Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls.

AN: Sorry it has been a while since my last update. Things have been crazy and I also haven't really felt like writing. My updates might come even slower, since I am starting a new job. Don't worry they will come out, it just might take a while.

Chapter 14

Rory was awoken by small butterfly kisses along her jawline the morning of her birthday. She was enjoying the feeling that Logan's kisses gave her and she didn't want to open her eyes, "Happy Birthday, Ace, time to wake up." Logan whispered against her skin.

She smiled just as he captured her lips with his and gave her a slow, tender kiss, "Mmm...I don't want to wake up." Rory moaned out. Her mother had called her at 4:03 in the morning, for their 'normal' birthday tradition. Rory felt as if she had just fell back asleep.

"Come on, Ace. If you get up, you will get the presents that I got you." Logan said as he continued to pepper kisses down her neck.

Just before she could answer they heard a knock on the front door, "Looks like we have to get up now." Rory sighed as she got up from Logan's warm embrace.

Rory opened the front door and was met with a delivery man, "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore?" the delivery man asked. Rory nodded to him, "Sign here, please." He said to her. Rory signed and handed the clipboard back to him. He handed her an envelope and a small box before giving her a nod and walking away.

"Who was at the door?" Logan asked her, when he walked out of her bedroom, just after she closed the door.

"Delivery man," Rory said as she walked over to him, "He delivered this." She said and showed him the envelope and box.

"What is it?" Logan asked her.

"Don't know yet," Rory said as she opened the box and saw a set of keys. She got a confused look on her face, "What are these?" She asked absentmindedly.

Unable to avoid a snarky comment, "Well, I would venture to say that they are keys." Logan said with a smirk.

"I know that, you dork. What I don't know is why someone would send me keys." Rory said after she gave Logan a slap for his comment.

Logan poured her a cup of coffee, that had just signaled that it was ready, "Maybe you should read the note that came with them." He suggested.

"Oh yeah," Rory laughed, mentally smacking herself on the forehead, "I forgot about the note." She said. She pulled the note out and started to read it, just as Logan brought her her coffee mug. Just as she took a sip of coffee she reached the part of the note that shocked the hell out of her and almost caused her to drop her coffee.

Lorelai Leigh,

First things first, Happy Birthday, Darling. Since we are

not coming to the party that your other Grandparents are

throwing you tonight, we thought that we should have

your present delivered.

Now, we know that you are probably a little confused about

the keys. Remember that this birthday marks the transition

of you coming out in society (and the world for that matter)

as they Hayden heiress. This and one other gift, that we

will give you this weekend, is just the start.

The keys go to a brand new 2005 Mercedes SLR Roadster in

Coveline Blue. We know that your other grandparents had

bought you a car and we have already talked to them about

getting you a different one. The reason for getting you a

new car is because of societal standards.

You being the Hayden heiress means that people are going

to expect that you have the best and most expensive things,

so we thought that this car will help that transition you will

be starting.

We all know that you will probably have issues with this

but just relax and enjoy it.

We love you Darling, Happy Birthday.

Grandmother &

Grandfather Hayden

Rory stood stock still, just taking in what her grandparents had just told her. Finally, snapping out of her stupor, she grabbed the keys and her purse and headed out the door. Logan rushed after her, calling her name, not sure what was going on. Logan reached her just as she stopped, "Ace, baby, what's going on?" he asked still confused.

Instead of just answering him, she pointed to the parking lot, there, Logan got his answer to what was in the note. Sitting where her Prius should have been parked was a brand new Mercedes, with a bow attached to the top, "Wow." Logan whispered as his jaw dropped.

"Do you want to go for a spin?" She asked Logan after finding her voice, for the first time in the last few minutes.

"Uh...yeah, let's go for a drive." Logan said, taking her hand and leading her to the car. He took the bow off the car and opened her door. He helped her in and then walked to the passenger side. Once he was in the car, she spoke, "Hey, can I borrow your phone, so I can call Paris and tell her what we are doing? I forgot mine on the night stand." She asked him.

"Yes, of course, Ace." Logan said as he handed her the phone. While he tried to gather his thoughts, he listened to her talk to Paris.

"Paris? Logan and I are going for a drive, we will be back later. I forgot my phone, so if you need me, call Logan's phone." Rory listened to what Paris had to say before hanging up. She handed the phone back to Logan and asked, "So, where would you like to go?"

"Ummm...I am not really sure," Logan said and gave her a smile, "Let's just drive and see where we end up."

"Okay, just remember that we have to be back in time to get ready for the society birthday party tonight." Rory said as she started the car and backed out of the parking spot.

"Well, you are driving, so I guess it's all up to you on when we will return," Logan smirked at her and reached over to grab her hand, "You okay, Ace?"

"Yeah I'm fine. This is all just a little overwhelming. I really didn't think that this was how they were going to start the whole heiress training transition." Rory replied and gave Logan's hand a squeeze.

"I'm here for you, Ace. I know that this all seems excessive, but trust me, I know how it all is. I don't drive a Porsche because I like them. It's the only car my father would allow me to drive." Logan said to her in a slightly bitter tone.

Rory pulled into the parking lot of a small café. When she turned the car off, she turned towards Logan, "I know you hate the Porsche, you don't show it, but I know. I am so happy that you are here with me and will be as things start to get even more out of hand. You know that I love you, no matter what your last name is. I fell in love with you, Logan, not your status, and I know that you feel the same way about me," Rory gave him a slow, lingering kiss, "It's us against society, Logan, let's ruffle some feathers."

Logan laughed at her last statement and got out of the car. Being the gentleman that he was, he hurried around to open her door and helped her out, "I love you, Ace. And I am more than happy to ruffle feathers with you."

They walked inside and ordered some coffee. Once they got their order, they found a small table next to the window and sat down, "Oh, just so you have a heads up, my mom is more than likely throwing me a surprise party in Stars Hollow sometime this weekend. Can you go with me, even if its last minute?" She asked him, as she took a sip of her coffee, enjoying the taste of the liquid.

"Yeah, just let me know when she calls you. Are you going to tell her about the car or that I will be coming with you?" He asked her.

"Nope," she smiled at him and gave him a kiss, "Oh, we are also supposed to go apartment hunting with my dad this weekend. But we can schedule that whenever." She told him and went back to drinking her coffee.

"You are evil," he said with a chuckle, "Yeah, I remembered that about the apartment. Have you told Paris your moving out yet?" He asked her.

"No," she said with a sigh, "I was thinking about doing that today, but I might put it off until tomorrow." She explained to him.

"How do you think she is going to react?" Logan asked her, as they got ready to leave the café.

"It's Paris, you never know how she is going to react. Hey, do you want to drive back to the dorms?" She asked him, dangling the keys in front of his face.

"Hell, yeah I do." Logan exclaimed and took the keys from her. He helped her in the passenger seat, before hurrying around to the driver's side. He got in and started the car, Logan looked over at Rory, gave her a smirk and revved the engine before pulling out of the parking lot.

"You are such a guy." Rory laughed at him.

Logan just smiled at her, "Hey, let's stop by my room. Your birthday presents are there." He told her as they made their way back to Yale.

"What did you get me, Logan? It better not be expensive." She said, looking at him.

"You will find out soon and it wasn't nearly as much as what I could have spent on you." Logan commented, as he pulled her car into a spot near his dorm.

Logan and Rory made their way to his dorm. He unlocked the door and opened it for Rory to enter.

"Have a seat, Ace, I will go get your presents." Logan told her as he headed off to his room.

Rory sat down with a sigh, thinking about the things that had transpired that morning. She didn't realize that she had closed her eyes until she felt Logan sit down next to her.

Rory sighed and leaned into Logan when he sat next to her, "Don't worry Ace, everything will work out for the best." He told her sincerely as she opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I know, Logan, thanks," She replied to him and then saw the present he brought out and place on the coffee table in front of her, "What is this?" She asked him.

"Like, you don't already know, Ace. Go ahead and open it." Logan encouraged her.

Rory tore into her presents. She was shocked to find a basket full of candy from Dylan's Candy Bar. Logan watched on in amusement as Rory's face lit up the more she went through the basket.

"Logan, this is...wow...I don't know what to say." Rory gushed as she took in everything.

"I knew that you didn't want jewelry or anything like that and when the guys and I were in New York, we came across Dylan's Candy Bar and I knew that you would enjoy this better than anything else I could have gotten you." Logan told her.

"Thank you, Logan. This is amazing." Rory said to him as she leaved over and gave him a kiss.

"Keep looking, Ace, there is something else besides just the candy." Logan said with a smirk.

Rory kept looking until she saw an envelope stuffed in between some things, she pulled it out and opened it. Logan watched as her expression went from shocked to awe to pure giddiness. "Logan! You got me a private shopping trip to Dylan's Candy Bar?" Rory asked as she turned to look at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Whenever you want to go, all we have to do is call and let them know and they will shut down the store that way you can shop to your hearts content." Logan told her and was barely about to get the last word out before she launched herself at him and kissed him passionately.

When the need for oxygen became apparent, Rory pulled back, "This is by far the best gift anyone has ever given me. This right here, shows that you know me and what I like. Thank you so much, Logan." She said and leaned back in to kiss him again.

They got lost in themselves and made out on the couch for a while, until they finally realized that they needed to start getting ready or they would be late, "Oh, Ace, we need to stop by the Pub on the way to Hartford. There is an LDB thing that you need to do, since it's your birthday." Logan informed her as he started to get up off the couch.

"What kind of LDB thing, Logan?" She asked confused as she watched Logan walk towards his room.

"You will find out soon enough. Go get ready, I will pick you up in an hour." He told her as he went in his room and shut the door. Leaving Rory standing there dumbfounded.

AN2: I know, I know. Throw things at me or whatever. It has been a while. I have been super busy with work and everything. This is not the entire chapter that I wanted to get out, but figured that something was better than nothing.

Read and review. Hopefully I will be able to get the next chapter out a little faster.