A to Z

Author Note: I normally don't post a chapter that contains only a author note but because I have no other way to voice my ideas to my readers I am now doing so.

First off I would like to apologize for the hiatus for my two fanfiction stories "Complicated" and "Staring In the Mirror". I've reached a major writers block and for now have been unable to continue the story. But please rest assured that I am not giving up on it.

Until then, I want to continue writing Jubilee and Bobby fanfiction. I've decided to do one-shots (in hopes that I will return to my chapter stories soon). The idea of the one-shots will be A-Z. I'm sure you read a theme like this somewhere on this site. If not PM me and I can give you further details.

What I'm asking you readers is to review and leave your ideas for a letter of the alphabet. The word will be used as the theme for that one chapter. For example, A-Accident, a one-shot story surrounding Bobby and Jubilee that will involve some form of a accident.

I wanted to post a chapter today but I'm at a blank of a interesting A word to start off. So before I am forced to take this author note off ... please review any A words for ideas. I'll choose the one that sparks my interest and mind first .. then maybe use the others for future works.

I'd appreciate your reviews to hear your thoughts on this idea. Thanks so much for taking the time and reading.

NOTE: I may change the title of this story once I think of some more creative.