Ever since they met, L'Arachel had known Princess Eirika of Renais was something special. She was everything a princess should be: gentle, beautiful and refined. It was no wonder so many of the army's men were taken with her.

As time went on, she only desired to be closer to the girl. She wanted to know her, to be Eirika's closest confidante, her partner...sometimes she envied Prince Ephraim. As her twin, he'd won the role of Eirika's most important person long ago.

The night things seemed their bleakest, after the Stone of Renais had been destroyed and the weary company made their way to Rausten for some down time, L'Arachel refused to leave Eirika's side. She stayed with her while she cried for the loss of her friend, and when she was finished offered the only words of wisdom she could: "What do you think he would want you to do?"

After that night's battle, Eirika came to L'Arachel looking brighter than she had in days.

"I've found my answer," she said. "Thank you, L'Arachel. Your words guided me." L'Arachel's heart skipped a beat.

"My-my words? It was nothing..." She blushed. "Come, we should find the Sacred Stone! If anything were to happen to it-"

"Are you all right? Your face is flushed," Eirika said. L'Arachel swallowed, shaking her head and trying to calm her heart.

"It's nothing, really!" Before Eirika could say anything else, she rounded up the rest of the party and headed for the altar.

For years, she'd made it her life's purpose to be the mysterious savior of the world. She'd never stopped to think that helping one person, as herself, could have the same impact...no, even more of an impact.

Eirika's smile had been all the thanks she needed.