A/N: Hey people, hope you enjoy this chapter!!!! But you need to remember one thing. REVIEW or PM me!!!!!!!!!! Guys compared to the amount of hits I have gotten, I have practically no reviews!!!!!!

So please remember to review or PM me.


I ran into the forest determined, trying to find his scent as quickly as possible. It didn't take long before my nose was assaulted with the scent of honey and sunshine. I loved his smell, it was always comforting in some way. The forest glided by me at high speeds as I raced deeper and deeper into it. I ran for only a few minutes before I came to a clearing. It was different than the one I had fought in, smaller and peaceful. Edward was perched precariously on a boulder that rested right beside a small, clear pond. The sun was shining so Edward was sparkling like a diamond. His eyes were closed as he leaned back onto the boulder and a human might have mistaken him for being relaxed if not for his pained expression. I was overwhelmed with the urge to comfort him and could barely keep myself from flying into his arms, I couldn't do that yet. We had to work out everything, talk about stuff, before I could even think about doing that.

I steeled myself with my new plan in mind before stepping into the clearing and alerting Edward of my presence.


My voice was barely above a whisper but his head shot up immediately.


His voice shook just slightly and he looked at me approaching form in disbelief. It wasn't until I was only ten feet away from him when he finally unfroze and his expression turned pleading.

"Bella, I'm so sorry. Please you have to know that when I left, I only did so thinking you would be safer without me. I thought you would move on."

My face contorted into anger as I stepped toward him.

"Well that's the problem Edward! You thought! You thought! You made a decision that affected both of our lives impossibly without even talking to me. You took it upon yourself to decide to leave me and completely shut me out."

Edward looked even more pained now but I couldn't stop, this pain and anger had been locked inside of me for over a century, growing and festering and now I was finally letting it all out.

"What if all of a sudden, out of the blue, I told you that I didn't love you, that I had never loved, you weren't good enough for me, your time as my play thing was over and I never wanted to see you again?"

His face crumpled and he looked as if he were fighting off dry sobs.

"You know that I don't even mean that but I can tell that you're in pain. Do you understand now Edward? I've existed for over a hundred years believing the things you told me in the forest. That I wasn't good enough. That you didn't love me, never had. And that I was just a game, a distraction."

My eyes were closed tight as I tried to fight off the memory and a dry sob slipped from my mouth. Regaining composure, I looked up into his topaz eyes and steeled myself.

"Edward, I love you more than I ever thought was possible. But if we are ever going to be together again, we need to work on a lot of stuff."

His face slowly shifted from the agonized expression to a relieved, loving one as he processed what I had said. I felt a breeze as I blinked and when I opened my eyes again, Edward in all his Greek godliness stood not even ten inches away from me, his nose not even an inch away from mine.

"Bella, I'll never forgive myself for leaving you. And I'll do what ever it takes to get you back."

He finished his statement with the crooked smile that I loved so much. Raising his hand softly he lifted it to my face and it wasn't until I felt his warm skin move across my cheek that I realized with enough shock that would give a human a stroke, he had actually touched my skin, my shield hadn't stopped him.