Author's Note: Hey guys!!!!! Sorry for the late update, since I entered school, it's been so overwhelming, I'm exhausted! hehehe well not too much heheh! Anyway I'm going to be posting up chapters every once in a while I can, and I hope you guys are patient with me. Thanks for those who actually review and those who put my story in favorites and alerts and blah blah blah! Well anyway before I get ahead of myself here it's another update of the story! I hope you guys like it and review, and if you don't well review anyway!

Disclaimer: I wish I did own it because if I did I wouldn't have done it into a movie!

"You ready?" Jake asked as he opened the back. I grumbled as I loaded my heavy bag in the trunk. He smiled as I entered. Sometimes I question myself for the situations I get into. I sighed as he drove on the empty dirt road, tuning on the static radio. It was dark outside and I couldn't see a thing in the bliss of night. Jake hummed along a random song that was playing as he drove. I tried to settle in the seat but it was too hard for my taste but I managed somehow. Wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, I closed my eyes, finding the darkness that would embrace me in a few.

My finger tips ran softly over the soft lilies that sat beside me. My hair brushed away with the steady of the soft wind. My eye lids shut as I had already taken in my surrounding, inhaling the smell of minty fresh trees and warm damp ground that I was sitting on. I recognized a stream of water was up ahead, along with the silence of nothing but the steady wind. Once again I opened my eyes, draining in the sight of the large pine trees that surrounded the field in a semi-circle.

The dim light of the sky that splashed with soft fire colors lit the small beautiful meadow. I stayed still for a while, my eyes closed and only feeling the breeze. After a while of savoring the feeling, I felt that for some reason I wasn't alone anymore. Opening my eyes again, my eyes roamed around and saw that a strange figure sitting far ahead with their back turned to me. I guess I was right. I didn't recognize the figure since if it were Jacob then his build would have been broader. As much as I loved the soft light that the sky forecasted, I couldn't see the person's appearance. Cautiously, I decided to take a closer look at who this fortunate person was.

Creeping behind them, I saw that it was a young man but he didn't seem to stir or look for the intrusion. Seeing as that was my access to move forward, I quietly stood a few paces away and got a closer look. What shocked me the most was not that he had his eyes closed with a peaceful look, but that I had recognized him! It was the young Greek God himself! I was more shocked that coincidently I had met him again in a breath taking place like this.

I then decided to leave him alone in his own peaceful world so I turned around and was about to walk back quietly until I hear soft melodic sound.


I stopped suddenly and looked back slowly. His green emerald eyes were now open and staring at mine intently. We stood in our place silent just staring at each other for a few seconds, although it felt like hours, before he spoke up.

"You're the girl from the other day" he said quietly as he stood up gracefully. He towered me as he got closer. I nodded, not knowing what to say. He then took the back of my hand and kissed lightly on the back of it. I felt heat warm my cheek as I saw his eyes never left mine. "May I ask why you are here, young ma'am?"

As I took back my hand I tried to avoid his gaze. "I should be asking the same for you"

He then nodded and smiled as he must have seen the blush that was intensifying. "Well I think that we both have just coincidentally bumped into each other" he said looking around the small meadow. "I usually come here to think and when I try to be alone."

I immediately felt guilty. Did I intrude his privacy? "Oh, I'm very sorry I didn't know this was your-"He cut me off with a chuckle.

"It's quite alright, I didn't mean that you were invading or anything, it's just quite different to see someone out here"

I nodded as we both stood still in silence once more. He then sighed and grabbed hold of my hand, though he hesitated for a second, then gently guided me towards the middle of the field. He patted the ground as if indicating for me to sit next to him. Blushing once more I sat beside him, and once of too many times we stayed in silence watching as the sky turned into different shades of color.

After a while I decided to break the comfortable silence. I was curious for why he was here. "Are you always here alone?"

He gazed at me from the corner of his eye."Yes it's the only place I find peace out of all the bloodshed I have to live through"

"Bloodshed?" I asked. I hope I wasn't invading too much of his personal life.

He nodded. "Yes I'm a soldier"

So I was right. He must have been sending a message to Charlie about something… but what? Before I could ask anymore, he turned to me with a steady gaze. "May I ask what your name is?"

I said nothing for a few minutes debating if I should tell this man my real name. I then decided maybe my nickname would be better until I get to know him better that is if I ever see him again… "Bella, my name is Bella."

"Hm… Bella, what a beautiful name for a beautiful maiden" He said with a crooked smile. I think my heart stopped. I then got out of my stupor. He might be leaving soon if he is asking.

"And yours?"

His smile was so angelic. "Edward."


I awoke abruptly and an arm was held out putting me still on my chair. Since my mind was foggy from the sleepiness, I didn't know where I was at first.

"Sorry bells" A rough voice said next to me. I turn to see Jake was scowling out the window. I turned to see what he was glaring at and saw a deer was prancing by. The deer must have flounced out in front of the car while Jake drove hitting the brakes in time. I sighed as I saw the sun rising up slowly. I guess it was all a dream. But it felt so real I could have sworn that it was reality, or was it really a dream? I heard Jake start singing again to a song very off tune…No I think I'm pretty sure it was a dream after all…

"Hey bells" Jake asked after a while of humming and singing. I looked at him to continue. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" he said with a hint of amusement. Great, now another person is added to the list of who were going to tease me of my sleep talking!

"Don't worry I sleep walk myself" He said with a grin. Beautiful.

Author's Note: Hey!! Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you guys like it! I won't be able to update really fast so please people be patient with me okies? But if you review I can update sooner than you can think, eh, eh?? Well anyway thanks anyway!! So please review your thoughts on how you think the story will go and what path it's going to take! And if you don't like it well review that too!!!!!!! Chocolate cheesecakes for any who review!!!!!!