"Draco?" Harry questioned as he walked out of the bathroom, running a hair through his damp raven locks.

"In the kitchen!" Draco called back, humming to himself as he read the Daily Prophet.

"Anything interesting?" Harry said as Draco pulled him onto his lap, bringing their lips together in a languid kiss.

"Not as interesting as what's in front of me?" Draco smiled, hiding the paper behind his back teasingly as Harry reached for it.

"Draco," Harry said, trying not to pout, "Let me see."

Draco sighed, running a hand up and down his boyfriend of three years' back, "It's nothing really, my father apparently is going even further on rekindling his connections since he got out of Azkaban, and it's only a matter of time before they have a new heir to replace me.

Harry looked at him surprise, the news being the last he had ever expected. "Surely you're joking, I mean, I didn't think your mom wanted anymore kids."

"It's not about wanting anymore kids, it's about carrying on the Malfoy name, and now that I've been disowned, they'll need to have a new heir." Harry internally winced as he saw the blond's eyes darken, and wished he hadn't brought it up.

"I'm sorry." He said finally.

"It's alright, happens all the time in pureblood families." Draco sighed, bringing Harry down so that his head rested on Draco's shoulder as he gently carded his fingers through raven locks.

"Any plans for today?" Harry asked, attempting to change the subject.

"Yeah, me, Pansy, and Theo would like some . . . obscure potions made, and I have to be in the shop in ten to greet the 'happy' couple." Pansy and Theodore's family had made arrangements to have the two wed after Hogwarts, despite Theodore's previous history, when Draco had been disowned, therefore voiding the arrange marriage.

"Oh," Harry said, trying to disguise the hurt in his voice, "I took the day off at the Ministry, things haven't been too bad lately, so I guess I'll just help George out at the shop for a little while. When will you be back?"

"Not sure, really late probably, Blaise and I wanted to work on this modified version of Wolfsbane, so don't wait up."

"Alright." Harry said, attempting a week smile, "You better go, then."

"Yeah, see you later, Baby." He said, as he stood, lifting Harry off his lap, and giving him a soft kiss "Have a good day."

"Yeah." Harry said ass the blond Apparated away, "Happy anniversary." He whispered, walking back into their bedroom to get dressed for the day.


"Hello, Harry." George said cheerfully as Harry entered the shop, "Nice to see you."

"Hello, I was just wondering if you needed any help for the day?"

George laughed as he picked up his two year old Fred to let him sit happily on his shoulder, playing with his red hair, "We always need help, Harry, but I thought today was yours and Draco's special day."

"Not so special, I guess." Harry said with a tight smile, running a hand through his hair in an unconscious habit.

"He forgot?" George asked in disbelief, handing his giggling son a toy.

"It appears so."

"And just when I was starting to like him." George mused, "I'm sorry, mate, just say the word, I always have something new I need a tester for."

Harry laughed, cheering slightly, "It's fine, but thanks anyways."

The rest of the day passed quickly for Harry, being kept busy by George's son, and the multitude of customers.

The emerald eyed boy sighed as he unlocked to door to his and Draco's apartment, prepared for an uneventful night.

"Harry, mate, about time you showed up." Was the first thing Harry heard as he walked in, head snapping up to stare wide eyed at Seamus and Dean.

"How did you-"

"Not important, now." Seamus said with a grin, "The point is, you aren't properly dressed."

"Properly dressed?" Harry said perplexed, "for what?'

"A night out," Seamus said exasperatedly, "c'mon." He said, grabbing his arm, and dragging Harry to his room, Dean casting him a pitying glance as he followed the two.

"What's going on?" Harry hissed at an amused Dean, as Seamus dug around in Harry's closet, making comments to himself occasionally.

"Seamus decided you should do something tonight." Dean said "And once he was set on the idea, there was no stopping him."

Harry groaned," "Dean, I really don't feel like it tonight."

Dean shrugged, "Who knows, you might have fun, and I agree, you should get out more."

"I do get out!" Harry said defensively, "I just don't feel like it tonight."

"Here we go." Seamus announced proudly, interrupting whatever Dean was going to say as he thrust an outfit at Harry.

"Seamus, why do I need to go out tonight, of all nights?"

"Just get change, Harry," Dean said, "You've been down since Ron didn't talk to you at his and Hermione's wedding, we just want to see you happy."

Harry felt a twinge of pain at the reminder, he had missed his best friend, and it didn't help that his little sister constantly tried to make him jealous by the multitude of boyfriends she introduced him to, but he stomped into the bathroom nonetheless, grumbling all the way.

When Harry got into the bathroom he looked down at the outfit in his hands uncertainly, before sighing, and slowly batting on the slim fitting black jeans, green button down shirt with silver dragons circling the cuffs. He smiled at the silver dragon necklace that was amid the folds of clothes and smiled at the memory of Draco giving it to him on his birthday. He sighed, wishing he could spend the night with his blond.

"Alright, let's go and get this over with." He said as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Perfect!" Seamus said gleefully, while Dean offered him a small grin. Seamus walked up to Harry, and presented him with a strip of black cloth.

"What's that for?" Harry asked wearily, not liking the evil glint in Seamus' eyes.

"It's a surprise!" Seamus said in a singsong voice, swooping up to place the blindfold over his friend's eyes.

"I don't need a blindfold." Harry said in annoyance. "Look, I'm not having the best day; can't we do this another time?"

"No, sorry, Harry." Dean said, placing a hand on his shoulder, and taking Seamus' hand as they apparated out of the apartment.

"Can I take it off now?" Harry asked, when he had steadied himself, and there was a hand left is shoulder. He started slightly as he heard a crack next to him "Seamus? Dean?" he asked, wondering if his two friends had seriously left him stranded somewhere.

He jumped as he felt a pair of hand reach behind him to slowly undo the blindfold. When he could see again, he gasped as he saw a smiling Draco in front of him. "Draco, what-"

"Happy anniversary, love" Draco said, kissing Harry as took his boyfriend's hand, and led him over to a table. Harry took the chance to take in their surroundings.

They were in a garden, behind what appeared to be an elaborate restaurant. Fairylights lit the bushes around the cobble stone path they were on, surrounded by beautiful flowers of every color. Harry could hear soft music drifting in the wind, and assumed it must have been a charm when he couldn't find the source.

Draco pulled out Harry's chair for him, making the former Gryffindor blush slightly as he took a seat at the candle lit table. Harry's eyes couldn't help but appreciatively take in his boyfriend. Draco wore fit grey pants, and a silver button down shirt that showed off his hidden yet well defined muscles deliciously.

"What is this?" Harry asked, baffled by the sudden change his night had taken.

"Did you honestly think that I forgot our anniversary?"

Harry flushed at this, suddenly feeling extremely stupid. "I just thought . . ."

Draco laughed, "Harry, I love you."

The raven haired boy smiled, "I love you, too."

Draco smiled brilliantly, before taking a deep breath and spoke again, voice taking on a softer tone. "Harry," Draco began, "I love everything about you. I love how you were so nervous, but excited and polite in Madame Malkin's when we first met. I love how you cared enough for a boy you had barely met to defend Ron so much, and deny my friendship the second time we saw each other. I love how determine you were in all of our fights, I love how you were able to come out for the better after all the lies were told about you in the Daily Prophet. I love how courageous, and heroic you were when dealing with, and defeating Voldemort, and how compassionate you were when you saved me, you're childhood enemy from the fire in the Room of Requirement. I love how you somehow managed to forgive me after everything I put you through, and care enough to comfort me when I came out to Pansy. I love how you were self sacrificing idiotic enough to try and make the decision for me with my parents."

Harry was speechless, as Draco grinned at him and carried on. "I love how foolishly, and heroically Gryffindor you can be, and yet how sneakily, and brilliantly Slytherin you can be. I love how protective you are of those you love, and how passionate you are about things. I love you Harry, all of you, everything about you, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together." Draco said, standing up from his seat, and pulling Harry up as well.

"Draco?" Harry asked in disbelief as the blond got down on one knee.

"Harry Potter," Draco said softly, "Will you marry me?"

Harry stared at him, eyes wide as his breathing hitched slightly. "Draco, are you serious?"

Draco rolled his eyes, and smirked, eyes shining with love, "Completely."

"Yes!" Harry said excitedly, throwing himself into Draco's arms as the blond pulled him into his lap, wrapping his arms around Harry's slender waist tightly, as he brought their lips together in a fierce kiss.

They pulled apart breathlessly, as Draco carefully slipped a simple silver ring with two engraved dragons on the surface onto Harry's ring finger.

"I love you." Harry panted as he brought their lips together in another fiery kiss, "So much."

Their hands explored each other feverishly, as their kisses became even needier, 'I love you' exchanged between kisses. The two managed to apparate to their apartment, dinner forgotten, and intent to show just how much they loved the other.

AN: I really don't know how I feel about this, I'm definitely going to miss EF but I hope that I tied up any lose ends. It's been brought to my attention that Lucius was in jail at the beginning and then mysteriously appeared at Hogwarts, so sorry for such a mistake. Anyways, I don't usually write epilogues, so I hope this wasn't too bad, and that you enjoyed it.

Reviews are Love! =D