I know, I've been gone forever and now I think of coming back? I get it, but things happen and people change. Honestly, I didn't even think I'd ever come back to writing, but hell, I miss it.

I've decided to come back first finishing Clairvoyance, except I wasn't exactly super happy about how it was written. So, it's been tweaked. Most of the story line will stay the same, but the writing will change for the most part.

Can't say how often I'll update, but I'll do my best for weekly ones. Also, no beta, so any mistakes are mine. Ah well.

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight and its characters. Not me.

"In a world where one kingdom has been divided into two. Two of the undead from both halves shall meet and become one.They will end the division, bringing peace to both lands. And in death, they shall be reborn."

As spoken by Sybil on this date of September 13th, 1512


Many millennia ago, a time when the powerful Greek Gods ruled our world, our kind was created.

The great Goddess Lamia, daughter of King Belus of Egypt and granddaughter of the great Poseidon, committed acts of which none knew the result. Ancient scrolls tell of Lamia's secret affair with Zeus, which once exposed led Hera to wreak havoc upon the Goddess in the most merciful means possible. Having her spawn murdered by Hera's hands set off her own rage, forcing her to devour other children. Though Zeus had given her the ability to remove her eyes, said to have been for the purpose of appeasing Lamia in her grief over the loss of her offspring, the blood of the innocent flowing through the Goddess had not yet been eliminated. Rather, the blood had turned the Goddess into someone else. Something else. Though the Goddess had not known at the time what she had become, later stories tell of what she had created.


Since Babylonian times, legends of our kind have been spread from human to human. Fear gripped young children when they heard of the blood-drinking creatures that would haunt their dreams. Stories would be heard of humans being visited by beautiful beings only to suddenly wake up, ignorant of their experiences before but finding two faint marks on their necks. And now, even in present time, portrayals of vampires are presented through fiction writing and Hollywood films.

Little did these naïve humans know that their fairy tales were all but fictional.

Vampires are not the creatures of legends – they are real and living among the humans who remain oblivious. But, it is obvious why this has happened for years without any alarms. In our neutral form, we look just as any other human. Well, with a few beneficial upgrades here and there. We are graced with impeccable beauty. Though not seen just by passing by, our strength is not to be challenged. Only an idiotic human being would try, and they'd just be signing their life over. Basically, it's suicide.

And as with all races, we are… graced with our own monarchy. Centuries ago, Carlisle, one of the oldest and most feared of our kind, created the kingdom and solely began his reign by establishing the rigid vampire laws in order to keep our race alive. Well, alive though we were all already dead. His followers admired and respected him for all that he had accomplished, even until this very day. However, with all great leaders, there is evil. If vampires were malicious, then Carlisle had to have been the cruelest of all. His selfishness may have been one of the main reasons he still had his place on the high throne; his ideologies were nothing but heartless. In addition to ruling the entire vampire population, he had created a handful of rules for all to obey.

The rules were simple:

If you exposed yourself or the vampire race, you would be killed.

When Carlisle chooses your mate and you refuse his demands, you will face immense consequences.

Vampires could not change a human. A changed human, as well as his creator, would be killed immediately.

The last, yet possibly the most crucial rule: if you had been blessed with power, you would immediately bring yourself to Carlisle and if offered, agree to a seat on the Council. If by chance you refused, you were considered an enemy of the entire vampire race. You were not banished mercifully, but rather wiped of your existence. Painfully.

But of course, rules were meant to be broken.

A group of other vampires were created a few centuries after Carlisle's reign – they called themselves the Rogues, and they did just as any rebellious groups were known for. They rebelled against the laws Carlisle created, and strived to create any sort of disruption for the kingdom that they could, with the ultimate goal being to end Carlisle's reign with an even bigger and stronger army. The Rogues would live a life without rules. Living the life that a vampire should.

Free and immoral.

No leader enjoys having his own kind rebel after his own long established laws and lifestyles, and Carlisle was no exception. Under his rule, if a Rogue happened to be caught, they were to be brought to him immediately. Once captured, the kindest reception a Rogue could ask for was immediate death. The usual reception, however, was excruciatingly endless torture. Yet still, the Rogues continued to grow, as more and more vampires were revolting against Carlisle's many trivial rules. And as the nights passed, each brought about a new challenge to both halves of the vampire race.

And who am I in this story?

To the followers of Carlisle I was known as a disgrace. A dishonor brought to all vampires.

But, to the Rogues, I was known as something much different. I was eminent to the entire Rogue population. Their shining light in this dark, ruthless world.

I was their leader.

They call me Isabella.