Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its Affiliates.

Warnings: Slight manga spoilers for future guild member. AU

01: Woe of an Ameonna

Lluvia (Jubia) xGray


-Some Stay Dry While Others Feel the Pain-


She was absolutely freezing but the only thought that seemed to register was that she was dry. For once, there wasn't a drop of water on the Woman of the Rain's body.

To Jubia, the feeling was glorious. It even distracted her from the strange rhythm of her heart… From where she lay, she looked up into the sky, seeing the overcast weather opening up, letting a few rays of sun in through the thick clouds. A smile spread across the phantom mage's face as she felt the soft caress of the sunlight against her cheeks. Her gaze slowly unfocused as she concentrated on the warmth, trying to ignore the now bothersome cold emanating from her waist. Couldn't she just enjoy her elusive sun in peace?

Suddenly, someone leaned over her, causing her to shift focus onto the blurry figure. It took a few minutes for the form to straighten out into a familiar sight; her Gray.

She frowned as she lifted her hand gently to trace the lines of worry marring his brow.

"LLuvia…" he breathed in a choked whisper. Jubia noticed his eyes were sparkling with tears. How strange… she thought as she quickly wiped them away. "I…"

"The sun…" she interrupted, although the cold had seemingly fogged up her airways, as it was unnaturally hard for her to form words. "Gray… it's wonderful."

Her words only seemed to upset him further and she slowly lowered her hand back to her side. Angered at his lack of care, Jubia decided that if he wasn't going to appreciate the miracle, she would for the both of them. The closed her eyes and grinned up towards the heavens, letting the heat numb her body. Slowly, the bitter feeling left her.

Someone, she assumed it was Gray, laid their head on her chest. The elemental woman raised her hand again to rest it on the soft strands of hair belonging to the ice mage and slowly ran her fingers through its spikes. She kept up her ministrations, while enjoying the tender amount of sunlight on her face. Time seemed to stand still as she slowed her hand.

Jubia never noticed when she died.




Word count: 396

Author's Note: I have a bit of a back-story in my head of how/why Lluvia died but I may write it out in a future drabble.

This was kind of sad. I started this out with a completely happy, fluffy thought in mind, but you can see how that quickly degraded. I think that Jubia absolutely deserves a little bit more sun and love in her life, although making her kick the bucket wasn't very nice, was it? 

Note: I refer to her as Jubia, since its more universal than Lluvia. I have Gray call her Lluvia as a term of endearment. That may not be the case in Canon (I'm pretty sure they all refer to Lluvia ever since she joined Fairy Tail) but hey, this is AU.

Thanks for reading


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Next time featuring: NatsuxLucy