Title: Let's Add a Little Anarchy to the Mix here

Chapter: 0- Prologue

Story Progress: Look up to see

Revolved in: The Dark Knight movie era

Main Charters: The Joker and an OFC

Sub Story from: Green and Purple Lace

Disclaimers: I only own the OFC, DC comics own everything dealing with Batman series and WB deals with the movies.

Summary: Let's say that there are TWO agents of chaos. One's a psychopathic clown killer, and the other is the niece to a rich mob leader. What will happen when these two meet? Contains the obvious of extreme violence, blood, kills, stealing, but also extreme passion and romance on the side.


*On the streets of Gotham*

The streets are near empty tonight in the chilly weather of Gotham. Nothing going on except the usual cops doing their rounds. The drug sellers are in the homes, safely away from Batman. The mob dealers are out in their clubs safely away from the 'Bat-signal' that shines through the cloudy sky. The only person that's out on the streets without a care in the world of what could happen to her is a young female.

Roughly around 26-27 in age. She wakes slowly passing every dingy looking alleyway. Eyeing all the clubs she knows who owns them in disgust. Even after moving back here from being in Massachusetts for five years for college. She notices no difference was made to Gotham. Even with a new hero around, everything is still the same in her eyes. Her lightly colored blue eyes that make them look gray. Her pale face and rich red colored her thanks to her mom's Irish nationality, makes her almost vulnerable to the sun. That's if it wasn't to her dad's said of the family. Italian. She shares the Maroni name. Yes Salvatore Maroni, mob leader and all. Just the Maroni Gotham knew was her uncle. Her past is a sad one.

Her name is Kelly Maroni and she had one fucked up life.


Mom died around when she was 10 from cancer, leaving her, her brother and her dad all alone. Her brother and dad worked at an auto shop. One of those father and son business things here in Gotham. That was until an explosion hit their shop one day by her father's own brother's henchmen blowing the place up since her family had no business wanting to be in the mob. Luckily for her she was in school. Her senior year at Gotham High. And from that day on she treated her uncle with disrespect due to what happen.

Oh don't worry she still misses her brother and father, but now she takes vengeance and kill any mob dealer/ leader who gets in her way. So far she has killed about five of her uncle's men as soon as she got back into Gotham about a few months ago. And did news about the Joker hit her fast.

She somewhat admired what he did. Kill, rob and destroy, all he wanted. Changing the city so instead of Gotham fearing all these mob dealers. They feared this one man.

And one day Kelly had her own encounter with the Joker that changed her world.


*On the streets of Gotham*

As Kelly was walking down the abandoned sidewalks passing the empty alleyways and eyeing the disgusting clubs her uncle owns was just another ordinary night for her. If she was lucky enough she would be able to kill a mob member, Wither it was one of Chechen's, Gambol's, or her own uncle's.

One less member would bring venations to her families death. And to leave her mark, a set of fire crackers would be set off to let the passer byes know who killed the dead men in the alleys. And to kill is to attract.

Kelly would attract these men by dressing up as a local stripper. even though they know to fear her, they still don't know what she looks like. walks on the streets like she does now. Wears her usual short dress coat hidden with weapons. Many knives and small pistol shooter guns, and packs of her fire crackers and her trusty Zippo that her dad gave her at age 13. And soon she'll get grabbed into the ally way.

Like now.

"Whoa" Kelly said as a large hand grabbed her arm.

"Well, well , well, look who we have here gents a little lost girl." A tall fat greasy man said with 3 other guys standing behind him.

"Oomph" Kelly said as she got slammed into a brick wall. The impact didn't really hurt, she was use to pain and over the years resembled in getting some scars. Few were fading on her arms after the three years of depression from her families death. "What do you want."

"We want you sweet cheeks, you all alone." The greasy fat man said licking his lips. And his cronies chuckling evilly in the background.

"Why, I'm just a p-poor defenseless girl all alone" Kelly said putting on her scared shitless voice.

"That's why, we like them scared and defenseless, don't we boys" He continued. As his men nodded in agreement.

Over in a few minutes Kelly recognized the men. They were Chechen's, she would smell their high Italian stench anywhere. There greasy faces and hair and dried beer on their facial hair.

"And I am going to have the pleasure of taking you first girl" Fat Greasy said, as he licked Kelly's cheek with a long wet stroke of her tongue.

Kelly tried not to hide her disgust. She had to play everything out right for this to work. Sometimes it took sacrifices. "Oh what am I going to do." She said eye rolling at the men. But they failed to see.

"you're going to stand still little girl". As the man put both of her wrists in one hand so he can unbutton his pants with the other.

"Hey Rico, remember that girl, that Maroni girl that everyone hates." The skinner greasy man said.

"Yea what about her, Stan?" Rico asked has he was about to get his dick out and open Kelly's coat.

"Well remember what the Boss should us the picture of her and that one of her wrist. With the cards on it." Stand said starting to look scared.

"Yes Stan WHY!?!?!"Rico asked again getting frustrated.

While pointing at Kelly's right wrist "look". He said. And that's when Rico looked at her wrists more clearly.

One her wrist was revealing a royal flush of tattooed cards. Ace of Spades, King, Queen and Jack and a Joker card. Shinning with blues, blacks, reds and greens.

Looking angered" why you little bitch" he said slamming her harder against the wall. "You killed to many men now. Shame we'll be the ones to kill you now!"

"I beg to differ" Kelly said. And with that the fight was on.

She released herself with a good head at to Rico's forehead knocking him out. While hitting the other guys with jabs and punches she twirled herself around and pulled out two of her pistols. Both Star model 28s. And with a pistol in each hand she fired single bullets into two of the guys. Two own two to go. Easy said than done, she quickly moved her arms straight out and took the last to guys out. Rico and Stan.

After putting the guns away, Kelly took out a roll of fire crackers and her Zippo and lit them up. Sending a sparking noise of color into the dark alley.

Once the noise ended a new noise entered. This one filled with mocking laughter and claps.


And the face of the Joker appeared threw the clouds of fire smoke.


That's the end of the first main chapter. I will be working on other chapters that happen before the Bank Robbery one. So put on your seat belts for it's going to be a bumpy ride.