Chapter One: Quiet Little Town

Violet POV


I watched as pulled out a draw from under his desk and took a bursting folder named BAUDELAIRE and placed it in front of him. This obviously meant that he had found somewhere for us to live. Another relative that would let us down and then we would be snatched by Count Olaf and his henchmen. I felt sick to the stomach. I looked down on Sunny; totally oblivious, sitting on my lap gnawing at a block of wood. It wasn't right that no-one would believe us about Count Olaf's schemes to get to the Baudelaire fortune, that our late parents had left. When i am eighteen i would use the money to get as far away from that wretched man as possible.

' Children, i have wonderful news, i have found a family willing to care and provide for you three. They were acquaintance's of your parents and they contacted me after they saw a article about the tragic accident. I'm sure you'll be very happy there. ' He looked at Klaus and I and nodded firmly after stating his opinion.

' Where exactly do they live ? ' Klaus asked with a worried tone.

' A quiet little town in Washington ' He replied, looking down at a sheet of paper on his desk.


I looked at the clock on the dashboard, 12:00 it read.

' Mr. Poe ', i asked, ' How much farther is it? '

' Well, Violet, we have just travelled through Sappho and Beaver so we should arrive in Forks in about 10 to 15 minutes '

' Forks. I read that Forks is home to many rare types of toads and plant-life. ' Klaus stated.

My brother had read every book in our fathers library and constantly borrows books from libraries and relatives that we stay with. And everything he reads, he remembers. Which comes in handy when we are in the clutches of Count Olaf. With my inventions and quick thinking, his knowledge and my sisters uncanny habit to bite things, we almost always come out of the situation unscratched.

We sat silently in the car as stopped at the local hospital to ask for further directions.


' Well, Violet, we have just travelled through Sappho and Beaver so we should arrive in Forks in about 10 to 15 minutes ' I informed her.

' Forks. I read that Forks is home to many rare types of toads and plant-life. ' Klaus stated. It always surprised me by how much information he knew, he must have read every book ever written to be so intelligent. I followed the road from Beaver, through Forks town and ended up at the local hospital.

' I won't be a moment children ' I called as i shut the car door behind me. i walked up to the front desk and was greeted by a woman with long bleach blonde hair and too much make-up on. She held up her finger to stop me as i opened my mouth.

' Dr. Cullen, Your wanted in Surgery ' She said into a microphone on the desk with a spaced out look on her face. She had put too much meaning into the word Wanted.

She turned to me with a discusted look on her face and stuffed 3 strips of chewing gum into her mouth, after wiping up a bit of dribble that had escaped her mouth during her little 'Fantasy'.

' Sir ', she said rudely, ' Can i help you with something. '

' Yes i am looking for The Cullens House, could you please give me some directions? ' I asked politely as possible. She showed me a map of the area and told me exactly which roads to take and she also said that the turning into there driveway is pretty hidden so i need to be extra observent. I thanked her and walked back to the children who were still in the car.

' Well ' I said as i got into the car, ' We shall be arriving soon, Children. Make sure you are looking smart and presentable.' I turned around and smiled at them.

' Don't worry, i have a good feeling about this family.' And i drove out towards the Baudelaire's new home.