Part 1

A/N: So here it is! Finally, I begin a new fic other than my National Treasure, as per request! I bounced around with so many ideas for this story, did a bunch of different research until I found a medical issue I liked the sound of, and went back and forth on how to go about writing it. I know I said before that I'd write my next fic more in story format, but I've come to really embrace the style I've been using for the NT fic – the one that falls partway between story and screenplay. So, if you're super detail-oriented and really like to know what's going on inside the character's heads, then this story probably isn't for you –sorry! But if you want to "see" it like you were watching an episode where you can only guess at what people are thinking, then you're in the right place! Anyway, take it for what it is and enjoy. :)

Oh yeah, and I don't own any of the Royal Pains characters with the exception of the OC's.

Hank and Evan Lawson are walking up a curving, red-brick path winding between carefully-edged hedges. The house ahead is also made of red brick – a beautiful three-story home fashioned after those built in colonial Williamsburg, complete with full-scale Civil War cannon replicas littering the front lawn.

Hank grips his black medical bag in his hand as he walks while Evan taps a manila folder against one palm.

"Today's the day, Hank, I can feel it," Evan says, nothing but confidence in his voice.

"Evan, he didn't like you yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that. And you think he's going to somehow magically like you on the day you hand over his bill?"

"Mr. Brinkley happens to be a man who appreciates the fine art of economics. Once he sees how I laid out all of his charges in painstaking detail – see, I even made a little graph for him, here," Evan opens the folder and shoves the page in Hank's face, who swats it away. "-he'll have no choice but to appreciate my talents."

They stop at the door and Hank reaches out to ring the bell. As they wait for the answer, Hank turns back to Evan. "I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but people generally don't like accountants."

Evan opens his mouth to retaliate, but quickly transforms it into a smile as the door opens. A tall, sophisticated older gentleman with silver hair, mustache, lean build, and sporting a small set of reading spectacles stands inside.

"Mr. Brinkley!" Evan greets him, "Looking well, today. I knew you'd look good once you were out of that bathrobe."

Mr. Brinkley lifts his eyebrows at Evan quizzically, whose smile disappears and is replaced with a look of sheer mortification.

"Oh, no, I didn't mean," he laughs nervously, trying to bring back the confident grin, and speaks rapidly, "I mean, of course, you're probably a perfectly good-looking man under-underneath, but I – I was talking about your clothes. I thought you'd look good in regular clothes – which you do. Oh, but not to say that your clothes are just regular, because that jacket is just fantastic."

Hank steps forward and takes Mr. Brinkley's hand, shaking it. "What my brother means to say is that you look like you're feeling much better today, Mr. Brinkley."

"Yes…yes, as a matter of fact, I do," Mr. Brinkley answers, stepping backwards into his house and opening the door wider. "I imagine you wish to do a final check-up, anyway?"

"Always better to be safe," Hank smiles, stepping through the door.

Evan stands back on the doorstep for an extra second. "Great start," he says to himself sarcastically before following the other men inside.

"Well, Mr. Brinkley," Hank says, putting his supplies back in his bag, "Your fever's not one hundred percent gone but it's definitely way down. You seem to be eating and drinking normally, again. You're not nauseous. I'd say the flu is pretty much out of your system, but you want to take it easy for the next couple of days. If you push yourself too hard too soon, you might have a relapse."

Mr. Brinkley walks forward and shakes Hank's hand. "Thank you so much, Dr. Lawson."

"Just Hank is fine," Hank smiles.

"So you keep telling me. There's respect in using a last name, son, and you should expect more of that from your clients."

"And there's trust and comfort in using a first name," Hank counters, "Which is what I prefer my clients to feel when I'm treating them."

Mr. Brinkley laughs, "Well put, son, well put." He clears his throat. "Now how should we go about the compensation?"

Evan, who has been quietly sitting on the couch, clears his own throat. "That would be my department." He stands up and walks over to Mr. Brinkley, handing him the manila folder. "I use my full name when I introduce myself, by the way."

"I know," Mr. Brinkley grumbles as he opens the folder, "Came off rather pompous."

Evan presses his lips tightly together and stares up at the ceiling. He takes in a short breath before changing the subject. "So, you can see there where I've broken down all the expenses for you," he points at the paper Mr. Brinkley is reading over.

"I'm not blind, son. I've been reading and analyzing billing sheets long before you were out of your diapers." He stops reading and glances up over his spectacles at Evan. "Unless of course you still wear diapers."

Evan stands stunned for a second, then allows himself to chuckle a few times. "That's, that's a good one, Mr. Brinkley…So, how do want to handle that payment?"

"Oh, I'm not paying this. It's preposterous," Mr. Brinkley states, shoving the folder back into Evan's chest. He begins to walk away, Evan right at his heels.

"Sir, with all due respect, you didn't think Hank was coming over here every day for free, did you? I mean, you have cannons in your yard," Evan laughs, "I think you can afford to pay your doctor bills."

Mr. Brinkley stops in front of an antique desk that matches the continued colonial theme running throughout the inside of his house, as well. He opens a drawer to pull out a checkbook and a pen. He scribbles something onto it and holds it out to Evan.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to pay you at all," he states, "Just not your bill – it's ridiculous. This is what I'm willing to pay for Dr. Lawson's services."

"But, in my documentation, I clearly demonstrated-"

"Evan," Hank cuts him off, "Let him pay what he wants. I've told you that before."

"But Hank,"

"Evan!" Hank uses his this argument is over tone, and Evan sighs, taking the check from Mr. Brinkley and sticking it in his pocket without looking at it. "Thank you, Mr. Brinkley," Hank continues, "We'll just get out of your hair, here. Call me if you need anything else."

"I will," Mr. Brinkley assures him, showing the brothers to the door. Just as he is about to close it behind them, he gives Hank a warm smile, then shoots Evan a frown. As the door clicks shut, they turn to walk back to Hank's car.

"Don't say one word, Hank, or I swear to God," Evan mumbles. He reaches into his pocket to pull out the check and suddenly stops walking. Hank, who has taken a few extra steps forward, stops to look at his brother.

"Is it really that bad?" he inquires curiously.

"No, uh, no, it's not bad at all. In fact," Evan's face lights up in a smile, "it's great! Dude, he overpaid this by like thirty-six percent of my price analysis."

"So…what?," Hank asks, "Are you telling me he values me as a doctor more than you do?"

"…pfft, no, of course not," Evan grins, shaking his head. Hank turns away from him and keeps walking. "Hank, come on," Evan pleads, chasing after him, "I thought you said I have a tendency to over charge for your services. Hank, man, slow down! Okay, I admit, I decided to shave the price just a little on this one because I really wanted Mr. Brinkley to like me, but it had nothing to do with your skills. Hank!"

Hank, who continues keeping a few paces ahead, allows a little evil smile to play on his lips.

A/N: And, this is where opening credits would a few annoying commercials (unless it's that gum commercial where the ram slams into the dude talking on his cell phone - gets me every time!) followed by some great clips from Psych or something. Oh, and that funny bit where all the characters from the various USA shows are talking about Monk. That one's funny! :)