AU: Hello there everyone! I'm not dead! Huzzah!

...And..I start writing a week BEFORE school starts...When I've had ALL summer...*Sweatdrop.*
Well. The plot-bunny doesn't take requests.

Anyway. This is my first FullMetal Alchemist fict....And I'm kind of just whinging it. Big time. xD! So...Expect angst. I have NO clue what pairings are going to emerge. POSSIBILITIES ARE:


Al/Winry are a given. And Ed/Rose are going to be mentioned, but just as a thing in the past....not a big deal. Reviews will probably help the outcome of this story...a lot XD

Enough with my babbling. ONWARDS, MY MUSINGS! ONWAAAAARDS!!!

Disclaimer: I own not Fullmetal Alchemist...If I did...It would be so mucb more dark, and filled with much angst.

Roy Mustang sat at his desk wordlessly; yawning as he tapped his pen against the document he should be signing—along with the other pile of papers to the right of him. He pretended to be studying the contents of it to escape the scolding eyes of Riza (and her gun), who was currently preoccupied telling Furey about some recent report of a thief that was currently wandering around Central. It was the same one that he was suppose to send Fullmetal after when he got here, whenever he got here, since he never seemed to be able to get his ass here on time. He idly wondered if this was even an assignment that was worthy of being mentioned to the alchemist, but then again, he was the, 'almighty alchemist of the people'.

There's always something… Roy thought dully. He yawned quiet loudly and dropped his head down on his desk with a loud 'thump'. He was tired of signing documents, and wished that Fullmetal would hurry up and get here and add some life to the place. Though it was true the blonde alchemist had grown up a bit since he had returned his brother's body back, he was far from level headed…and un-bothered by short comments. And now that Alphone's was back in Risembool, no one was there to hold him back…Which, to Roy, was rather amusing.

"Sir. Get back to work."

"But there are just so many documents and I couldn't possibly finish them all right away or even Today! Surely a smart and talented girl like you could understand that I just need a break a-"


"…I Said, You should get back to work, Sir. Those papers need to be done today, and they will not sign themselves."

"…I think I'll get right on that, First lt. Hawkeye."

"Very good choice, sir."

He lifted his head up from his desk very professionally and, from the corner of his eye, could see Hawkeye retreating to her desk as she began disassemble her gun. Furey, Breda, and Havoc, who were also present in the room, where snickering in what they thought was a discreet manner. But, just as soon as they started…They were silenced by the sharp glare from the brown-eyed blonde who, didn't even have her gun in one piece.

I outrank her. Yet, Riza is the one who barks around every military dog in this room with her gun. There has to be something wrong with this picture… He slid the paper to the side and grabbed another one from the tall pile on his right, scanning over it before signing it, and repeating the process with ease. Well, I'm sure as hell not going to question it. He, personally, yes. But with a gun? Never in my life. There has to be a way to get to her.


Hmm…Does she have a weakness? Animals aren't it. She acted as firmly as ever when Black Hayate was given to her…What else?

"Sir, Fullmetal has arrived."

Motherly instincts? … No. This is Hawkeye we're talking about. Well, what if—


Roy stumbled back and out of his seat; the fingers of his right hand pressed together firmly in the position of a snap that made almost everyone in the room start to edge back away. Riza, of course, stood still, and sighed as she lowered her gun. When had she even put that thing back together?

"Lower your hand, Sir. It was the only way to get your attention. And as I was saying, Fullmetal has arrived."

Sure enough, as his gloved hand slowly slacked, Fullmetal was seen sitting on the couch positioned in front of his desk. What surprised him though, is that unlike the rest of his team, he didn't appear to relax as he lowered his hand. He wasn't worked up in the first place; not even from Hawkeye's gun. Something definitely wasn't right here.

"Well good afternoon, Fullmetal. How nice of you to join us today. You're late."

Roy placed his pen down gently on his desk and rested his elbows down on it lightly; propping his head up on his hand as he gazed at him with calm-dark eyes. His only response from the younger teen was a small grunt of indifference and a quick sideways glance, which for some reason, ticked Roy's nerves.

"What, no excuse? Well, I guess you still can't run fast enough with those short legs of yours keeping you so close to the ground."

Roy allowed a small smirk to form, though it was safely half-hidden behind his folded gloved hands which where perched in front of his mouth. He expected the blonde to be up and out of his seat in a matter of seconds and screaming at Roy some completely, twisted up, exaggerated question about his 'short' comment, and judging from the looks around the room, he could see everyone getting ready for the event to unfold.

"Shut up, Colonel. Can I just give you the report and be done here?"

And just like that, the room seemed to stiffen.

Edward, the short-tempered Fullmetal Alchemist, had just brushed off a short comment.

He could see that his subordinates where just as shocked as he was, and where probably mimicking the same expression that he was holding, which was saying something. Havoc's cigarette had fallen from his mouth and Breda's whole jaw had gone slack. Furey was staring at Fullmetal with an unreadable expression, but the way he stood, it was easy to tell from just a glance that he was shocked from what he had just witnessed. Even Hawkeye was staring rather shocked at the alchemist; her expression unreadable to anyone who didn't know her, however.

"Very well, Fullmetal. Stand up and report your findings in Darghton."

Roy faintly noticed that the boy had flinched at the mentioning of the town as he stood up, but he shook it off as nothing. As the blond came to stand in front of his desk, he realized that it was the first time in a while that he had actually gotten a chance to get a good look at the kid since he had restored Al to his body, and worked full-time for the military. Almost immediately his brother had gone back to Risembool, which Roy found surprising, seeing as the boys had been so close for all those years. He always wondered why Ed didn't go back with him, but, he guessed it was because his brother and that automail mechanic got together. And after, he had been sent on some long-term mission which he had taken wordlessly. He knew about the mission—it wasn't very difficult, just far away. Look around, catch that newbie alchemist they were looking for—the sound alchemist—then come home.

Either way, he didn't like what he was seeing. His golden eyes where sullen and rimmed with dark circles, and his cloths seemed to almost hang off of him. His hair looked like it wasn't brushed and was just braided quickly, and he stood with so much less confidence then he had just not so long ago when he stood looking for the philosopher's stone. He never once looked at him, and his automail arm kept pulling at the sleeve of his left arm absent mindedly. What the hell was on this kid's mind? What happened?


"The mission was fine. I caught the guy—Jayden. Some guy in his mid thirties who thought that he knew everything because he was the only one in that town who knew how to perform alchemy. In the end, it was me or him – both of us couldn't walk out alive. But he had neglected to tell me that he had an apprentice, and apparently, let me kill him so he would attempt a human transmutation and become an artificial being—a homunculi."

Roy's eyes widened slightly at what the boy said. He watched his expression carefully—looking for something, anything, that might show that this was indeed why he looked as he did. But…He didn't find a thing. He didn't seem bothered by it-no more then he would if it was any other case. This bothered him. It was almost like he didn't care. The light in his eyes was gone, and he was still refusing to look at him.

"Luckily, I got there in time and stopped him from performing it and explained a few things to him…which seemed to snap him back to his senses." Ed paused for a moment, his gaze wandering around to numerous objects in the room, but never to Roy, nor anyone else. "Can I go now?"

"No you may not, Fullmetal. Not until you explain to me what is going on."

He saw the boy's expression twist up into one of confusion and it looked as though he was going to look up at him, but as though he was reconsidering it at the last second, he scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mustang. I just explained the whole mission to you."

Roy's fist tightened in aggravation. Stay calm…Getting mad at the kid will not help any… "You know full well that's not what I mean, Fullmetal. And look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Tch. No need. I'm leaving." Ed turned around absently and waved him off, earning a rather obscenest growl from Roy as he reached out and wrapped his hand around the blonde's flesh arm. He almost regretted it, because underneath his grip, he felt the boy flinch as he whipped his head around to stare at him. And that was what made him let go. Those eyes.

Fullmetal was running out of the room before he was even able to catch even the smallest of breaths from what he had just seen.

AN: I think I failed on an epinomical scale of eternal doom and dispare. =/ But...Oh well. I'm...Fairly pleased, at least. I want to keep going with this so...I'm hoping to hear from you guys! Anything is welcome, just please, flamers...Please tone it down a bit. :]