NCB: building Gundams, equipping Gundams, quantum research, manipulation of time and space, Innovator growth, pharmaceutical and drug enhancements, opening and controlling space bridges, and more. To realize the futurescapes means nothing less than to establish and maintain a galactic, multidimensional empire."

"But NCB has attained so much… power and standing in the span of less than a generation, and all because of your benevolence," cautioned Theophilus. "Valens expressed this concern to me several weeks ago. NCB is the most lavishly funded military in the history of the world. If this independent organization enjoys any more privileges than it already does – "

Takeshi folded his arms. "I will remind you again, Theophilus. In the span of less than a generation, we've already managed to establish colonies near Jupiter and in Andromeda. There are probably more than one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. My vision of the futurescapes has united the entire world to pursue the establishment of human settlements in these galaxies. Thanks to Veda's commission of the Gundam Roamers, NCB has become the means by which we'll achieve colonization in space and in other dimensions."

"Gundam… Roamers," whispered Theophilus. The very name sounded daunting.

"They are pilots of Mobile Suits that can travel through the timestreams and hop between universes. Built within those unique Gundams are the technologies necessary for the creation of spacebridges and wormholes through GN Particles. It requires young men and women capable of quantization to operate such Gundams. They are true travellers of time and space; hence Veda has named them Roamers. They are invaluable to my ambition. Things have changed since my father piloted 0 Raiser, and the dialogues have moved on since the Earthen-Cybertronian War. For its own sake, fragile humanity cannot be contained in one world. Gundam Roamers are the key to realizing the futurescapes we all seek. Until then, I'll be the one to decide whether or not NCB is useful to the Federation, Grand Admiral."

Theophilus nodded, faltering at his supreme commander's unassailable authority. "Of… of course, Mr. President."

Satisfied, the young man resumed a less confrontational position and tapped his finger on the table's white cloth. "Even with the cooperation between Earth and Jupiter, alarming portents of possible hostilities have been discovered on the solar system's outer planets." He leaned in closer, crossing his legs. "I'm talking about those giant claw marks visible on Uranus and Neptune. You don't even need a telescope to see those – that's how colossal they are. I've already spent millions of my taxpayers' money to keep the scars on Jupiter and Saturn under wraps. If any citizen managed to discover the dimensional proximity of that monstrosity…"

Theophilus's frail eyes narrowed, and his voice dropped to a barely audible whisper. "With all due respect, Mr. President, this information really cannot be divulged in such casual circumstances. You yourself classified anything pertaining to… Hytherion… as above top secret."

Takeshi grimaced. "You're right. The threat of Hytherion is so great that I have churned it about in my mind for weeks. In this case, I will contact Optimus Prime and ask him if he is willing to train the fresh NCB team I'm forming."

"Ah, yes. You've named this strike force 'Zohar,' if I remember correctly. You have aptly chosen the Hebrew expression for 'radiance' and 'splendour' for your elite pilots. They will deal with the Beast of Time and any other monstrosities that threaten the futurescapes. Not only that, they will also explore new galaxies and worlds of time for us, opening up exciting possibilities for new homes in the multiverse. But I must ask: what will you do if Prime refuses to be their mentor?" asked Theophilus, catching himself amidst his enthusiasm.

"I will express my regret, wish him a good day, and end the transmission," replied Takeshi dryly. "I'm the President of the Earth-Sphere Federation and the leader of NCB, but Optimus is the Prime. He is the Best of the First, a sombre, quiet force of Cybertronian majesty. The Federation strives to share a transparent, friendly and productive relationship with his people. If he doesn't want to take the four Gundam pilots I have chosen, I won't begrudge him." He let out a quiet sigh as he looked to his left, down towards the glimmering spires of Tokyo. Theophilus also fell silent, observing the President as the younger man smirked cynically. "Still, I doubt the Autobot leader will be able to resist the trusting eyes of young humans. Prime will accept my offer… regardless of how he feels."

Theophilus smiled. "Once again, I mean no disrespect, Mr. President. But you are also one of those young humans, even if your eyes shine with something crueller than mere trust."

Ignoring his subordinate's subtle rebuke, Takeshi took a sip of water, his stomach rumbling slightly. "Now that we understand each other clearly, let us leave aside matters of galactic import. I'm in the mood for grilled steak tonight, Grand Admiral. What about you?"


NCB Academy. Moon Terminal

Craters and space debris provided much of the camouflage for the hidden headquarters of NCB. Indiscernible to surface scanners, it was built deep within the moon, the origin of Earth's first transhumans: the Innovators. The brainchild of Aeolia Schenberg, the extraordinary man who initiated world unification and the dialogues with Cybertron, Celestial Being now boasted the world government's full cooperation with its activities in space. Having redeemed itself in the eyes of the Federation, it now recruited, trained and dispatched Gundam Meisters and Roamers to fulfil the futurescapes all across the galaxy. Since the defeat of Ribbons Almark and Megatron, NCB had widened its military scope and reach by training Innovators and super soldiers with unique powers to fight alongside its Gundams. In a little more than two decades, Celestial Being had become the leading guardian of Earth's inter-dimensional interests.

The training halls inside Moon Terminal were enormous, and their rear walls were high and wide enough to be fitted with an immense, cinematic display, intended to relay visual transmissions from the higher chain of command. The auditoriums' primary purpose was actually to house generic-looking Mobile Suits that were designed not for combat, but merely its simulation. Modelled after the legendary 0 Gundam, they stood in a row that stretched adjacent to the extended pedestrian's hallway that led to the inner tactical chambers. Behind the silent widescreen and within one of these mock-Suits sat a young woman in a black and silver outfit. Behind the screen of her helmet were troubled, silver eyes. Her complexion was pale, and the draping, curled tresses of her ebony hair were visible despite the orange shade of her helm's tektite. "Cassandra Valentine, battle simulation complete. Hit rate: eighty-four percent." She lowered her face as she shut down the operating system on her interface. "Fail rate… sixteen percent."

The elevator that would eventually stop at the chambers' ground level hissed open. A crimson-eyed man stepped past its platinum doors to walk out onto the concourse overlooking Cassandra Valentine's training Suit. His smile was sarcastic but genuine, and his tall frame cast a gentle shadow over the tiled floor of the headquarter corridors. His chestnut hair was also noticeably shorter than Lyle's. Uncombed but not scruffy, it scratched just past his neck, while Lyle still possessed a veritable mane of virile locks. The uniforms of NCB differed little from the previous generation's, and in Ammiel Dylandy's case, his uniform mirrored his father's closely. He glanced at the Mobile Suit before him, separated by a thick pane of glass that met the length of the crisp, pressurized corridor. "So I guess this is where I'm meeting the others," he quipped to himself. His voice was deep, relaxed, and smooth, and it was met by an equally serene, feminine melody.

He glanced to his right as a shorter, slender woman sidled up to him. She had come from the opposite side of the corridor, arriving to watch Cassandra's progress. "Good to see you here, Wendy," said the half-Innovator cheerfully. "It's nice to breathe in the compressed air conditioning from these hallways again. I assume this – " he cocked his head at the training hall window, " – is Zohar's new member?"

"You're right. Welcome back to NCB, by the way," said Wendy teasingly. "At twenty-five years, she's actually the most senior of us all, three years in advance of you and I. But she is new, and I've had to show her around the complex a couple of times." The daughter of Anew Returner, Wendy was a beauty of exquisite loveliness and shapely curves. Dressed in practical attire that nevertheless hugged her body immodestly, she wore a short red coat with an upturned collar, which covered a white, long-sleeved shirt and tight trousers. Her streamlined sable boots ended in slightly raised heels. Her facial features were all the more striking for the reason that her eyes and hairstyle resembled those of her mother almost identically. She gave her brother a joking salute, and he reciprocated. "How was Earth? You returned to Dublin, didn't you?"

"It wasn't too bad. Atrocious people, though. Can't get used to them after finishing my studies in the academy," admitted Ammiel, sighing. "I love staying in the present moment and all that, but I can't help thinking: another three damned weeks before I can see anyone beyond these premises again. Three weeks!"

"Well, my boyfriend Eloah took all the effort and money to visit me up here on Moon Terminal. With a little help from my clearance card, of course," boasted Wendy.

"Eloah Haptism?" whistled a grinning Ammiel. "He should be hard at work with his super soldier division on Earth. It's been pretty busy down there ever since Takeshi re-established the institutes under NCB's umbrella. But I guess… Eloah's been even busier with you."

"I needed my other half, Ammiel. A real man like Eloah is someone who can make a girl feel like a woman, a woman feel like a whore, and a whore feel like a woman," laughed Wendy. She put a hand to her mouth to stop herself from being carried away. "In other words, he has to be able to help her feel unique. Wanted. Treasured beyond mere words and actions."

To Ammiel's surprise, his sister's usual playfulness and tendency to small talk evaporated quickly. Her thoughtful irises had turned to the battle room instead. She gazed at the silent prototype Gundam in which Cassandra sat, slumped and discouraged. "What were we talking about again? Oh, yes. This is a really special day, brother. Zohar now has two new members, and this lady is one of them. I forgot to tell you her name, didn't I? It's Cassandra Valentine, and her parents were casualties of the Earthen-Cybertronian War in 2312. She arrived here while you were away – she's very kind and gentle, although I've always been the one to initiate our conversations so far."

"What's her size?"

"You're the worst." Wendy looked back at Ammiel. "Takeshi contacted me some time ago. I'm glad our president and commander-in-chief relates to us so casually. It makes things a whole lot easier. He told me that Zohar's final member should be arriving today. With the allotted four members, our team is complete. This is the real thing, Ammiel. No more lectures, seminars, or exams. No more pracs or field training. Once we get our first assignment, we're going to be protecting the Federation's interests – and NCB's reputation – for real. Very soon, we're going to be true participants in the futurescapes."

The half-Innovators' eyes widened slightly as the colossal monitor in front of the prototype Mobile Suits flashed to life. The visual frequencies crackled and morphed into a coherent picture. Wendy gasped in pleasure and Ammiel whistled as the multi-hued crown of a Prime came into focus. The screen's remaining blackness dispersed shortly afterwards, revealing the crested head of a stately, Cybertronian Gundam. A pair of shimmering, orange-blue optical sensors blinked and peered directly at the miniscule half-Innovators. A large silver faceplate covered a small, metal nose and thick, robotic lips. The instantly recognizable Autobot's broad shoulders occupied what was left of the screen, and GN Particles from his powerful Twin Drives danced behind him.

The Dylandy siblings found themselves gazing at the digital countenance of Bhagavan Gundam, the compassionate Lord of sentient beings.

His regal appearance had changed little since the Earthen-Cybertronian War twenty-three years ago.

"So you've chosen to supervise us after all, hey Optimus?" Ammiel smiled. "I bet you enjoy the… nostalgia."

"Don't mind my brother," called Wendy, pushing at Ammiel's chest with a bossy finger. "Takeshi is good at seeing through everyone, anyway. But I'm so glad you're here with us, daddy bot. I promise you won't regret this. In time, everyone will learn to appreciate your instruction."

"Daddy bot?" sighed Ammiel, rolling his crimson eyes. "Can't you think of a less sugary nickname for the robot who's nothing less than the Prime?"

"I have always known Wendy as the affectionate type. Let her call me whatever she wishes," said Optimus, before turning his attention elsewhere. "In the heat of the moment, you forgot to deploy your Gundam in square formation," he advised Cassandra softly, as Wendy gave Ammiel a smug look. "That's why your advance felt unwieldy, and that's why you fell behind your comrades in the simulation. You have to focus and master your sense of battle stimuli. The tenacity that's required for Gundam combat is different from the strength you already possess – the power to build and close spacebridges and wormholes."

"I'm not good enough," said Cassandra quietly, staring into her cockpit's main display. She made no effort to take off her helmet. "I'm the oldest amongst this new team, yet I still need to practice in these training suits for combat. How will Sophia Gundam be able to keep up with Ammiel and Wendy's Mobile Suits?"

"You already told her about Arya and Aphrodite?" asked Ammiel in surprise.

"Naturally, since the two of us are Gundam Meisters," replied Wendy. "Since we can't initiate space and time travel, we'll be serving as Zohar's frontline offence. We're a team, so we're going to have to work as one: collaboratively and transparently."

"Think about this, Cassandra," said Prime compassionately. "You are a Gundam Roamer, trained in time travelling and dimension-hopping. The Mobile Suits of Roamers tend to emphasize different capabilities to those of the typical Meister, such as opening wormholes and spacebridges or exploring planets. You can't blame yourself for not being as capable in combat as a Meister," he concluded patiently.

"But don't underestimate yourself. You are a new-generation super soldier, supplemented by the drugs and neurological modifications of NCB." Prime hesitated briefly in his elaboration, but Cassandra nodded, giving her consent. "Unlike the original test subjects many decades ago, your quantum brain waves are no longer a double-edged sword. You might not be a pilot that specializes in Mobile Suit combat, but outside of one, you're a master markswoman, an excellent swordfighter, and highly acrobatic and skilled in disarming explosives. You also graduated with flying colours in the fields of astrophysics and pharmacology at the academy." Prime blinked slowly. "Did I miss out anything?"

"No," said Cassandra quietly in her cockpit. "You got everything right."

He smiled. "Please, Cassandra. Don't be worried. You will have friends here in NCB, here in Zohar. We are…" He paused, suddenly faltering. "We are…"

"Something wrong, Optimus?" asked Ammiel, after several seconds of silence.

"He's just remembering some things," said Wendy hastily. "You don't have to force yourself, daddy bot."

As if reminded of something, Prime suddenly perked up, but only slightly. "Family. Yes. We are family."

He must be lost in his memories… his enduring memories of Ma'am Kujo, thought Wendy to herself sadly. It had been more than two decades since the passing of Sumeragi Lee Noriega, and although Prime never sank into depression, his demeanour had still changed noticeably. His inner solitude and estrangement was palpable in his optics. He was even more solemn than before and carried himself with an air of emotional frailty, even around younger humans. If it was an effort to distance himself from others and to prevent himself from returning the attention they gave him, it was not very successful. Wendy already nurtured a daughterly concern for him, and it was actually strengthened further by his attempted detachment. The fact that he had accepted Takeshi's invitation to occupy a full time position as Zohar's mentor was enough to unmask his true yearnings ever since Sumeragi's death.

He did not want to abandon anyone. For her sake, he refused to leave the children of the past generation behind… the generation of the Earthen-Cybertronian War.

"So… everyone, we have one more member to meet today," resumed Wendy hastily, attempting to soothe Prime's subdued melancholy. She glanced at his countenance on the widescreen hurriedly. "She should be here any moment now – "

The elevator doors suddenly rang again, heralding a new arrival. They clicked and hissed open, revealing a very young woman, a fair girl dressed in a light beige and dark blue NCB uniform. Unlike many of the personnel, however, her outfit did not consist of a shirt, trousers, and a coat, but a blouse that ended just above her lower thighs. On her left bosom was knitted the emblem of NCB – unchanged since its first operations in 2307. The modest dress was not the only thing that lent the teenager a surprisingly adolescent aura. Her austere, military-green shoes enclosed small, dainty feet. Ammiel blinked at the styled pigtails of her deep red hair, and the polite manner in which she carried herself, shuffling slightly and glancing away from any who attempted to meet her gaze. Her grey eyes were large and innocent, and they wavered timidly as she spoke.

"Hello," she offered awkwardly and sheepishly.

"Hello," encouraged Prime, mirroring her with his characteristic empathy. "Who might you be?"

Wendy hurried over fussily, pleased by the demure conduct of their new comrade. "This is our fourth and final teammate. Her name is Natasha Grace Ibrahim, and she is sixteen years old – the youngest in our strike force. She is nothing less than a genius, with intelligence and enthusiasm that matches Takeshi's, if not surpassing his. She jumped four years in her studies, graduated with high distinctions in quantum mechanics, and shows great potential in her chosen profession as a Roamer. Alongside Cassandra, she will be taking us to different timelines and galaxies with her Mobile Suit, Sacrament Gundam. Thanks to her admission, Zohar is ideally balanced in terms of talents and specialization: two Meisters, and two Roamers."

Prime's optics reflected his surprise. "Ibrahim…?"

Inside her cockpit, Cassandra blinked, and her finger instinctively moved to open up her hatch. Grace and Ibrahim? She thought to herself in bafflement. It couldn't be… the coincidence of those two names is… uncanny. But it seems so bizarre. Does she have something to do with Feldt? My adoptive mother?

This girl… what is her connection with the first and most powerful Innovator in history…?

Her teeth unconsciously clenched. What is her connection with the man who returned to Mum after the founding of Andromeda Colony, only to abandon her again?

"Thank you," echoed Natasha's shy but curious voice, interrupting Cassandra's bemused thoughts. "It's my honour to work for NCB and especially for Zohar. I hope my skills will be of good use to you, Wendy. Optimus, thank you so much for taking me in. Please thank President Crossroad for me when you have the chance."

"Don't mention it," said Prime kindly, shrugging off his initial surprise at hearing the surname of a longtime comrade. "I welcome you to Zohar, Natasha. Takeshi and I will be working together to ensure this team's success in the futurescapes. But although the president also happens to be NCB's supreme commander, I am your teacher. Therefore, the four of you will be reporting to me first and foremost, and Wendy will be the leader of the field operations…"

Natasha's finger played unconsciously at her right pigtail. "Why did you choose us, Optimus?" she asked quite suddenly.

"Say what, Nat?" said Ammiel.

"Why did you select the four of us to come together, Optimus Prime?" repeated the younger woman, this time much more quietly.

"Natasha?" said Wendy, growing more uncomfortable. It had been quite unexpected. As Prime blinked slowly, the girl's aura abruptly began to change. It did not morph into something hostile or disrespectful, but it was something different… something unexpectedly powerful. The mood in the concourse and the chamber grew stifling, overwhelming, and ineffable. It was as if she had, without warning, recalled part of her heritage, a hidden, secret portion of her being that avoided the world by burying itself in the desert sands of Kurdistan. Like the dung beetle that heralds the rising of the sun deity, she also seemed to be the harbinger of something greater than herself and the totality of Earth.

The heritage of Innovation.

It was a legacy that she could evidently call upon at will, and she did not hesitate to express it. "You once protected Earth from the evil of Megatron. Your archenemies have been defeated, and the Decepticons have been consigned to history. Yet why… why did you choose to involve yourself with Celestial Being again?" she said. As she fell silent, Ammiel and Wendy stared at her in shock, and Cassandra's hands tightened around her controls. None of them had expected such a direct, invasive question from this most junior of pilots. Her smoky irises also seemed altered. They were still shy, but they shone with what could only be called determination.

But Prime was not taken aback. He had seen that expression before. In fact, it brought back many memories. He turned pensive as he returned Natasha's earnest gaze through the screen.

"I wonder sometimes," he replied, his deep voice a murmur. "Was it on a whim? Was I absorbed in the heat of the moment? Did I want to glimpse the dead through their children?"

He paused, once again mulling over the questions he had failed to answer for many years. "No. It wasn't for any of those deeper reasons. I have simply been influenced by human nature. I yearned for company. In a way, perhaps it was that simple. It is proof… that I have indulged in the unpredictability of loneliness once more."

He smiled as he finished his reflections. "Tell me, dear children – who are you?"

"We are Zohar," declared Ammiel, taking the hint and saluting eagerly. "No fear. No doubt. All in. I'm Ammiel Dylandy, frontline Gundam Meister!"

His sister beamed and followed suit. "Wendy Dylandy, Meister of Aphrodite Gundam! Here's to you, daddy bot."

Cassandra nodded slowly, her thoughts still troubled by the unexpected name of her latest teammate. "I am Cassandra Valentine. NCB Roamer, reporting in to Bhagavan Gundam."

Natasha looked at Prime's digital image shyly and raised her hand to her deep red tresses. "Natasha Grace Ibrahim, at your service. Second Gundam Roamer of Zohar."

The Autobot leader nodded in approval. "And I am Optimus Prime. I am here to guide you through the futurescapes, the ultimate vision for all beings. I am your counsellor to the galaxies you seek to explore!"


Twenty-three years have passed since the Earthen-Cybertonian War. The age of the dialogues has rapidly replaced the era of Orbital Elevators. The reformation of the Earth-Sphere Federation has been accompanied by galactic immigrations to other planets. Two colonies have been thus far established in outer space: one around the planet of Jupiter and one in the nearby Andromeda galaxy. They are called the Jupiter and Andromeda Colonies respectively, and both answer to the unifying authority of the Federation.

It is the era of New Celestial Being, or NCB: an organization of Innovators and genetically enhanced super soldiers that watch over humanity with Mobile Suits called Gundams. With the Meisters serving as the Federation and colonies' guardians, the quantum processor Veda has commissioned the new profession of Gundam Roamers: pilots capable of time travel and reality hopping. Roamers have a twofold task: to scout out new universes for human beings to colonize, and to hunt down the super-dimensional abomination "Hytherion."

Also known as the Beast of Time, Hytherion is an immortal creature of unspeakable power and destruction, capable of travelling freely in the eternal streams of the omniverse. Normally invisible and intangible to lower-dimensional beings, Hytherion's material manifestation has recently appeared in the solar system of the Federation. Its claw marks have been discovered on the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, prompting the formation of an elite NCB squad to deal with this consummate threat.

The name of this team is Zohar.

Zohar is the primary front of NCB and consists of four ace soldiers. Ammiel and Wendy Dylandy are the first two. They are the children of Lockon Stratos and Anew Returner, and they have been accepted as Meisters alongside a Roamer called Cassandra Valentine. She is the daughter of two Federation agents who died fighting the Decepticons in 2312. The team's fourth member is the girl Natasha Grace Ibrahim, and her remarkable name provides a clue to this Roamer's past. The talents of these heroes are diverse, for each is trained and guided by the last surviving Prime – Optimus. Zohar's members share a close bond with him partly because of their parents' connections to the Autobot leader. But their relationship runs deeper. He has taken these children under his wing and mentors them closely as they strike out at a brave new world where anything is possible.

As our story commences, four young wanderers are set adrift in an uncertain universe. Though they may be lost and rootless, the benevolent care of Prime and the bonds of friendship and romance hold them together. Their adventures span entire world-systems and alternate realities. They live in a daunting but exciting epoch, where the futurescapes promise to create a beautiful home for all beings across all realities. To protect these futurescapes, now and forevermore, the creed of Zohar is proclaimed across the cosmos with magnificent courage and joy:

"The children of galaxies look to the stars,

With a blazing wish to traverse space and time.

Take heart in our call as we journey afar,

For we hold tight the hand of Optimus Prime!"